working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
And that's just's different when it's tied to Autism. I do also wonder if some people I know with hardcore picky eaters should have had their kids tested. Some of the stories I've heard mirror Autistic food meltdowns. Of course, I've seen plenty of grown people who maintained food aversions into adulthood who are just picky. I have one work friend that will scrape off any frosting and spoon out any filling if cupcakes are brought in. I always joke that she really just wanted a muffin. I have another friend with such serious aversions that she usually has to order from the kids' menu when they go out. White cake and box mix strawberry cake are the only cakes that don't freak her out. She just panics over "stuff."

Some people get drunk with power in some roles while others build a business just to learn that they have no business managing people. This guy was a jeweler and I was hired into a marketing and admin role. Most of my time was spent making calls to buyers/stores/boutiques in anticipation of upcoming mailings, trade shows, and targeted sales trips...while also updating our systems for any contact info changes. My grandfather was a jeweler, so I thought this might be something I might like, but the owner made the work environment unbearable. The jewelry was amazing, but the work environment was so toxic. Even the VP, that I once had to travel with to NC/SC, was creepy. Thankfully he just said some sketchy things and nothing more...and the trip allowed me to play with the jewelry. We had to travel with so much insurance because of the value of the pieces in the jewelry case and the VP was required to be armed. If we'd traveled with anything more than a certain amount, we would also have to have an armed detail. In any event, I always thought the owner was up to no good. I just saw that his company was involuntarily dissolved about 9 years after I quit.

Growing up outside of a major city was also probably a factor for us...more people and more things moving in and out from all over. In high school, it was all about experimentation and there definitely was some peer pressure, but nothing too awful either. My parents were more about taking safer knowing it was safe to call for help or for a ride. In college, it was kind of assumed that you already had tried what you wanted to try before showing up, so it wasn't so much the novelty of what someone had gotten, but just part of the way some people partied or relaxed. I'm sure a lot was also personal social circles. All of my friend groups liked to hit bars and parties in our downtime. It was some of the same when I moved back to FL for a couple of years. I will say that the bar parts in college and just after did a good job of preparing me for my early years in the work world. There were always happy hours...for networking, team building, promotion celebrations, etc. I remember there were some older kids who would try stuff like that as a joke, not seeing the issues with it. I actually started smoking (cigarettes) during my freshman year in high school. Back then, nobody monitored age and they were cheap, so you saw a lot of teen smoking. I didn't give it up until a year after K was born. I did quit during the pregnancy, but I started back up after. I would never smoke inside, so she wasn't exposed like that, but I hung onto that for a while.
I definitely have some food issues myself, and sometimes I do wonder if I am "high functioning autistic". Apparently it manifests differently in girls and is not always recognized because of that. We went to a reading with an expert on Autism. She wrote several books, including one with a neurologist where they explained exactly what is happening in the brain...very interesting. Anyway, they mentioned that you see so many boys getting diagnosed than girls, which is not to say that it affects boys more often, but rather that it's harder to diagnose in girls. And what they said really fit in a lot of ways with things I've always struggled with. Like my mom would say I could look directly at something and not see it. That's an autism trait. And the picky eaters, especially with textures. My mom would get SO angry about me not liking certain foods. And I've always needed very clear instructions and I'm a stickler for rules (as long as I know the reason for the rule.) Who knows? But there are definitely things that make me wonder.

Well, I wonder why the company was dissolved. That's interesting. I've had my share of awful bosses, usually ones who didn't know the business well enough themselves to run it. I had a boss for one summer in the dorms. I worked the front desks, and in the summer, the dorms became conference lodging. This boss was new to the residence halls. Conferences and camps paid different rates depending on what they, a law conference probably all wanted their own rooms whereas a football camp gave the kids roommates. And a long running conference probably brought their own towels so they could be washed whenever, whereas a shorter conference might pay extra for towel rental for those 2 days. But if they didn't pay for towels, you couldn't give them towels. They might come down to the desk and ask for towels, but you couldn't give them to them if they hadn't paid for rental. One person kept coming back and demanding a towel, and I kept calling the boss and she kept telling me no, I couldn't give them to them. Then I was off shift and my friend took over, the person came back and tried again, and she said no, sorry, we can't supply towels because that wasn't in your package. They demanded to talk to the boss, so the boss comes in and just hands over the towel, and then berates my friend for not giving them the towels SHE told her not to give out. She was constantly breaking rules and then would blame us in front of the guest telling us it was our fault, making us look bad when SHE was the one who made us do it. I was glad she only made it one year and then she was gone.

Well, E's friend had a sudden burst of enlightenment....I'm wondering if something happened over the weekend with her parents, that they found the cigarettes, discovered her grades, or maybe both? I don't know, but apparently she came in on Tuesday announcing that she was going to quit smoking and she was changing her profile. Changing your profile is a HUGE's not done. They are very careful to tell you that you need to be sure of your profile, because there's no changing it. Each profile has certain requirements and once you've started, you can't switch because you haven't taken the requirements for the other profile. E and this friend are both doing the Nature and Tech profile, which requires Physics, Chemistry, and the most difficult math, but NOT Biology. E is taking Biology as an elective, becuase with that, she also has the Nature and Health profile, and basically any career is open to her if she has both of those. The biology teacher begged E's friend NOT to take Biology....she's not good at it and she questions everything and says it's not true. Anyway, originally, she had planned to do the Culture and Social studies profile, which requires the easiest math and does not require any of the sciences. Why she switched right at the deadline is a mystery. When they were choosing their profiles, each teacher had to give them advice about whether they were likely to be able to handle the work in their class in the upper grades. E got all positives, this girl got all like....everything but music or something. The math teacher gave her a negative for both the hard math and the easier one. They don't get advice about the easiest one because the only profile that allows that is the Culture and SS one, because they don't really need complicated math for that. Everyone should be able to handle it. But she got a negative for both of the standard math classes, AND for Physics, Biology, Chemistry, etc...and for some reason, she still chose the profile that requires those classes. Well, now she got a 1.3 on her math test, and a 1.5 on her Physics test or something...she's not doing well. The school is making an exception to let her change her profile. But only from NT to NG, so now she'll have to take Biology, but can drop Physics. I don't know how she's going to catch up with the Biology she's missed though. She's going to take the lesser of the 2 maths, but now she's coming in a couple of months in and hasn't studied the same things they have, and hasn't done Biology all year. Anyway, for them to make an exception, it must be really serious. And since last week was the week to sign up for parent teacher conferences, and teachers could request a conference with parents, too, I'm betting her parents got a BUNCH of requests from the teachers, and I wonder if that was the catalyst for her suddenly announcing that she was changing profiles. I doubt she decided that on her own...I'm betting she had a less than pleasant weekend once her parents found out how poorly she was doing and I bet they called the school to see what could be done. In any case, if the school agreed to let her change profiles, it was NOT a minor issue.


Well-Known Member

I'm checking in with a workout called "15 Minute Fat Burn 11X." It was just a lot of bodyweight exercises. I do dread some of the moves (burpees), but I only had to do them for 45 sec and never see them again in the workout. I spent another 15 min cooling down and doing lots of long stretches.

I'm sorry I've been gone, I just felt low energy like I always do this time of year. I usually go into 'energy conservation mode' and do the bare minimum every day. :p

I'm going to visit my grandmother this weekend and I am hoping everyone on the plane behaves. What a time to be alive, eh?
Ugh....burbees and I do NOT get along. That sounds miserable.

I'm sorry you are feeling down. Are you getting enough sunlight? I've heard that some people have that this time of year because the days are shorter, etc. It's an actual medical issue.

Good luck with the flights and whatnot! Our covid numbers have shot up again and masks are mandated again starting Saturday. I've been wearing one this whole time anyway. They are also "urgently advising" distancing, and working from home, but those aren't mandated, so no one one distanced even when it was mandated. And they are requiring the corona check app for entry to outside terraces now, too, where those were not required to prove vaccination or negative test before. So they are ramping up restrictions again, but I don't think they are going far enough. No mask mandates for schools, no mandate for distancing....we'll see if numbers go down, but I doubt it. In any case, I'm glad you get to see your grandmother!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I haven't checked in until now, and it might be a while before I get back. The new Outlander book is coming out in a couple of weeks and I'm re-reading the last 2 to refresh my memory of what's happened before the new one comes out. But they are HUGE books, so it takes a while. I only have 300 pages left in An Echo in the Bone, and then I have Written in My Own Heart's Blood. Hopefully I'll have it read before I get Go Tell the Bees that I Am Gone, so I can start on it right away. But I'm spending all my hobby time reading books rather than being here. Just to let you all know, I'm fine, nothing wrong. Just focusing on another hobby at the moment.

Oh, but my driving instructor still has covid and can't be in the car, so I haven't had a lesson in a few weeks, and I'm supposed to take my test next week. Can't practice outside of lessons here, so I may not have any more lessons before the test, and if he's not better, one of his colleagues has to go pick up the car for me to use for the exam, but in any case, I WILL get to take my test. Whether or not I'll be PREPARED for that test is another question. One lesson in the month before my test hardly seems adequate, but there's not really any alternative as my instructor is the only one from the company who gives lessons in my town. I can't get lessons with someone else as a sub. So...wish me luck, because I'm really nervous about it.


Premium Member
Original Poster
I'm sorry I haven't checked in until now, and it might be a while before I get back. The new Outlander book is coming out in a couple of weeks and I'm re-reading the last 2 to refresh my memory of what's happened before the new one comes out. But they are HUGE books, so it takes a while. I only have 300 pages left in An Echo in the Bone, and then I have Written in My Own Heart's Blood. Hopefully I'll have it read before I get Go Tell the Bees that I Am Gone, so I can start on it right away. But I'm spending all my hobby time reading books rather than being here. Just to let you all know, I'm fine, nothing wrong. Just focusing on another hobby at the moment.

Oh, but my driving instructor still has covid and can't be in the car, so I haven't had a lesson in a few weeks, and I'm supposed to take my test next week. Can't practice outside of lessons here, so I may not have any more lessons before the test, and if he's not better, one of his colleagues has to go pick up the car for me to use for the exam, but in any case, I WILL get to take my test. Whether or not I'll be PREPARED for that test is another question. One lesson in the month before my test hardly seems adequate, but there's not really any alternative as my instructor is the only one from the company who gives lessons in my town. I can't get lessons with someone else as a sub. So...wish me luck, because I'm really nervous about it.
IMHO having a much better instructor even though you will have had less lessons will work to your advantage. Try not to stress and good luck


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Yesterday I ended up going to the gym after work. I swam laps. I ended up swimming for 30 minutes. My ankle was sore afterwards, but not to the same extent as after trying the elliptical. I'm going to try calling my podiatrist tomorrow (she's closed today) to see about doing the cortisone shot.

Tomorrow I either make it before work or not at all, so we shall see.

The HVAC unit in he building has to be taken down next week, so I don't have to go in at all. This probably means I'll be working out at home, so we shall see how I do.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Nice to hear from you, and learn about your newest workout. (You've tried many different ones over time, so always interesting to read about your latest as well.)

I hope your weekend trip is fun and a nice diversion for you. Sometimes getting away for a quick trip is great! :)

Thank you for the kind words. I'm one of those people who needs to change my workouts up or I start dreading them.

We're staying at a Residence Inn, so I'll have somewhere to workout without waking up my husband. I'm packing my yoga mat and some resistance bands.


Well-Known Member
Trying to push activity again today. I've done a few short rounds on the climber, a set on the squat machine, a few miles on the bike, and some arms with the 8lb weights. I'm hoping to add in more as the day progresses, but I'm also having some knee pain and want to be careful. Part of me would like to go for a walk, but we had a lot of rain yesterday and it turns things into a sloppy mess.

Sam is quickly improving. Her range of motion is nearly 100% and her strength is rapidly improving. Last night, she was able to grip her bat and hold it in a batting stance. Finer movements, like tying her shoes, have also already come back to her. The pin sites can start going band-aid free today. The rash is improving, but from what I'm seeing, it may be a few weeks before it's completely gone and the doctor may still want her to do more evals. Being optimisitic!

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Did you ever convince your son to get the vaccine?

No. He is really recalcitrant. I was able to talk him into the flu vaccine, though. He's gotten one annually and all of the sudden he said he didn't want one this year. He thought they would sneak the covid vaccine into it. :rolleyes: He's smarter than this, I swear. The pharmacist told him that the covid vaccines have to be pulled out of a vial, whereas the flu vaccine is pre-filled. She was really good with him. It's one less thing I have to worry about. We once ended up in the ER with him because he had a high fever and really out of it. It was the flu. I don't want him in an ER unvaccinated.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Trying to push activity again today. I've done a few short rounds on the climber, a set on the squat machine, a few miles on the bike, and some arms with the 8lb weights. I'm hoping to add in more as the day progresses, but I'm also having some knee pain and want to be careful. Part of me would like to go for a walk, but we had a lot of rain yesterday and it turns things into a sloppy mess.

Sam is quickly improving. Her range of motion is nearly 100% and her strength is rapidly improving. Last night, she was able to grip her bat and hold it in a batting stance. Finer movements, like tying her shoes, have also already come back to her. The pin sites can start going band-aid free today. The rash is improving, but from what I'm seeing, it may be a few weeks before it's completely gone and the doctor may still want her to do more evals. Being optimisitic!
Continued good news and I wouldn't worry doctors always say they may need to do more evals to cover their butt


Premium Member
Original Poster
No. He is really recalcitrant. I was able to talk him into the flu vaccine, though. He's gotten one annually and all of the sudden he said he didn't want one this year. He thought they would sneak the covid vaccine into it. :rolleyes: He's smarter than this, I swear. The pharmacist told him that the covid vaccines have to be pulled out of a vial, whereas the flu vaccine is pre-filled. She was really good with him. It's one less thing I have to worry about. We once ended up in the ER with him because he had a high fever and really out of it. It was the flu. I don't want him in an ER unvaccinated.
I'm so sorry to hear that even more so that those who have a mental condition are eligible for boosters because the risk of covid impacting their mental health is too high.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Trying to push activity again today. I've done a few short rounds on the climber, a set on the squat machine, a few miles on the bike, and some arms with the 8lb weights. I'm hoping to add in more as the day progresses, but I'm also having some knee pain and want to be careful. Part of me would like to go for a walk, but we had a lot of rain yesterday and it turns things into a sloppy mess.

Sam is quickly improving. Her range of motion is nearly 100% and her strength is rapidly improving. Last night, she was able to grip her bat and hold it in a batting stance. Finer movements, like tying her shoes, have also already come back to her. The pin sites can start going band-aid free today. The rash is improving, but from what I'm seeing, it may be a few weeks before it's completely gone and the doctor may still want her to do more evals. Being optimisitic!

I was skimming back a few pages and I read about your daughter. Wow. That's amazing that she's healing so rapidly and she's regaining her strength and range of motion. The perks of being young!

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Ugh....burbees and I do NOT get along. That sounds miserable.

I'm sorry you are feeling down. Are you getting enough sunlight? I've heard that some people have that this time of year because the days are shorter, etc. It's an actual medical issue.

Good luck with the flights and whatnot! Our covid numbers have shot up again and masks are mandated again starting Saturday. I've been wearing one this whole time anyway. They are also "urgently advising" distancing, and working from home, but those aren't mandated, so no one one distanced even when it was mandated. And they are requiring the corona check app for entry to outside terraces now, too, where those were not required to prove vaccination or negative test before. So they are ramping up restrictions again, but I don't think they are going far enough. No mask mandates for schools, no mandate for distancing....we'll see if numbers go down, but I doubt it. In any case, I'm glad you get to see your grandmother!!

I have regular depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder. I have a light box that I use from Sept until March or April. I get up early and I sit under it while I read email, catch up on the news, etc. I take meds, too.

Our rates in my county were going up for a while and now they are trending down. I'm not letting my guard down with this. When I get my hair done, I am the only one in the salon wearing a mask. I don't care. Every infection is an opportunity to mutate. We probably won't go out to eat until it's warm again and we can dine outdoors. It kills me, because my birthday is in December and my husband won't dine indoors. I'd like to not have carry outs again on my birthday this year! :p

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry to hear that even more so that those who have a mental condition are eligible for boosters because the risk of covid impacting their mental health is too high.

Yes. My doctor's office sent me a message through their portal suggesting I get a booster, since the CDC added people with mood disorders as high risk of getting a severe case of covid. My son remains unmoved. I don't know what or who the heck got to him.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Yes. My doctor's office sent me a message through their portal suggesting I get a booster, since the CDC added people with mood disorders as high risk of getting a severe case of covid. My son remains unmoved. I don't know what or who the heck got to him.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't that both you and your dh eligible for boosters? Maybe let your ds know how at risk you are and he should do it to protect you

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Thank you. I did manage to get quite a few candles and soap made while I was not doing as well. I still have more wax melts to get done before moving onto lip balms

Have you heard of Brambleberry? I get my soaping supplies from there. She has an awesome line of scent oils. She also sells candle supplies and different kits for making lotions and lip glosses.

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