Good afternoon and I need to rant a bit. Sorry in advance.
This morning I had another trip to the dtr to check my bp. It has been 4 weeks since I started the low dose combo pill, which was upgraded to the next higher dosage after 1 week due to not helping any. Well, today it wasn't down any more again!
I was so upset. I felt surely that it had gone down a lot because I have so much more energy than I used to have. He started talking EKG and stuff like that and I got really nervous. I suggested maybe a higher dose or something. I cannot increase exercise or cut down on any more sodium than what I have been doing. Ugh!! So he has prescribed a 3-1 pill that I am currently waiting for the text that it is ready. I really want something to start working!
I called my DH after I got out of the dtr and he is as concerned as I am. My saving grace was talking a little while ago to my DD. She called and told me not to get so upset--that each person reacts differently with meds. She said that maybe this new one would work, but my body has to accept it. Or we keep trying until one does work. She really is my calm in stressful times! My DH is calmer than I am too, but sometimes he doesn't help as much as she does.
Anyways, thanks for listening. It really does help to type all this out. I am a worrier too which doesn't help much. And getting older is really starting to suck. (And you can cut out that word if you want, but I am still going to say it.)