Oh that sounds fun! I saw Lincoln's birthplace on a trip to Florida once. We drove everywhere and we would stop along the way to see historical or natural things. We saw Mammoth Cave, the Louis and Clark trail, Sacagawea's grave, Independence Rock, a museum where the first helicopter is supposed to be on display, but we never found the helicopter, a giant statue of the Jolly Green Giant....tons of stuff. I miss that.
My exercise was running around at the school helping out today. King's day is next week and the kids are free, so they did their celebrations today. So since I'm in the parent's group, I had to help peeling and cutting apples, making a sort of koolaid drink, and walking back and forth with serving trays. I have to go pick up popsicles in an hour for when the older grades get back from their track and field day. The younger grades only have half-days on Fridays, so we were done there. But, my hip is holding up really well. It's so weird now, because I got so used to always being in pain. Now it feels weird NOT to be in pain all the time. It's great, but just weird. I keep waiting for the pop.