I know I'm new on this thread, but if you have diabetes you need a balance of carbs (good ) and protein, and fat. With diabetes ( I had it adult onset, until I lost over 35 pounds over a couple years). I tried the original Atkins, and it made me very sick and my kidneys (I have stones), didn't work at all. I got very dizzy too. Now, I'm going the wrong way again, too much sugar and too much weight. I'm forced to change my behavior. My Doctor takes blood every six month's to make sure I'm doing the right things. I know it's very hard as I have low thyroid too. And the temptation is always out there, I would like to suggest that you alter your diet slowly. It will come off slowly, but better safe than sorry. Dr. said in the long run Atkins is bad on the kidneys. I hope I didn't say the wrong things. But, your health is most important. Right now, I'm cutting down on bad fats, and adding in good fats. Changing from bread to sautéed veggies. Let me know if I over spoke. I do know struggles, with weight and temptation. Good luck going forward!