Well-Known Member
Oh I hate that when I have no strength in my hands!! It's so hard to do anything! I pulled a back muscle last week when I did my Turbo Jam Cardio Party workout, but it wasn't too bad. I felt it straining and stopped so it never got too bad. I just got a bad position on one of the back kicks. I didn't get out to do anything today. I would have gotten some steps in at work, but I had to call in. The weather is awful. Three people have died tonight because wind blew trees on them. Yesterday, a tree fell on a woman's car and she had to have firemen cut her out of her car, but she was ok, and a policeman was hospitalized when a roofing tile was torn off a building and hit him in the head, and the wind blew some guy's car off a road and into a ditch, but all of them are ok. Today 3 people died. Well, at least 3, and that's just in Amsterdam and just the ones we've heard about so far, but our street lamps are swaying, they sent out a national alert on everyone's phones not to go outside if not completely necessary, so I called in to work. I'd be on my way home now if I'd gone and it sounds really bad out there....just looking out the window, the thick metal street light poles are waving. It's apparently really bad on the coast....we're about as far inland as you can get and still be in the Netherlands. We're minutes from the German border, but even here, the wind gusts are like 70-80 miles per hour. They've shut down a lot of public trains running since 2 pm and they aren't going tomorrow morning either. It's bad. Needless to say, it wasn't safe to go out for a walk of any sort, and I didn't go to work.I haven't gotten to walk yet. Between a hectic schedule and bad weather, there hasn't been time. The younger one is playing at a sports complex this weekend that has walking trails, so I'm hoping to walk some between games. I have been doing arms with my 8lb weights. I have to be really careful because it's tempting to go into a squat with some movements. I also don't think my forearms were ready to wake up just yet. Not an area we normally think about straining, but I'm finding it very challenging to use the spray button on my saline wound wash.I did try to use my twist plate for my core, since it isn't really a machine and there's very little use of the legs. Unfortunately, the slight twisting movement that trickles down into the legs was pretty uncomfortable. So, shelving that for a while.