working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
I had to look that up as I had never heard of it. I guess I am fortunate that our building is only 2 stories, so if we had to jump out of the windows in the break room, the worst we'd suffer is broken bones. But I think the company would fail an inspection miserably. For example, on the ground floor, the perimeter of the building is a fire escape route. There's not supposed to be anything within a couple of feet of the walls, so if a fire breaks out, and you can't see, you can follow the wall to reach a door. But there's CONSTANTLY stuff up against the wall...I even mentioned it once and was told there was nothing they could do about it, because there was no where else to put that stuff. And if you were upstairs, you'd be lucky to find the stairwell in a fire. They do prop the doors open now, which is actually against fire code, because they are big heavy fire doors meant to keep a fire from spreading, but when it gets so hot in the summer, keeping those doors closed just locks in the heat even more. A few years ago, they had a thermometer upstairs and in a heat wave, it was 111 degrees up there. And it's not just fire hazards...someone sprained a rib a couple of years ago because there was a zip tie on the floor that her foot caught in and she fell straight forward. I swear sometimes that I'm the only one who knows how to empty a trash can and put plastic in the plastic recycle containers...there's always trash all over the floor. I've slipped on these little plastic sheets that go between the thumb and fingers of mittens/gloves....they fall out, and people don't pick them up, and they can lie there for weeks, and you step on one, and it slides. There are places where the floor is so ripped up that there are potholes in the main path and you trip over that, or slide on the rubble. I can't have my phone on the work floor...I should sneak it in sometime and take pictures. It's really not a safe place to work. Between the violations of escape routes, lack of knowledge of escape routes (I've worked there for over 10 years, and this is the first year I've ever experienced a fire drill and I had no idea where I was supposed to go, so I just followed everyon else....turns out they were wrong. Even the managers didn't know where the nearest exit was...I asked if we shouldn't have taken this one door....the manager was like...."Oh...yeah....I guess that IS the closest one." ), to just the slipping hazards, tripping hazards, things that fall on you, boxes too heavy that they want you to lift over your head...if they were inspected, they'd be shut down.

I tend to think that grade school history classes often focus more on local history, even when trying to cover broad sweeping matters of the times being studies. I grew up outside if NYC, so I guess that made it more likely to show up in our history. I don't think my husband had ever heard of it either until it showed up on some history special we were viewing.

I'm sure it's wishful thinking, but I really hope this recent heat wave and rash of heat related illnesses got them thinking about the potentially life altering ramifications of an emergency situation in the building. And to think that I go to work in an office where we can't have toasters and crock pots because they feel it's too much of a fire risk. I don't know what the laws are like, but it might be good to have photographic evidence of the conditions in case it ever becomes a real issue. Obviously, I hope it never comes to that, but good to have something in your pocket just in case.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry about the allergy issues on your stomach...that must be miserable!! Glad you figured out what it was.

Love that you are running to Christmas music now!!

Yes, at least figuring it out has brought me some relief.

It's really been fun! Back when I was distance walking, I shifted into my holiday playlist by November, but this is taking it to a whole new level. I'm not sure about you, but with all of the singing I've done over the years, I've found that my holiday playlist is huge...simply because I have to have all of the things I like as well as everything we used for our Christmas concerts. It's all such happy music too, so it's a great mental thing for exercise. The makes me want cookies and cocoa! 🍪


Well-Known Member
I got in my gym workout last night as planned. I did 31 min on the climber, which is a dripping with sweat - look like you just stepped out of the shower, sort of experience. I then biked for 30 min with a 2 min cool down. I think I was right around 10 miles when I got off. After that, I worked my arms...8lb weights since I had used the 12s on my previous arm work. I finished up with some abs. I was on a real high because it was my annual trip to the dr and it was my visit to her last year that prompted all of this getting healthy. The radiology tech was the first to notice the weight loss and when the doctor came in, she was amazed. She figured with that much change, I must have had surgery. So, it was a nice book end on the first year of the new me.

This morning, I slept in a little, but it was still 95% humidity when I went to run. So much for waiting a little for humidity to drop. I could have had the same humidity and temps in the upper 70s had I just gone out when my alarm first went off. Oh well. My goal was a 5 mile run this morning and I did it. I was slower that I would have liked, but my stomach still isn't 100% after the medicine issue. I was still noticeably faster than I've been with this distance in the past, so that's something. And Christmas music ROCKS! I was at about 4.65 mi when I started to get really tired, but then Chuck Berry came on singing Run Run Rudolph and it was just what I needed. When you add in the walking to and from the trails...especially at the end, since I usually finish up a ways from home, I had also walked close to a mile. After a quick rest and hydration break, I hit he gym for about 20 min of biking (about 6.35 mi), leg work, and my weekend ab routine.

Now to try and find the energy to clean this house!


Well-Known Member
I tend to think that grade school history classes often focus more on local history, even when trying to cover broad sweeping matters of the times being studies. I grew up outside if NYC, so I guess that made it more likely to show up in our history. I don't think my husband had ever heard of it either until it showed up on some history special we were viewing.

I'm sure it's wishful thinking, but I really hope this recent heat wave and rash of heat related illnesses got them thinking about the potentially life altering ramifications of an emergency situation in the building. And to think that I go to work in an office where we can't have toasters and crock pots because they feel it's too much of a fire risk. I don't know what the laws are like, but it might be good to have photographic evidence of the conditions in case it ever becomes a real issue. Obviously, I hope it never comes to that, but good to have something in your pocket just in case.
Well, we're moving next year anyway. The building we're in now is just too small. When Claudia started, it was in her attic, and it was just her, then she hired someone to help her, and it's grown so much that it's now over 200 employees. And when I started 10.5 years ago, we only used the bottom floor, except for breaks. Then we kept expanding, and now it's too small, so they found another building, and we'll move there next year....but it also doesn't have airco.

When I first started, we also didn't have heat, and it was FREEZING in the winter. We'd be wearing coats and gloves as we walked. They did eventually add heat a couple of years ago, but no air. But we ran into the same thing last year where people were dropping like flies. They obviously haven't learned.


Well-Known Member
Yes, at least figuring it out has brought me some relief.

It's really been fun! Back when I was distance walking, I shifted into my holiday playlist by November, but this is taking it to a whole new level. I'm not sure about you, but with all of the singing I've done over the years, I've found that my holiday playlist is huge...simply because I have to have all of the things I like as well as everything we used for our Christmas concerts. It's all such happy music too, so it's a great mental thing for exercise. The makes me want cookies and cocoa! 🍪
I haven't really listened to music in, I used to love to sit in my room and put on an album and sing along. Ever since I had kids I treasure the moments of peace and silence. I do like to have music on if I'm baking, or cleaning, etc....but I haven't just sat and listened to a CD since probably before the kids were born. When they were babies, I would just be waiting until nap time for some quiet, and now I can't handle the noise pollution.


Well-Known Member

I did an "8 minute tabata workout" this AM. Once I added the warm up, cool down and stretching, it was closer to 25 minutes. :)

I noticed ever since I've started doing these workouts again, my weight has been creeping up. I am in maintenance in Weight Watchers, so I track everything I put in my mouth. I don't know if it's water retention from using weights and kettlebells after not using them for a while? I am enjoying my workouts for the time being and I am not ready to go back to yoga. It's not like a massive amount of weight, it's like 3 lbs over 4-5 weeks. I feel like I am working out harder and it's frustrating to see the scale moving in the wrong direction. Anyway, it's just a little vent. :p

My 20th anniversary is next week, so I am having a no holds barred dinner to celebrate. :hilarious:

I meant to reply to this the other day. Is it possible that your muscle ratio is changing from all of this? I mean, I know a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat, but just wondering if you're building lean muscle and it's throwing off the scale. If temps are going up, you may also be retaining more water, so it could be those things combined and nothing really negative. I know it's frustrating...oooooh do I know.

Enjoy your anniversary dinner!!!


Well-Known Member
I haven't really listened to music in, I used to love to sit in my room and put on an album and sing along. Ever since I had kids I treasure the moments of peace and silence. I do like to have music on if I'm baking, or cleaning, etc....but I haven't just sat and listened to a CD since probably before the kids were born. When they were babies, I would just be waiting until nap time for some quiet, and now I can't handle the noise pollution.

LOL...when my older one was an infant, I used the soundtrack from the original cast of Chicago to get her to sleep! I tried more conventional classical music as well as some more modern pieces, but she was all about the show tunes. I'm not sure if it's because I spend a lot of time in the car when I drive into the office or if it's because of my exercise routines, but I still listen to a ton of music and have an enormous digital playlist. I fight the temptation to download everything I've ever owned on vinyl, cassette and CD to my phone. My Christmas playlist is large because I don't always like the variety on the satellite channels come the holidays and we also like driving around to look at lights and my playlist has more variety and less repetition than the radio stations that go into 24/7 holiday music mode. I've also never been much for quiet, so that may be it as well.


Well-Known Member
Yoga favor...the friend running the 5k with me at Disney is sort of hitting a lull and decided she really prefers yoga to running. That's not to say she's not going to train for the race, but the yoga makes her happier. She's feeling some burnout with the YouTube videos she's been using (no idea which ones) and is trying to cut costs and not hit the pricey studios since she's already paying for the Y. I don't know what videos she's been watching and I think we've established that I don't know a ton about yoga :hilarious:, but she likes Vinyasa flows as well as things that focus on strength and balance. Any YouTube recs for her would be GREATLY appreciated :)

As for me...yesterday morning, I got up bright and early for my gym workout. Ya know...biking with arms (15 mi minimum), a little bit of treadmill walking, abs and yesterday was barre style legs. My younger one is also trying to boost her fitness levels to help her softball performance, so I took her on a short run after work. Unlike my older one who wanted to try and show me up (disaster), my younger one was willing to try my training method. At first she scoffed and was like "this is just a jog!" but she wasn't so cocky after a half a mile and realized that running isn't just sprinting. We only went 1.5 miles and she had to take several breaks, but we got it done and she wants to keep at it on my non-training days. I have family flying in tonight, so I've also been in cleaning mode. It's not technically a workout, but it's a lot of energy. After our run, I vacuumed the house, dusted, cleaned a bunch of ceiling fans, scoured the microwave, wiped down the cabinets and appliances in the kitchen, mopped, did a bunch of dishes and cleaned all of the counters. Today was a rest day for the gym, but I got up to set up the bed in the guest bedroom this morning and set out the guest towels before work. I cleaned bathrooms on Sunday, but will give them a quick once over when I get home tonight before heading out for a training run.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Yoga favor...the friend running the 5k with me at Disney is sort of hitting a lull and decided she really prefers yoga to running. That's not to say she's not going to train for the race, but the yoga makes her happier. She's feeling some burnout with the YouTube videos she's been using (no idea which ones) and is trying to cut costs and not hit the pricey studios since she's already paying for the Y. I don't know what videos she's been watching and I think we've established that I don't know a ton about yoga :hilarious:, but she likes Vinyasa flows as well as things that focus on strength and balance. Any YouTube recs for her would be GREATLY appreciated :)

As for me...yesterday morning, I got up bright and early for my gym workout. Ya know...biking with arms (15 mi minimum), a little bit of treadmill walking, abs and yesterday was barre style legs. My younger one is also trying to boost her fitness levels to help her softball performance, so I took her on a short run after work. Unlike my older one who wanted to try and show me up (disaster), my younger one was willing to try my training method. At first she scoffed and was like "this is just a jog!" but she wasn't so cocky after a half a mile and realized that running isn't just sprinting. We only went 1.5 miles and she had to take several breaks, but we got it done and she wants to keep at it on my non-training days. I have family flying in tonight, so I've also been in cleaning mode. It's not technically a workout, but it's a lot of energy. After our run, I vacuumed the house, dusted, cleaned a bunch of ceiling fans, scoured the microwave, wiped down the cabinets and appliances in the kitchen, mopped, did a bunch of dishes and cleaned all of the counters. Today was a rest day for the gym, but I got up to set up the bed in the guest bedroom this morning and set out the guest towels before work. I cleaned bathrooms on Sunday, but will give them a quick once over when I get home tonight before heading out for a training run.
Anything Shiva Rea should be what she's looking for. Has she checked out the public library mine has almost all of Shiva Rea's and a few others. on youtube Adriene has some longer ones, Fightmaster's for weight loss would be vinyasa come to think of it almost any for weight loss would be. Amazon Prime has a bunch that might work for her


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Good morning,

For those who don't know, I took a trip to Hawaii a few weeks ago. Got some great workouts there in the form of snorkeling and climbing Diamond Head. 😁

Got back last Monday. I'm still not entirely back on East Coast time and had a nasty cold, so yesterday after work was my first day back at the gym. I did the bike and then hit the weights. It didn't feel that intense at the time, but I'm rather sore today. I intended to get up this morning and swim, but that didn't work out (my body decided on sleep over working out...) so today

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