6 AM on a Monday? Before school? Wow. I had no idea practices started so early. Is this a league independent of school?
It's funny about the roof. My husband called a firm for a quote and they said to allot 90 minutes (he told them he will not sit that long for a pitch) for the visit and to make sure I was present. I just want a roof that is well-constructed and looks nice. I do not need to be present for a sales pitch. Furthermore, I really don't want anyone in here who doesn't live here right now. My husband said I won't be present, they pushed back and so did he. They relented and made an appointment for last Friday afternoon. They were going to use a drone to look at the roof and then Zoom with my husband. So, they cancelled because it was really windy and they rescheduled for Sunday at 9 AM. They requested my presence in the Zoom call and my husband told them I have no interest. So, 7:30 AM on Sunday (!), they called my husband to reschedule for later that day and my husband was fine with it. They told him I needed to be present. He canceled the whole thing. He told them not to come and not to call anymore. So, Monday 5 PM, rolls around and someone from this firm called my husband who said he was going to have to cancel his 6 PM visit to our house, because the roads were too slick! My husband told him that he told the person on the phone he wanted no further contact with this company. The guy didn't know about all of the back and forth and apologized.
It's not that I don't care about a roof. My husband works in finance and can do sums in his head more quickly than I can. Plus, we have to find ways of financing that are not banking institutions. My husband is a bank examiner for the Department of the Treasury and he can't take out loans or use banks for financing. So, I let him take care of that. And, TBH, I am a bit depressed right now and my concentration is reduced right now.
Anyway, we got two more quotes that transpired without drama. Both men showed up, stomped around on the roof, told my husband they would email send photos and a quote and then call him to discuss. Nobody wanted a 90 minute appointment or pestered my husband to have me present. I have seen photos of the work both of the men have done. A couple of the houses were on our walking route, which was incredibly convenient. LOL
JMO, but anything that 'needs' both spouses/partners to be present is going to be $$$.