working out for Disney


Premium Member
Original Poster
Have you heard of Brambleberry? I get my soaping supplies from there. She has an awesome line of scent oils. She also sells candle supplies and different kits for making lotions and lip glosses.
Yup she's good for some items. I also like wholesale supplies Plus and Nature's Garden. They both have good quality products, a larger selection and with WSP free shipping


Well-Known Member
I definitely have some food issues myself, and sometimes I do wonder if I am "high functioning autistic". Apparently it manifests differently in girls and is not always recognized because of that. We went to a reading with an expert on Autism. She wrote several books, including one with a neurologist where they explained exactly what is happening in the brain...very interesting. Anyway, they mentioned that you see so many boys getting diagnosed than girls, which is not to say that it affects boys more often, but rather that it's harder to diagnose in girls. And what they said really fit in a lot of ways with things I've always struggled with. Like my mom would say I could look directly at something and not see it. That's an autism trait. And the picky eaters, especially with textures. My mom would get SO angry about me not liking certain foods. And I've always needed very clear instructions and I'm a stickler for rules (as long as I know the reason for the rule.) Who knows? But there are definitely things that make me wonder.

Well, I wonder why the company was dissolved. That's interesting. I've had my share of awful bosses, usually ones who didn't know the business well enough themselves to run it. I had a boss for one summer in the dorms. I worked the front desks, and in the summer, the dorms became conference lodging. This boss was new to the residence halls. Conferences and camps paid different rates depending on what they, a law conference probably all wanted their own rooms whereas a football camp gave the kids roommates. And a long running conference probably brought their own towels so they could be washed whenever, whereas a shorter conference might pay extra for towel rental for those 2 days. But if they didn't pay for towels, you couldn't give them towels. They might come down to the desk and ask for towels, but you couldn't give them to them if they hadn't paid for rental. One person kept coming back and demanding a towel, and I kept calling the boss and she kept telling me no, I couldn't give them to them. Then I was off shift and my friend took over, the person came back and tried again, and she said no, sorry, we can't supply towels because that wasn't in your package. They demanded to talk to the boss, so the boss comes in and just hands over the towel, and then berates my friend for not giving them the towels SHE told her not to give out. She was constantly breaking rules and then would blame us in front of the guest telling us it was our fault, making us look bad when SHE was the one who made us do it. I was glad she only made it one year and then she was gone.

Well, E's friend had a sudden burst of enlightenment....I'm wondering if something happened over the weekend with her parents, that they found the cigarettes, discovered her grades, or maybe both? I don't know, but apparently she came in on Tuesday announcing that she was going to quit smoking and she was changing her profile. Changing your profile is a HUGE's not done. They are very careful to tell you that you need to be sure of your profile, because there's no changing it. Each profile has certain requirements and once you've started, you can't switch because you haven't taken the requirements for the other profile. E and this friend are both doing the Nature and Tech profile, which requires Physics, Chemistry, and the most difficult math, but NOT Biology. E is taking Biology as an elective, becuase with that, she also has the Nature and Health profile, and basically any career is open to her if she has both of those. The biology teacher begged E's friend NOT to take Biology....she's not good at it and she questions everything and says it's not true. Anyway, originally, she had planned to do the Culture and Social studies profile, which requires the easiest math and does not require any of the sciences. Why she switched right at the deadline is a mystery. When they were choosing their profiles, each teacher had to give them advice about whether they were likely to be able to handle the work in their class in the upper grades. E got all positives, this girl got all like....everything but music or something. The math teacher gave her a negative for both the hard math and the easier one. They don't get advice about the easiest one because the only profile that allows that is the Culture and SS one, because they don't really need complicated math for that. Everyone should be able to handle it. But she got a negative for both of the standard math classes, AND for Physics, Biology, Chemistry, etc...and for some reason, she still chose the profile that requires those classes. Well, now she got a 1.3 on her math test, and a 1.5 on her Physics test or something...she's not doing well. The school is making an exception to let her change her profile. But only from NT to NG, so now she'll have to take Biology, but can drop Physics. I don't know how she's going to catch up with the Biology she's missed though. She's going to take the lesser of the 2 maths, but now she's coming in a couple of months in and hasn't studied the same things they have, and hasn't done Biology all year. Anyway, for them to make an exception, it must be really serious. And since last week was the week to sign up for parent teacher conferences, and teachers could request a conference with parents, too, I'm betting her parents got a BUNCH of requests from the teachers, and I wonder if that was the catalyst for her suddenly announcing that she was changing profiles. I doubt she decided that on her own...I'm betting she had a less than pleasant weekend once her parents found out how poorly she was doing and I bet they called the school to see what could be done. In any case, if the school agreed to let her change profiles, it was NOT a minor issue.

It's so commonly diagnosed in boys, but like you said, you rarely hear about people discussing it with girls. ADD and ADHD are also more commonly diagnosed in boys vs. girls. It's entirely possible some things with you are tied to it, but who knows. Things were very different when we were growing up, and so much was shrugged off if it wasn't anything too different or disruptive. Both of us came from households where you'd go hungry if you didn't eat what was being served, and have fairly adventurous tastes as a result. I always heard about picky eaters, but never seeing it first hand, I never even thought of something like Autism being to blame. I mean, I know now, but even when the kids were young, we pushed so hard against any pickiness they displayed. Sam is definitely more picky than Kendall, but we had enough successful tests like this funny one that we just kept trying things like this.

I have all kinds of theories on why it dissolved. It looks like the case against them started in 2000 and took 6 years to play out in the courts. I've had bosses do things like that too. We have certain rules and policies in place, but nowadays, so many people demand to speak to your superior. You get chewed out by a client, just to have a person above you step in, grant an exception, and they come off looking like a hero. Your friend being berated about it makes it even worse.

Interesting about that girl and the profile change allowance. I wonder if it will ever slip as to why it was allowed and what major this or that happened to get the ball even rolling on it. In the end, hopefully it's all for the best...because it doesn't sound like she's been headed in a good direction. So, hopefully with this, she'll be able to turn a corner and get her life and education back on track.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

I did 2 YouTube videos this morning and yesterday I did some Barre-type workout.

I made a coffee cake today to take to my gram. I snuck a bit and it's really good. :inlove:

My husband booked us on Southwest. *sigh* He checked us in and we are B 26 and 27, which means we'll likely be sitting away from each other. It's not the end of the world, since it's a short flight. I hope there are not loads of 'seat savers' on this flight. It was so ridiculous on our flight from MCO.

I was feeling lazy today, so I just threw some chicken with salsa and some spices into my crock pot. I am going to serve it with some rice, veggies and taco toppings.


Well-Known Member
I was skimming back a few pages and I read about your daughter. Wow. That's amazing that she's healing so rapidly and she's regaining her strength and range of motion. The perks of being young!

Yes! I have a friend with Lupus who has had several surgical procedures over the last couple of months and she was shocked with the quick recovery...until she considered her age vs. Sam's.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I'm sorry I haven't checked in until now, and it might be a while before I get back. The new Outlander book is coming out in a couple of weeks and I'm re-reading the last 2 to refresh my memory of what's happened before the new one comes out. But they are HUGE books, so it takes a while. I only have 300 pages left in An Echo in the Bone, and then I have Written in My Own Heart's Blood. Hopefully I'll have it read before I get Go Tell the Bees that I Am Gone, so I can start on it right away. But I'm spending all my hobby time reading books rather than being here. Just to let you all know, I'm fine, nothing wrong. Just focusing on another hobby at the moment.

Oh, but my driving instructor still has covid and can't be in the car, so I haven't had a lesson in a few weeks, and I'm supposed to take my test next week. Can't practice outside of lessons here, so I may not have any more lessons before the test, and if he's not better, one of his colleagues has to go pick up the car for me to use for the exam, but in any case, I WILL get to take my test. Whether or not I'll be PREPARED for that test is another question. One lesson in the month before my test hardly seems adequate, but there's not really any alternative as my instructor is the only one from the company who gives lessons in my town. I can't get lessons with someone else as a sub. So...wish me luck, because I'm really nervous about it.
I was on Fiery Cross when I started class again. I might have more time to read a bit now that this weekend is our last Hersheypark weekend. I'm getting Bees on release date but I might have to wait to read it. I have two months in between classes, so I should have more reading time then.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Happy Friday! 🎉

I am checking in with a quick kettlebell workout. It was actually harder than it looked upon previewing it!

My husband wants to pay extra to get A1-15 boarding at the airport. LOL He has been cranky about it all morning. I guess he didn't remember our seating saga when we came back from MCO. I asked three different people to move over so we could sit in the middle and window seats and we were told no each time. I am hoping my husband keeps his cool. I'm honestly anxious between this and worrying about some idiot screeching about their mask on the flight.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks

Happy Friday! 🎉

I am checking in with a quick kettlebell workout. It was actually harder than it looked upon previewing it!

My husband wants to pay extra to get A1-15 boarding at the airport. LOL He has been cranky about it all morning. I guess he didn't remember our seating saga when we came back from MCO. I asked three different people to move over so we could sit in the middle and window seats and we were told no each time. I am hoping my husband keeps his cool. I'm honestly anxious between this and worrying about some idiot screeching about their mask on the flight.
A new perk on the Southwest credit card is you get two free early bird check ins per year. But only on the card with the $100 annual fee. I have that card; it's well worth it.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
A new perk on the Southwest credit card is you get two free early bird check ins per year. But only on the card with the $100 annual fee. I have that card; it's well worth it.

That’s a nice perk. Unfortunately, I can’t open any credit cards backed by banks, because my husband is a federal bank examiner. I have to buy things like cell phones with cash. I can’t finance anything backed by a bank.

We paid $30 pp to upgrade and we have A 1 and 5. lol


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I actually made it to the gym this morning. Made it in the pool to swim laps.

We're probably not going to Hershey this weekend, which is a bummer, so I might go to the gym tomorrow again. We might go see Eternals in theaters. We haven't been to a movie since pre COVID, and when I suggested it to my brother he was thrilled.


Well-Known Member
I have regular depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder. I have a light box that I use from Sept until March or April. I get up early and I sit under it while I read email, catch up on the news, etc. I take meds, too.

Our rates in my county were going up for a while and now they are trending down. I'm not letting my guard down with this. When I get my hair done, I am the only one in the salon wearing a mask. I don't care. Every infection is an opportunity to mutate. We probably won't go out to eat until it's warm again and we can dine outdoors. It kills me, because my birthday is in December and my husband won't dine indoors. I'd like to not have carry outs again on my birthday this year! :p
We have a mask mandate again as of today, but I needed a new belt and not all places were enforcing it today. We also have to show proof of vaccination or a negative test result to get into restaurants and museums and they added clubs and organizations like choir rehearsals to that starting today, too. I'm proof that the vaccines and masks driving instructor was sitting next to me for over an hour with covid, coughing now and then, and I did not catch it. My birthday is in December as well and we were in lockdown last year and restaurants were closed for dining. A's is also in December and he was really upset about it, because we have always let him choose where to eat for his birthday. I guess we'll see what happens this year.

The new restrictions just started today. Last night, my choir had a performance at a benefit concert. They had asked us to participate like....2 years ago, and the concert was supposed to be last year, but had to be cancelled because of restrictions. There were a lot of different musicians asked to perform, for free obviously. It's not the kind of music we usually do, and we weren't given a choice about it. They told us about a month and a half ago which songs we were doing and told us we had to arrange the music ourselves, etc, and there would be no sound check or rehearsals with the band. They just chose a guitar player, a drummer, etc and sent them the same titles they sent us and told us to send the arrangements to them. A LOT of work for only 1.5 months to get it done, and we had JUST gotten a new director, so he suddenly had to come up with musical arrangements of 3 songs in a style of music that's not our usual style, and teach us our vocal parts. They also asked if a few of us could provide backup vocals for some of the other musical arrangements where they only had the band and the singer. 3 women said yes, they'd do those and they had to get together on their own time and figure out their own background vocals for those songs. Given the start of the new restrictions, we thought they might cancel the event again, but since they didn't start until today, the organization decided to go ahead with it.

Here's the audience that showed up:

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-05 at 8.47.55 PM.jpeg

So because of the rise in cases, one of the gals who had volunteered for the backup vocals decided yesterday afternoon that she wasn't going to come. So one of the other 2 sent me a whatsapp to ask me if I would do it instead. So I had to learn the backup vocals in about 30 minutes to perform them last night. Then we got there and they scrapped one of the numbers. So we only did the one, and the program was running so far behind that we didn't do that one until more than an hour after the scheduled time. So the organizer of the event was really stressed out, needing to cut out some numbers to get back on track, and trying to figure out which ones could be scrapped for time. Our choir volunteered to give up one or 2 of our 3 songs and the gal cut one, telling us she didn't want to cut 2 because we hadn't all come to Dinxperloo just to sing only 1 song. So we waited upstairs until close to the time we were supposed to go on, we went down to the hall, expecting to be called up next, and she gets on the stage to thank everyone for coming to support the cause and thanks to all the musicians who performed, and to the sound tech and organizers and sponsors, etc and we only have time for one more number, so will all the musicians for this one song come up for the Encore....and it wasn't us. They completely cut us out of the program without a word. I had been there for nearly 6 hours, had taken a night off work for it, a couple people had had to arrange for babysitters, and most of them never even got on stage. Only the 3 of us who did the backups on the one song got to perform at all, and all we did was sing "Shine on you crazy diamond. oooooooooo, Shine on you crazy diamond. AAAAAAAAAAAHHH shine." twice. They never even mentioned us or thanked us for coming or apologized for canceling our set. I don't know if there were others who came and didn't get to perform at all, but when she said we would have to do another event sometime since the program had to be shortened and she hoped everyone would be willing to come back, we all looked at each other and said "Yeah, right." We all wasted more than a month of our time preparing for this thing. I had to write the soprano part of one of the songs because our director hadn't gotten that far with the arrangement, so he told us to see what we came up with, and I'm the only trained musician so they all looked at me and just followed what I did. So weeks and weeks of arranging music, rehearsing, practicing at home, only to sit there for hours waiting to go on only to get completely cut. We're more than a little peeved. So far, no one from the organization has made contact to apologize or anything.

Anyway, that's how my weekend started. I didn't get my steps in yesterday because I was waiting to go on stage instead of being at work. I did get some steps in today by going to the centrum to do some Christmas shopping and get a new belt. And now I've finished An Echo in the Bone, so I'm catching up here before I start on Written in my Own Heart's blood. I have about 2 weeks to read that one before the next one comes out. It's slightly shorter than echo, at only 1117 pages, and it took me about a week to read that. So I hope everyone is doing well and healing from various injuries, and I'll be back in a week or so when I finish the next book!


Well-Known Member
It's so commonly diagnosed in boys, but like you said, you rarely hear about people discussing it with girls. ADD and ADHD are also more commonly diagnosed in boys vs. girls. It's entirely possible some things with you are tied to it, but who knows. Things were very different when we were growing up, and so much was shrugged off if it wasn't anything too different or disruptive. Both of us came from households where you'd go hungry if you didn't eat what was being served, and have fairly adventurous tastes as a result. I always heard about picky eaters, but never seeing it first hand, I never even thought of something like Autism being to blame. I mean, I know now, but even when the kids were young, we pushed so hard against any pickiness they displayed. Sam is definitely more picky than Kendall, but we had enough successful tests like this funny one that we just kept trying things like this.

I have all kinds of theories on why it dissolved. It looks like the case against them started in 2000 and took 6 years to play out in the courts. I've had bosses do things like that too. We have certain rules and policies in place, but nowadays, so many people demand to speak to your superior. You get chewed out by a client, just to have a person above you step in, grant an exception, and they come off looking like a hero. Your friend being berated about it makes it even worse.

Interesting about that girl and the profile change allowance. I wonder if it will ever slip as to why it was allowed and what major this or that happened to get the ball even rolling on it. In the end, hopefully it's all for the best...because it doesn't sound like she's been headed in a good direction. So, hopefully with this, she'll be able to turn a corner and get her life and education back on track.

The laugh is for the funny! "Wait, did they put real slobber on there?" I used to try to hide veggies in things the kids liked, like we'd have alfredo and I'd cook broccoli to oblivian and mash it up in that so they wouldn't know there was broccoli in it. But A stopped eating so many of the foods he liked when he was little. He used to LOVE fried potatoes with onion. Before he could even walk on his own, he HATED the high chair, so we got the kids these little tiny chairs and we ate at the coffee table instead of the kitchen table so they could sit on their little chairs instead of in high chairs. A would get up out of his chair and shuffle around the table to our side, grab a handful of our potatoes and shuffle back to his place and put them on his plate. I'd have to make tons of the potatoes so we would actually get some. He'd steal them all. Then one time he got sick and wasn't eating anything. I was worried, so I tried some of his favorites just to get him to eat SOMETHING, and he hasn't eaten them since. I think he associated them with being sick and they no longer felt safe to him. He was so little....only 2 or maybe just barely 3? But that's part of autism too....the association with things. Like something bad happened the last time they went to a particular place....they won't want to go to that place anymore because they associate it with whatever happened. It becomes a trigger. So A associates a lot of foods with other things....for the longest time, he would only eat lasagna at Oma and Opa's house. I could use the exact same ingredients and amounts and everything and he wouldn't eat it if I made it at home. He knew he liked that at Oma and Opa's, but couldn't be sure it was the same at home, so he only ate it at their house.

Yes, I'm hoping this girl gets back on track...I'm really hoping she can catch up with Biology and that the math is easy enough for her. I don't understand why she didn't go back to her original choice that didn't involve either of those subjects, since she was going to have to catch up in classes she hadn't started out with this year anyway, might as well be safe. But hopefully it will work out, because I'm sure they won't let her switch again. I wondered if they would allow her to switch at the end of the year if she doesn't pass this year, just let her redo the year, but with a different profile, but E says she doesn't think so, because then it's been a year since she's had those classes. They have to take EVERYTHING in 3rd year...they had like 16 subjects last year so they were exposed to everything and could make a better choice. But if she goes through this whole year without doing those other classes, then she'd be behind if she tried to switch at the end of the year. So I hope that this one works out for her.


Well-Known Member
The laugh is for the funny! "Wait, did they put real slobber on there?" I used to try to hide veggies in things the kids liked, like we'd have alfredo and I'd cook broccoli to oblivian and mash it up in that so they wouldn't know there was broccoli in it. But A stopped eating so many of the foods he liked when he was little. He used to LOVE fried potatoes with onion. Before he could even walk on his own, he HATED the high chair, so we got the kids these little tiny chairs and we ate at the coffee table instead of the kitchen table so they could sit on their little chairs instead of in high chairs. A would get up out of his chair and shuffle around the table to our side, grab a handful of our potatoes and shuffle back to his place and put them on his plate. I'd have to make tons of the potatoes so we would actually get some. He'd steal them all. Then one time he got sick and wasn't eating anything. I was worried, so I tried some of his favorites just to get him to eat SOMETHING, and he hasn't eaten them since. I think he associated them with being sick and they no longer felt safe to him. He was so little....only 2 or maybe just barely 3? But that's part of autism too....the association with things. Like something bad happened the last time they went to a particular place....they won't want to go to that place anymore because they associate it with whatever happened. It becomes a trigger. So A associates a lot of foods with other things....for the longest time, he would only eat lasagna at Oma and Opa's house. I could use the exact same ingredients and amounts and everything and he wouldn't eat it if I made it at home. He knew he liked that at Oma and Opa's, but couldn't be sure it was the same at home, so he only ate it at their house.

Yes, I'm hoping this girl gets back on track...I'm really hoping she can catch up with Biology and that the math is easy enough for her. I don't understand why she didn't go back to her original choice that didn't involve either of those subjects, since she was going to have to catch up in classes she hadn't started out with this year anyway, might as well be safe. But hopefully it will work out, because I'm sure they won't let her switch again. I wondered if they would allow her to switch at the end of the year if she doesn't pass this year, just let her redo the year, but with a different profile, but E says she doesn't think so, because then it's been a year since she's had those classes. They have to take EVERYTHING in 3rd year...they had like 16 subjects last year so they were exposed to everything and could make a better choice. But if she goes through this whole year without doing those other classes, then she'd be behind if she tried to switch at the end of the year. So I hope that this one works out for her.

We figured they'd just be grossed out by eating tongue, but the slobber concerns were an added bonus. They liked corned beef, so I had a feeling they'd also like tongue. I didn't really lie when I first got them to try it. I said it was a special kind of corned beef, which it is. I always thought my grandfather was kidding when he told me I was eating tongue. It wasn't until I was in a Kosher butcher and saw one in the case did I realize it was no joke. Hey- it tastes good and surprisingly, it's Sam who still goes out of her way to order it. I remember my mom having issues with my brother being picky. He went through a long stretch where all he'd eat was mac & cheese, but the dr wasn't too worried since he'd eat any kind of mac & my mom could steer him away from the Kraft stuff with the powdered cheese. Eventually, it opened the door for cauliflower and broccoli au gratin. I'd heard about food association and I think that's how we were pretty certain we were just dealing with passing phases whenever the girls had food objections. And now I want to hear more about these fried potatoes!

I guess all you can do is hope this change works for her. It sounds like a lot, but who knows...maybe there was some great epiphany and she's ready to make these big changes. Only time will tell.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Well, it turns out I had to go get tested tonight. My driving instructor tested positive. Tuesday afternoon, I had a lesson. He called me a few minutes before to tell me he had a bit of a sore throat, but he had done a self test and it was negative. Masks are mandated for driving lessons and public transportation still, and both the driving instructor and I have been fully vaccinated, so we weren't too worried about it. I had been sick last week with a sore throat and stuffy nose, so I canceled my driving lesson for last week, and his schedule was full the week before that, so it had been a couple of weeks since I had a lesson, and my test is November 11th, so I didn't want to miss ANOTHER lesson when we're vaccinated and masked. I had done 3 self tests over the course of the week and all were negative, so I was pretty confident that I didn't have covid, and I knew it's cold and flu season anyway, so I figured it was likely just a cold. Guess I was wrong and he actually did have covid. So I got tested tonight. But the testing location isn't TOO far would be a really long bike ride, but it's doable by car...about 8 or 9 miles, I think? But it was really easy to get a test scheduled.

My mom had a couple of things stipulated, like I was to get her mom's wedding ring, and my brother was to get my mom's, and there was some other jewelry that had been left to me by other relatives that my mom had just been keeping for me. And she had bought her car with inheritance from her aunt, but had made payments to build a credit line. She had no credit because when she and my dad got married, I don't think women could have credit cards in their own names or something? So my dad's name was on her card. When they divorced, all the credit went to him, and she couldn't get a credit card because she had no credit score herself. My brother is really bad with money and never had money set aside for anything, so when his car died, he didn't have money to take it to a mechanic, and he didn't have money for a new one, and he had gotten in trouble with credit card debt and wasn't allowed to have a credit card for 10 years. So he needed someone to co-sign on a loan for a car, and there was no way I was going to co-sign for him because I knew how that would end up. So my mom got the car specifically to build credit so she could co-sign for my brother on a car. Since it was still really new, she stipulated that he was to get the car if he wanted it, otherwise we could sell it and he could use his half of the money to buy a different one. She hadn't written that in the will, but had told both of us that he got first crack at the car....I was fine with that. I had a car and wasn't interested in it. But the will still said we each got HALF the estate, so the car, if he wanted it, had to come out of his half. He tried to insist that mom intended for him to have the car, so he should get that PLUS half the rest of the estate. When I said no to that, he tried to say we each owned half the car, so he already owned half, and he only needed to pay me HALF the value of my half, because the other half was basically, he should only have to pay me for 1/4 of the car. It made no sense to me. First it was "But I already have plans for that money!" and I was like, well, you can't make plans for money that's not yours! Then it was well the car is worth this much, and my half is this much. So if I pay you half of that, then I've paid for my half. He was trying to confuse me, thinking I'd just give in and let him have it to make it easier. There were other things he manipulated me with and he ended up pawning all the valuable he begged for, telling me he should get this or that for this he should get the china because he didn't have matching dishes, and I did. He should get the antique singer sewing machine because he wanted to sew costumes for things....then all that stuff ended up at the pawn shop. He was just trying to get as many valuables as possible to sell. I got things like doilies my grandmother made, and he got things like silver serving trays. I'm sure it made him angry that I didn't fall for the ruse with the car, and I learned that I just can't trust him when it comes to money because I know he isn't honest and will be trying to trick me so he gets more. It definitely put a strain on our relationship. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it is. I still love him, and I adore his husband even more...he chose well in his partner. But when it comes to money, I can not trust anything he says. I think probably every family has issues somewhere along the line, whether it's siblings, or cousins, or aunts and uncles, etc...I don't think I've ever heard of a family who didn't have at least some sort of fued in their family somewhere along the line. My dad's siblings didn't trust each other, my mom had issues with her brother's wife, I have issues with my brother, my brother wanted nothing to do with my dad...and that's just OUR family. All my friends have issues with people in their families, too. I think it's common because people are, by nature, different and have different tastes and different priorities. They are bound to clash sometimes.
So did you have your driving test yet? I tried to to look back but oy.


Well-Known Member
We figured they'd just be grossed out by eating tongue, but the slobber concerns were an added bonus. They liked corned beef, so I had a feeling they'd also like tongue. I didn't really lie when I first got them to try it. I said it was a special kind of corned beef, which it is. I always thought my grandfather was kidding when he told me I was eating tongue. It wasn't until I was in a Kosher butcher and saw one in the case did I realize it was no joke. Hey- it tastes good and surprisingly, it's Sam who still goes out of her way to order it. I remember my mom having issues with my brother being picky. He went through a long stretch where all he'd eat was mac & cheese, but the dr wasn't too worried since he'd eat any kind of mac & my mom could steer him away from the Kraft stuff with the powdered cheese. Eventually, it opened the door for cauliflower and broccoli au gratin. I'd heard about food association and I think that's how we were pretty certain we were just dealing with passing phases whenever the girls had food objections. And now I want to hear more about these fried potatoes!

I guess all you can do is hope this change works for her. It sounds like a lot, but who knows...maybe there was some great epiphany and she's ready to make these big changes. Only time will tell.
There's nothing really special about the potatoes....just cubed potatoes fried in a little oil and maybe a teaspoon of butter for the flavor with 1 sliced onion. (I don't like onions, so I do slices so I can pull them out of mine.) Some salt and pepper....really simple, but he LOVED those potatoes. Now he won't touch them.


Well-Known Member
Just this morning, and I actually only came on to say I passed! So yay! I should get the actual license next week and I can't drive until then, but yay!!


Happy Jennifer Aniston GIF

I know you've worked so hard and been through so much. So happy for you!!!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
So updates on the workout...

I made it to the gym on Saturday. I made it to the gym again yesterday to swim. I worked out at home on Wednesday. I think I'm going to have to use my elliptical after work because I have a crazy amount of energy and sitting at my desk is driving me crazy.

My ankles are doing much better. I had no pain after my workouts this week. I haven't tried a lot of walking since we're not doing Hershey anymore this year.

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