Yeah, her best friend's parents are keeping D home as well. Her dad called my husband when we got the email to ask how we felt about the situation, because he felt like the school wasn't following protocol. Of course, his daughter was the one who should have been considered a close contact because she sat next to the kid who tested positive for 2 hours, not distanced, and without masks, the day before he was tested. Not only was she not counted as a close contact, she wasn't even notified by the school at all that she may have had contact with someone who tested positive. I'm not even sure his classmates got an sounds like they only contacted his closest friends and that was it. Anyway, so the father called us because he wanted to complain to the school, but he didn't want to do that if he was the only one who felt the school wasn't doing everything they could. My husband assured him that we felt the same way, and told him we had already written to the school last week about it. So he sent D's dad the email we wrote, and the response from the school, and then they both wrote to D and E's mentor to let him know the girls would not be at school unless and until there were no new cases in their cluster for at least a full week. (I'd rather it was 2 weeks....incubation period and all that) The mentor wrote back that he completely understood and he'd take up our concerns with the school admins as soon as possible. D's dad and my husband also shared all the emails with each other, so we know what D's dad said to the school and what the school said in response, and he knows what we said and what the school said to us. So we're on the same page.
I'm a bit ticked at E's friend N, though. When E said she wasn't coming to school until it's not in their cluster, she told E "No! Don't do that! Just come to school!" and E told her she didn't really have a choice...we told her she wasn't going to school. And N said "It's YOUR life, not theirs!" This girl is also antivax and tried to get E to stop wearing a mask at school.(it wasn't mandated at the time) I'm getting a little tired of her trying to persuade my daughter to be unsafe and ignore science. Not that my daughter is being swayed in any way...E knows better. But it's just annoying that the girl says things like "You know wearing a mask is really bad for you, right?" And telling her it's her life, so to heck with her parents who are both high risk...go ahead and put their lives in danger because -I- want you at school! She's being incredibly selfish, which okay, she's 15....most 15 year olds are pretty self-centered, but MY almost 15 year old is not like that and she's frustrated with the friend for putting pressure on her to be immature and not think of anyone but herself. I just thought of it just now, but I should have told E to tell her "You're's MY life, NOT yours. Stop telling me what to do. You're not my mom and you're not ME!"