Well I never liked driving and I really dreaded having to get my license. My mom told me I could renew my permit once, but I had to get my license when I turned 17. So I renewed my permit on my 16th birthday, but it takes a while before they send the hard copy. They apparently had an issue with the photo machine and they had to call a bunch of people back to redo their photos, which put them behind with doing hardcopies. They were in a rush to get caught up, they saw my birthdate and just assumed it was supposed to be a license. I didn't even notice it until a friend saw it and asked "When did you get your license??" and I said I only had a permit. She pointed it out, I thought she was joking, so I asked my mom and mom called the DMV, but they couldn't really take it back so they said congratulations.
Here, you can't get your license until you're 18. You can start taking lessons at 16.5, so E will start lessons in a year. She's not looking forward to it.
Well, it's only a partial lockdown, really. Everything is still open, it's just reduced hours and a lot of things require a QR code to prove that you've been vaccinated, recovered from covid, or tested negative in the past 24 hours. They are discussing the possibility of reducing the QR code validity to only people who are vaccinated or recovered. We reached a new record high of almost 21,000 cases in 24 hours. In the last wave back in July, the highest number was around 14,000 per day....we're over 20,000 per day now, so it's really exploded. They are worried about hospitals reaching capacity, and already they are having to cancel procedures for other things because they don't have the space. They can't put people recovering from surgery in rooms with Covid patients, but they don't have enough beds outside of the covid units, so everything else is having to be postponed. My driving instructor's wife needs to have some sort of surgery on her heart, but they can't get her in because the hospitals are all full of covid patients. So they are needing to reduce numbers, but people are really resistant to the idea of a lockdown. So they are mandating masks in public spaces, and "advising" distancing again which they weren't anymore as of about a month ago. They basically lifted the restrictions too quickly and now the cases are shooting up again, so now they want to decrease them again without actually closing things. So we have to see if it works to have restaurants close at 8pm, and to require the QR code....but the QR code has been in place since they lifted the restrictions in October, so I don't see how that's going to suddenly make it all better. The only difference is that you didn't need a QR for outdoor dining or for clubs and organizations like choir rehearsals, and now you do. And they are discussing the option of the QR code for negative tests not being valid for entry. There's one political party that is wanting to go even further and say that you have to be vaccinated AND have a negative test result in the last 24 hours for entry. The problem is that test locations are SO busy. My driving instructor got covid about a month ago and I had to get tested twice in that week to make sure I hadn't caught it from him. You could literally just show up at a test location....I made appointments, but I didn't really need one, and I actually had problems getting the 2nd test late enough. It had to be 5 days from my last contact with the infected person, but every time I tried to make an appointment, it would only give me options up to a couple of hours from the time I logged in, so I couldn't make an appointment in advance. I had to wait until late the night before I wanted to take the test to make an appointment for the following day, and I had the results a few hours later. My husband has a stuffy nose and headache, etc, so he needs to get tested, but it took him HOURS today just to access the site to make an appointment because the system was overwhelmed by so many people trying to get tested. He finally managed to get an appointment for tomorrow at 11am, but it's also taking a few days to get results, so by the time you get a negative result, it's not valid for entry to a restaurant or museum anymore, because it wasn't done in the past 24 hours. So if they decide to require vaccination AND a negative test for entry, they might as well just do a full-on lockdown, because no one will be able to get a valid QR code with the number of people needing to be tested.
And the QR code is causing a lot of controversy. We have to get our QR codes checked before every rehearsal for choir. When it was announced a week ago Friday, the board asked all of us how strictly we wanted to adhere to the regulations. Some people said if we required QR codes, they wouldn't be able to come, and some said if we DIDN'T require them, they WOULDN'T come. I had a parent teacher conference the night they discussed it, but apparently one of the gals took it really badly that they decided to require the QR codes, and she got mad and yelled at them all about how they were letting the government scare them into giving up their freedom, and she quit on the spot and stormed out. Not sorry I missed that one. I guess it was extremely awkward and no one felt like they could respond because she was so aggressive about it, so they all just sat there listening to her rant and then she stormed out and left all the app groups. So all clubs and organizations are supposed to check the QR codes each time, and I'm sure ours isn't the ONLY one with some members who were resistant to that because they can't get a valid code. So it's not really a lockdown, though that's what they are calling it. But it's kind of like what they did last year....cases increased and they didn't want to lock down, so they put in the mask mandate. That didn't bring cases down quickly enough, so then they put in a curfew. That didn't help, so they banned alcohol sales after 7pm or something....that didn't work. Every 2 weeks they would "Re-evaluate" and see that cases still weren't decreasing, so they'd try something else that was obviously not going to help much. Then finally it reached a point where they didn't know what to do and had to admit defeat and they locked down the week before Christmas, and then kept having to extend the lockdown because cases weren't decreasing fast enough because people were finding their way around restrictions. Some were just ignoring them completely and still partying, some avoided the curfew by just going to a party early and not leaving until the next morning, people refused to wear masks and businesses got tired of aggressive customers when they asked them to put on a mask, so they stopped asking. We ended up in lockdown from the week before Christmas to March. I'm guessing the same thing is going to happen this year....first they try the mask mandate and reducing hours, but that's not going to keep people home. So in 3 weeks, they will re-evaluate and they will discover that it's not helping, or at least not enough, and they will try something else bound to fail. They will try to avoid an actual lockdown and eventually have to lock down for even longer because it will get so out of hand. I'm thinking we're in for another Christmas with no visitors allowed and nothing open.