working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
Here are some channels I use:

There are a few 30 minute classes here, you just have to dig around.

Thank you!!!

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Today was a lot of walking on the beach and a 52 minute yoga class. Dinner is supposed to be tandoori chicken that's been marinating since this morning, but my husband was having issues with this camping grill he brought down. It requires the tiniest propane tank and it wasn't staying lit, so now we're cooking it in the oven.

I bought a package of Beyond Burgers at the local Food Lion and the cashier asked me if I ate them, only to be told that she thinks people who eat them are "weird." She told me she "only eats cows." Then she said, "The vegetarians are going to die one day." I said, "Of course they will and so will you." 😈 She stopped talking to me after that. Don't tell me I am "weird" and not expect some push back. 🤫I had a hard time finding them, since they are supposed to be near the real burgers. They were all flipped up side down, so you couldn't see the label. :banghead:

I liked them a lot. They will still be the occasional treat, since they are a bit high in fat. But I enjoyed mine. It was very juicy and flavorful. I typically don't eat veggie burgers, since I try to avoid processed foods. But I am on vacation. :)


Premium Member

Today was a lot of walking on the beach and a 52 minute yoga class. Dinner is supposed to be tandoori chicken that's been marinating since this morning, but my husband was having issues with this camping grill he brought down. It requires the tiniest propane tank and it wasn't staying lit, so now we're cooking it in the oven.

I bought a package of Beyond Burgers at the local Food Lion and the cashier asked me if I ate them, only to be told that she thinks people who eat them are "weird." She told me she "only eats cows." Then she said, "The vegetarians are going to die one day." I said, "Of course they will and so will you." 😈 She stopped talking to me after that. Don't tell me I am "weird" and not expect some push back. 🤫I had a hard time finding them, since they are supposed to be near the real burgers. They were all flipped up side down, so you couldn't see the label. :banghead:

I liked them a lot. They will still be the occasional treat, since they are a bit high in fat. But I enjoyed mine. It was very juicy and flavorful. I typically don't eat veggie burgers, since I try to avoid processed foods. But I am on vacation. :)

Well that was quite the check-out at the register discussion! :p Nothing like insulting the customers on their choice of food. :facepalm:


Well-Known Member

Today was a lot of walking on the beach and a 52 minute yoga class. Dinner is supposed to be tandoori chicken that's been marinating since this morning, but my husband was having issues with this camping grill he brought down. It requires the tiniest propane tank and it wasn't staying lit, so now we're cooking it in the oven.

I bought a package of Beyond Burgers at the local Food Lion and the cashier asked me if I ate them, only to be told that she thinks people who eat them are "weird." She told me she "only eats cows." Then she said, "The vegetarians are going to die one day." I said, "Of course they will and so will you." 😈 She stopped talking to me after that. Don't tell me I am "weird" and not expect some push back. 🤫I had a hard time finding them, since they are supposed to be near the real burgers. They were all flipped up side down, so you couldn't see the label. :banghead:

I liked them a lot. They will still be the occasional treat, since they are a bit high in fat. But I enjoyed mine. It was very juicy and flavorful. I typically don't eat veggie burgers, since I try to avoid processed foods. But I am on vacation. :)

Oh wow! I don't know if I could have held back from giving her a piece of my mind. Not that it would have solved anything, but she has a lot of nerve treating a customer like that. Although, I might be tempted to file some kind of online complaint. Customers shouldn't be shamed for their purchases. The cashier can say what she wants about vegetarians, but I'm guessing she's not a cashier just for the fun of it. i.e. whether you eat meat or not, you probably want some kind of income to put food on the table.

Your camping grill issues have me making a mental note to get more for our Coleman stove for the next time we camp. Yeah...I'm not going to remember. Tandoori chicken sound great!


Premium Member
Original Poster

Today was a lot of walking on the beach and a 52 minute yoga class. Dinner is supposed to be tandoori chicken that's been marinating since this morning, but my husband was having issues with this camping grill he brought down. It requires the tiniest propane tank and it wasn't staying lit, so now we're cooking it in the oven.

I bought a package of Beyond Burgers at the local Food Lion and the cashier asked me if I ate them, only to be told that she thinks people who eat them are "weird." She told me she "only eats cows." Then she said, "The vegetarians are going to die one day." I said, "Of course they will and so will you." 😈 She stopped talking to me after that. Don't tell me I am "weird" and not expect some push back. 🤫I had a hard time finding them, since they are supposed to be near the real burgers. They were all flipped up side down, so you couldn't see the label. :banghead:

I liked them a lot. They will still be the occasional treat, since they are a bit high in fat. But I enjoyed mine. It was very juicy and flavorful. I typically don't eat veggie burgers, since I try to avoid processed foods. But I am on vacation. :)
Seriously????????????? and said person still has a job:eek: Up here in civilization, actually the middle of nowhere the produce manager knows some of the local vegans and makes sure to order extra sale items, sometimes the cashiers will say things such as are you having a party, I've also gotten do you like that but never and I mean never has anybody criticized my food choices at any store including Walmart


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of frustrated...I had a decent gym workout yesterday morning, but my brain wasn't up for a training run after work. It's been hot and humid (actual temps in the mid to upper 90s- with feels like well over 100) and the number isn't dropping down as much in the early evening now that we're into July. So, I decided to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things and come home for a snack while I waited for it to get closer to 90...which is tolerable and I've had decent runs around that temp. Well, not last night. I'm guessing it was the snack and not the weather that did me in, but it was a horrible run. I had to do a minimum of 30 min for my training, was hoping to do 45, but barely got in my 30. My stomach started cramping about half a mile in...which was probably the food. This made it really hard for me to control my breathing, which impacted my heart rate and overall effort. It got worse once I made it into the forested portions of the green belts where the air is still and the humidity is much higher. I had to stop multiple times. At one point, my eyes started playing tricks on me and intersecting palm fronds from palmettos looked like a large wild cat shuffling in the forest. I started feeling nauseated shortly after that, but I was 2 min from minimum time and I was moving out into an area with better airflow, so I just kept going. I got it done, but it was so awful and I felt like poo the rest of the night. In fact, I didn't sleep well (although, my neighbor's barking dogs are more to blame for that) and my workout this morning wasn't exactly strong. We haven't had any air quality warnings, but I'm usually impacted by ozone and I can still feel it in my lungs. I won't run again until tomorrow and I will just be getting it over with on an empty stomach...since I know that works better for me.

Speaking of's 180 for my marathon trip!!! My friend hasn't been able to link our room only reservation to her MDE account and she wants to help with ADRs. I love it when a friend wants to wake up before 5am CT with me. I feel bad that I haven't gotten it fixed, but things have been so busy with work, training, family and summer trip prep that I haven't called to try and get it all linked up. At the very least, she's going to log in and try and book our hard to get day 1 dining. I will too, but I know she wants to help and at the very least, she can link in all of the ADRs to her profile if I can't get the room part mapped over.

I also committed to another training must...I booked my 10k that I'm hoping to use for proof of time. The other race I was hoping for doesn't have anything up yet, which seems odd since it's been done for a number of years now and it's through the Houston Astros and Houston Police Department...leading me to believe it may not happen this year. The one I did book is local...not that the Astros and HPD aren't, but this other one is in my town. It's a fairly boring looking route (probably b/c I drive it a couple of times a week) and it looks like there won't be any medals for finishers, but there's something to be said for running a race that's only a few minutes away on a route that I can basically start practicing on next month. I wanted two races, but if that Astros/HPD one doesn't happen, a 10 miler near my old house in a neighborhood where the kids used to play softball may be my only other option and it just looks so unappealing! It's more effort than I wanted to put in, it's a really long drive to get to the other side of town for a race that will start around 7am, and it makes the local route I said to be boring look amazing. I may settle for one race unless it ends up being canceled or postponed.


Well-Known Member

Today was a lot of walking on the beach and a 52 minute yoga class. Dinner is supposed to be tandoori chicken that's been marinating since this morning, but my husband was having issues with this camping grill he brought down. It requires the tiniest propane tank and it wasn't staying lit, so now we're cooking it in the oven.

I bought a package of Beyond Burgers at the local Food Lion and the cashier asked me if I ate them, only to be told that she thinks people who eat them are "weird." She told me she "only eats cows." Then she said, "The vegetarians are going to die one day." I said, "Of course they will and so will you." 😈 She stopped talking to me after that. Don't tell me I am "weird" and not expect some push back. 🤫I had a hard time finding them, since they are supposed to be near the real burgers. They were all flipped up side down, so you couldn't see the label. :banghead:

I liked them a lot. They will still be the occasional treat, since they are a bit high in fat. But I enjoyed mine. It was very juicy and flavorful. I typically don't eat veggie burgers, since I try to avoid processed foods. But I am on vacation. :)
Oh, gotta love those people who insult you and then don't understand why you're offended. :rolleyes: Like this guy in my high school calculus class who came in ranting about how all the pretty girls in the school were witches and all the nice ones were ugly, and how you couldn't even tell a girl she looked like <carp> without her taking offense. So one of the other boys (I was the only girl in calculus) turns to me and says "Hey Susan, you look like <carp>" and I said "Thanks!" and the guy on his tirade says "Well, but Susan's one of the nice ones." Gee....thanks.
About the Airbnb, I don't think she could take legal action...if airbnb has a review system, it's meant for people to voice their opinions. If it wasn't allowed, there would be no way to review. She's probably just trying to scare you out of writing a review. Did you read reviews before you booked?


Premium Member
I'm kind of frustrated...I had a decent gym workout yesterday morning, but my brain wasn't up for a training run after work. It's been hot and humid (actual temps in the mid to upper 90s- with feels like well over 100) and the number isn't dropping down as much in the early evening now that we're into July. So, I decided to go to the grocery store to pick up a few things and come home for a snack while I waited for it to get closer to 90...which is tolerable and I've had decent runs around that temp. Well, not last night. I'm guessing it was the snack and not the weather that did me in, but it was a horrible run. I had to do a minimum of 30 min for my training, was hoping to do 45, but barely got in my 30. My stomach started cramping about half a mile in...which was probably the food. This made it really hard for me to control my breathing, which impacted my heart rate and overall effort. It got worse once I made it into the forested portions of the green belts where the air is still and the humidity is much higher. I had to stop multiple times. At one point, my eyes started playing tricks on me and intersecting palm fronds from palmettos looked like a large wild cat shuffling in the forest. I started feeling nauseated shortly after that, but I was 2 min from minimum time and I was moving out into an area with better airflow, so I just kept going. I got it done, but it was so awful and I felt like poo the rest of the night. In fact, I didn't sleep well (although, my neighbor's barking dogs are more to blame for that) and my workout this morning wasn't exactly strong. We haven't had any air quality warnings, but I'm usually impacted by ozone and I can still feel it in my lungs. I won't run again until tomorrow and I will just be getting it over with on an empty stomach...since I know that works better for me.

Speaking of's 180 for my marathon trip!!! My friend hasn't been able to link our room only reservation to her MDE account and she wants to help with ADRs. I love it when a friend wants to wake up before 5am CT with me. I feel bad that I haven't gotten it fixed, but things have been so busy with work, training, family and summer trip prep that I haven't called to try and get it all linked up. At the very least, she's going to log in and try and book our hard to get day 1 dining. I will too, but I know she wants to help and at the very least, she can link in all of the ADRs to her profile if I can't get the room part mapped over.

I also committed to another training must...I booked my 10k that I'm hoping to use for proof of time. The other race I was hoping for doesn't have anything up yet, which seems odd since it's been done for a number of years now and it's through the Houston Astros and Houston Police Department...leading me to believe it may not happen this year. The one I did book is local...not that the Astros and HPD aren't, but this other one is in my town. It's a fairly boring looking route (probably b/c I drive it a couple of times a week) and it looks like there won't be any medals for finishers, but there's something to be said for running a race that's only a few minutes away on a route that I can basically start practicing on next month. I wanted two races, but if that Astros/HPD one doesn't happen, a 10 miler near my old house in a neighborhood where the kids used to play softball may be my only other option and it just looks so unappealing! It's more effort than I wanted to put in, it's a really long drive to get to the other side of town for a race that will start around 7am, and it makes the local route I said to be boring look amazing. I may settle for one race unless it ends up being canceled or postponed.

This is only an opinion as I'm not an athlete. Maybe when it's that hot and humid, slow down a bit -- shorten the run. If your eyes are pulling tricks on you, and if you're getting nauseated, it might mean that you're also dehydrated -- even if you think you're not.

The other thing is that sometimes your body doesn't perform a maximum power every single day. Even with the heat aside, today may not have been the best day to push yourself. Perhaps tomorrow would be better.

Lord knows, I despise hot and humid weather. It definitely affects me and my energy level, and just how I feel in general, overall.


Well-Known Member
This is only an opinion as I'm not an athlete. Maybe when it's that hot and humid, slow down a bit -- shorten the run. If your eyes are pulling tricks on you, and if you're getting nauseated, it might mean that you're also dehydrated -- even if you think you're not.

The other thing is that sometimes your body doesn't perform a maximum power every single day. Even with the heat aside, today may not have been the best day to push yourself. Perhaps tomorrow would be better.

Lord knows, I despise hot and humid weather. It definitely affects me and my energy level, and just how I feel in general, overall.

It's hard to know for sure, but I did heavy duty hydration yesterday and the day before leading up to it. It was to the point that I was feeling waterlogged and a bit sick from the amount of water in my stomach at times. Heat exhaustion carries these symptoms as well and with the way I felt, I'm more inclined to think it was that. I did buy something to help. Obviously, it could help from a hydration standpoint when I'm not on a run that is long enough to necessitate the use of the big hydration pack, but I could also pour it over my head to try and reduce my body temp. It's insulated, so it is much better than my old hand strap bottles.


Thankfully, I'm not running today...because it's 98 out there right now. I usually don't feel too bad until it goes above 95. I'm running tomorrow and have been hydrating in anticipation, but I've also mapped out a different route so that I'm hitting an area with airflow and lower humidity. I have a longer run mapped out for Saturday, but I'm going in the morning and it's also through areas with air movement. I'm also thinking about running with a pool band. We have a system in our town where we have access to a variety of pools in the town (12 or 16 total, I believe). If I have my band, I can get into one of the pools...either to refill my water bottle or to dunk my head in the pool. The new routes also take me by some convenience stores, so I can pop in if I really need more than my water bottle or even some a/c. None of this is as scenic and peaceful as the tucked away parts of the green belts, but it's probably safer.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Well that was quite the check-out at the register discussion! :p Nothing like insulting the customers on their choice of food. :facepalm:

I was kind of shocked. She was really young, too. I might expect that type of comment from an older person, but she was in her early 20s. You should have seen what the mammogram tech said to me at my first one! She told me I needed to eat more meatball sandwiches and that my husband would appreciate it if I did. :jawdrop:

Oh wow! I don't know if I could have held back from giving her a piece of my mind. Not that it would have solved anything, but she has a lot of nerve treating a customer like that. Although, I might be tempted to file some kind of online complaint. Customers shouldn't be shamed for their purchases. The cashier can say what she wants about vegetarians, but I'm guessing she's not a cashier just for the fun of it. i.e. whether you eat meat or not, you probably want some kind of income to put food on the table.

Your camping grill issues have me making a mental note to get more for our Coleman stove for the next time we camp. Yeah...I'm not going to remember. Tandoori chicken sound great!

Ordinarily, I would have let it roll off of my back, but I was kind of cranky from my conversation with the cottage owner. :hilarious: I am a "let and let live" person when it comes to food. You want to eat chocolate pudding for B,L, and D? Go for it. It's your life.

Seriously????????????? and said person still has a job:eek: Up here in civilization, actually the middle of nowhere the produce manager knows some of the local vegans and makes sure to order extra sale items, sometimes the cashiers will say things such as are you having a party, I've also gotten do you like that but never and I mean never has anybody criticized my food choices at any store including Walmart

See, that's what I have gotten, too. Questions like, "Is this any good?" or "I've seen people buying this, what is it like?" But nobody's ever called me "weird" for eating veggie burgers or another meat analogues.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Oh, gotta love those people who insult you and then don't understand why you're offended. :rolleyes: Like this guy in my high school calculus class who came in ranting about how all the pretty girls in the school were witches and all the nice ones were ugly, and how you couldn't even tell a girl she looked like <carp> without her taking offense. So one of the other boys (I was the only girl in calculus) turns to me and says "Hey Susan, you look like <carp>" and I said "Thanks!" and the guy on his tirade says "Well, but Susan's one of the nice ones." Gee....thanks.
About the Airbnb, I don't think she could take legal action...if airbnb has a review system, it's meant for people to voice their opinions. If it wasn't allowed, there would be no way to review. She's probably just trying to scare you out of writing a review. Did you read reviews before you booked?

Boys at my HS were like that, too. "The pretty ones are witchy and the ugly ones are so nice." Is it a back handed compliment when they tell you you're "nice?" :hilarious: And honestly, who wouldn't react poorly if someone told another they looked like carp?

This is the second time we've rented this place. It has good reviews, but I notice months will go by between reviews. I am thinking maybe the poor cleaning is a one-off thing, but I was only letting her know. I really like this place and I treat places I rent as if they were my own. I am not coming back though. I was giving her feedback and I told her I wasn't going to blast her online. She is remote and I thought she should be aware. She got defensive with me and interrupted me while I was talking. I honestly was being positive when I contacted her--I said I was enjoying her lovely house, but I just wanted to make her aware of a few issues and I used smiley faces to let her know I was not angry.


Well-Known Member
Today was a really early day. It was 180 for my RunDisney I was up super early to do final prep for ADR booking. I was also able to link my friend up to everything so she was able to log in to help and we cheered each other on. The only thing that didn't go as planned was Sanaa. We want to have lunch there and January 2020 shows that dinner is the only meal option. I have a feeling they just need to load all of the data, but it's kind of odd. I've had load issues before, but it's still usually reflected the meal as an option in the restaurant profile.

After ADRs, I did my gym workout. I did everything I normally do, but I didn't push it since I decided to try and run this morning (vs. waiting until after work). I was out the door at 6:45am. I stuck to the sections that went along the roads and there was a noticeable difference with airflow and humidity (boring compared to the forested sections). It was cooler...not that 82 is chilly, but it's gone up to 98 the last couple of days. I had the new water bottle with me, but I found that I can't drink very well when I'm huffing and puffing (somehow, it's easier from the backpack)...which brings me to the issue of this run. I still can't seem to manage my breathing. As a person who has always dealt with running induced asthma, this isn't out of the norm, but it's very frustrating. I was using some of my techniques, but with a short run, I don't have much time to get it all to come together. I was nearing the end when I finally started to feel like I was getting there. FWIW, it worked out to a 30 min training run and 10 min of walking getting to and from the belts.

In other news...I am soooooooooooooo ready for vacation!

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