I'm back from Florida. A few hiccups on departure day, but I got there on schedule and travel went well. My mom is improving each day, which is good. I'd like to think it helped having me there too. I kept her from trying to help too much when she should be resting and made a few things (chicken salad, eggs, polenta, hummus, etc.) to help vary it up with things my dad's been making. We took some short walks to help get her moving, but also trying to keep her from overdoing it since her blood count is safe, but still lower than we'd like it. I also bought a few things that I never got around to eating that should help her, like chickpea and lentil pasta. She's also been cleared for travel, so they're going to be flying to see us pretty soon. Just so thankful she's on the mend, because this probably would not have had a happy ending had they been on a cruise vs. Vero Beach. Trying not to think about that and just be thankful for the blessings.
I didn't have my big camera with me because the fare I got prohibited me from bringing a carry on. It's crazy...my fare was $245 r/t and I paid the normal $30 each way to check a bag. Had I booked a fare that allowed a carry on, it would have been over $500! Makes no sense. In any event, I took some pictures with my phone that I thought I'd share. It may take two posts...I kind of lost count. LOL
So, I managed to work out. I didn't want to deal with their gym, but I ran each day and improvised when it came to weights. Let's just say laundry detergent is an EXCELLENT kettle bell!
I didn't spend a ton of time running the loop in the park across the street, but I had to pop in for some of run there each day because I just love these protected ground owls.
The Muscovy ducks were everywhere...but that's normal and they don't seem to care when you're running.
We walked around the house one of the days and looked at some of the flowers in their landscaping and checked out a lesser heron in the adjacent canal. He was interested in some peacock bass swimming around in there that were probably too big to be his meal.
The following day, we took a longer walk down to another tributary of that canal. That walk was a bit too much for her, but it wasn't until we were almost home that she came to that conclusion. I did take some pics though while we were down at the canal.
My mom was feeling a bit better by the evening, so my dad took out his telescope. It wasn't the best viewing conditions due to the hour and the African dust cloud, but I was able to see four of Jupiter's moons. and when he switched to the higher power opticals, I was able to see all of the colors and striping on Jupiter. Too bad Saturn was still on the horizon at this time. If my mom weren't still healing, we would have tried to go out later. At least we got to see something and it was a nice little something for my mom to do without exerting too much energy.
We figured that even though she's pretty heat tolerant, walking in air conditioning might be better, so we went up to Sawgrass Mills for our Disney shopping fix.
Lots of people know about the ones in Orlando, but not so many know there is a south FL location and it's about 5 min from my parents' house. So, I picked up some goodies for the kids and my husband, and my mom got a fun ice cube tray that I think she's going to use to make candies. LOL
My mom also made sure they gave us stickers. LOL
On the last night, we drove down to my brother and SIL's and had dinner with them. Well, my mom brought her own food, but it was a nice night and we got to spend time with my niece and nephew. My niece even did her nails as well as some of my dad's.
We spent a lot of time just sitting at home, but I was grateful for technology, since we were able to watch quite a bit of my younger one's softball tournament. Between Facebook live and FaceTime, my mom and dad got to watch quite a bit of softball while I was in town. And I'll spare you the tons of tournament pictures I've been sent over the last few days, but so happy my kids got to meet Jennie Finch.
My parents' sweet Golden is also now sulking since I've left.
Wow...looks like I fit it all in one post!