My knee has been aching, but I really want to commit to getting back into some kind of routine. The kids start school tomorrow, meaning I'll be up early. Not sure if I want to do some before and some after drop off or what, but I need to do something. It might also be good with my anger management.
Our softball world blew up on Friday, and I am just one giant ball of rage. I don't really know how to explain what happened in a clear and concise manner, but it doesn't help that the coach/manager hasn't given us a clear answer as to why. Ultimately, our coach informed us several months ago that he'd be putting together a new team that was a blend of our team, another highly competitive team, and a few talented people we could pick up at tryouts to round things out. The kids identified as the most talented were guaranteed locks for the new team, while the rest would officially be trying out. After the first three rounds of tryouts, we were called by our coach...who promoted himself to manager in this, and were informed that our daughter made the team. She was one of the locks, but still good to confirm. By Friday morning, we get a cryptic message on our team app from the manager to check our emails. He sent this rambling message. It was such a mess that we couldn't tell if he was just leaving the team or if the team wasn't happening at all. When my husband called to get clarification, he was informed there's no team, but the coach/manager failed to give us a clear reason and what little info he did offer up was one part lie and one part cop out. He claimed that the coach of the other team involved in the blending wanted too much $ to be head coach. People usually remember when there's a dispute over money, so considering she was just as blindsided and desperately still trying to figure out a way to make this work, that reason our coach/manager supplied is almost definitely a lie. The cop out...our coach/manager is a really obnoxious control freak who insists on talking over people vs. having discussions. It is possible that the best girls for the team didn't match what he had in mind. That doesn't mean there's no team, like he's claiming, it just means the people with a higher level of softball knowledge holding the tryouts picked the best cluster of girls. At the end of the day, he is the only one who was bailing on this we tried to go forward with the next round of tryouts in hopes that we could find a field. Yeah...our old coach/manager burned us with that too. The fields we were using were in his name. He couldn't get them transferred over to the other coach nor was he willing to work out any kind of agreement with us. It's very late in the recruiting season and most fields are already spoken for, so we had no field to continue with this venture. And with it being late in recruitment, this also means that most teams recruiting girls have already had their tryouts. That's not to say there aren't teams looking for girls, but most are either too far, daddy ball, or playing less competitive C ball. We have a lead on a team for some of our kids and got the ball rolling last night, but we're all just a big bundle of emotions.
Our coach/manager's failure to provide a legit reason, when he's notorious for being an oversharer giving way too much info, has everyone thinking the worst. One of the dads heard him saying he was shopping his kid to other teams too. That's fine if you're not trying to field a team with your kids and another organized group, but not when you're already putting together a team of your own. By having these top kids from our team and this other team committed to his new team, we never dreamed of going out and trying out for other teams. But if he was shopping his kid around outside of our organization while all of this was going on, it meant she wouldn't have to compete against the best from our two teams. So, it's possible he removed some of the competition by making us think we had a team. Even worse...assuming he knew the other coach had issues with the manager of the fields we were using, he also knew that when we tried to band together...she'd never be able to convince the field manager to let us have field time. Now this one may be stretching it, but coach/mgr and his wife supposedly had Covid and couldn't attend any of these tryouts. How convenient that you get sick just before all of this and then pull the plug. He's an anti-vaxxer and believes all kinds of insane non-scientific stuff, so it's not a total shock that his daughter was allowed to go out to the mall while they supposedly had symptoms, but considering how careless he was about considering spread prior to all of this, it wouldn't shock me if he tried to use the virus as a smokescreen to keep away from tryouts and secretly get his kid onto another team. The worst part is that he killed the friendship between his daughter and best friend by doing this.
At the end of the day, he's not very liked in softball circles and if his kid was already picked up by another team, they are going to have to gag him if they don't want him trying to interfere with their coaching...and as this season progressed, we realized we were being outcoached due to his ignorance on a lot of things. So, it could be a real mess. The big thing is when this makes its way around all of the local softball circles. It's already started to travel around by word of mouth and considering he's got such a bad reputation, this could brand his kid with a scarlet letter if enough of the truth gets out.
Sorry for the novel, but I'm just so mad. At the end of the day, these kids just want to play ball and their
former coach betrayed their trust and abandoned them. You have to be pretty evil to pull this crud and let down all of these kids. I'm just hoping this new opportunity a handful of us are exploring works out. We should know later this week.
Sorry...just venting.