We've been BUSY the last few days. We went to Wunderland Kalkar on Saturday...took DD's friend with us. They went on the roller coaster at least like 10 times. Sunday we went to my in-laws' and my DD and I went shopping at Primark for Harry Potter stuff, specifically hoping to find a day planner, which she is required to have for school. But they didn't have any HP ones, so we ordered one online when we couldn't find anything she liked. Yesterday was, of course, school and I worked and had choir in the evening. And today I had to go into town and pick up my DH's meds from the pharmacy, go to the bank, and get a few things I didn't think about on Sunday. Yesterday I had 28,000 steps. Today only 7000, but I figure with as many as I got yesterday, and last week, I should be fine. I measured myself and I've lost a couple of inches off my waist, so I AM making progress even though I can't SEE it yet. And my pants are falling down...so it's working. I just need to keep doing what I'm doing. I love that my cracker keeps me motivated and helps me keep track so I know when I need to push a little harder, or just accept a slower day.