I did Early Bird Check In on Southwest, because my son has Asperger's and he likes to sit by me when we fly. I also have TSA Pre Check, but he doesn't, because he recently became too old to come in the TSA line with me. He has an interview in DC for his own Pre check next month. Anyway, I went to get our boarding passes and his pass had the Pre Check notifier on it and not mine. So I called them and I told them that I was the one who had Pre Check and I stressed that he didn't. She corrected it for me, but what she didn't do was take the Pre Check off of his pass. I am so tempted to go through the Pre Check line with him, because we've been doing the regular line until he gets his Pre Check. I am on the fence about this. It does make life a little easier, because he starts "stimming" when we go through security. He gets lots of looks and it doesn't help that he's 14 and 6'2'' and "looks normal." I think the Pre Check line reduces the things we have to worry about and that helps him a bit.