Good morning and Happy Friday!!! Yesterday's walk never happened. I volunteered to pick up the older one from high school practice because I was already heading out to get a prescription and get some gas. Practice was supposed to end at 5:15. I got to the high school around 5:10 and I wasn't pulling out of the lot until 5:52.
So, basically she went 35 minutes late. By the time I got home, my husband was insisting I help the younger one with some trapezius pain she's been he knows nothing about stretching.
After running the massage gun on the area and applying some pain balm. We used some physical therapy videos to get in some really basic stretches to help loosen up the neck and upper back. We mainly did a variety of gentle neck stretches, but we also did cobra for a bit as well as cow/cat pose. I tried to get on the bike and watch her stretch more while I biked, but she needed some more guidance. After about 30 minutes, she went down for dinner and I decided all I had left in me was a nice gentle ride. So, I played some fun music, didn't look at my pace, and just biked for an hour. I think it was 16.70 miles...or something like that.
We are really hopeful that the half bath can be finished today. He got the vanity/sink, mirror, toilet, and switchplates in addition to grouting. I'm really happy with how this is coming along. The room should look more balanced once I hang something artsy over the toilet.
Other than that, today is a rest day...which is good, because there's so much to do. Both kids are playing ball this weekend and both are playing on turf. Right now, we only have one set of turf shoes. The younger one's feet are bigger than the older one, but surprisingly, the turf shoes we have fit both really well. I technically bought them for the younger one though, so she sees them as hers...and they do match her uniform. However, the older one is playing school ball this weekend, so hers is for a her priority. Ultimately, we have to run across town after work because the closest store that has what we need is 35 minutes away. She was up late doing homework last really instead of seeing the younger one's two games tonight, we are driving back home after getting the shoes. Oh, and we need to stop at a different athletic store for a new green belt and green socks. She destroyed her old ones with her Halloween costume (and I allowed it...stupid me thinking school stuff would be given out in time for the first games). Her stuff tomorrow also coincides with the younger one's play and spectators aren't that should give me lots of time to go walking.