Work Tractor Collides with Monorail Lime


Resident Curmudgeon
What's been forgotten is this is not the FIRST monorail / tractor collision, So calling into question Disney's safety practices and operational discipline is definitely not out of the question, And on a related note the other tractor/monorail crash was ALSO during filming.

So what we can assume here is that the Director had the authority to override safety protocols which should NEVER occur and accidents occurred as a direct result.


Well-Known Member
Has a single "blog" even reported this?
I wonder the same thing...
  • Any info you attempt to pull from Google on this seems to point back to this forum.
  • I'm not buying into the whole thing about swapping cabs. There would have to be some SERIOUS damage (and injuries therefore unavoidable, which has been reported there weren't any) to warrant this, such as the July 2009 incident, which there could not have been without some sort of other media coverage.
  • I would think some other news agency may be running this story if it were true. This allegedly happened almost two weeks ago.
  • I'm not suggesting somebody here is starting rumors, but things aren't adding up here.
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Well-Known Member
What's been forgotten is this is not the FIRST monorail / tractor collision, So calling into question Disney's safety practices and operational discipline is definitely not out of the question
Not really sure how to reply to this. I agree that the WDW monorail system has had its incidents, but can you name a form of transportation that exists which has had less incidents? I certainly can't.

And on a related note the other tractor/monorail crash was ALSO during filming.
I don't remember reading this alleged incident happened while filming. Maybe I'm missing something?


Resident Curmudgeon
Not really sure how to reply to this. I agree that the WDW monorail system has had its incidents, but can you name a form of transportation that exists which has had less incidents? I certainly can't.

I don't remember reading this alleged incident happened while filming. Maybe I'm missing something?

As to the first, my father was an engineer and a pilot and I've spent time in commercial aviation myself, On accidents ONCE is an accident - the SAME accident a SECOND TIME is a systemic failure meaning you did not learn and internalize the lessons of the FIRST occurrence.

That being said WDW monorail system is one of the safest modes of transport out there.

The First Tractor/Monorail collision was on 30 Aug 1991 and yes it was during filming and two workers were injured that time.


Well-Known Member
The First Tractor/Monorail collision was on 30 Aug 1991 and yes it was during filming and two workers were injured that time.
I understand that - but in your original post you said "And on a related note the other tractor/monorail crash was ALSO during filming." Which implies that a filming incident happened more than once.


Resident Curmudgeon
I understand that - but in your original post you said "And on a related note the other tractor/monorail crash was ALSO during filming." Which implies that a filming incident happened more than once.

The current accident according to reports was during the filming of a promotional video, That makes TWO incidents for the SAME activity. In aviation we call that a systemic failure.


Premium Member
Personally I am offended by this statement, while air operations are a completely different skillset to have - monorail CM's are very capable for the most part and do a heck of a job for the compensation they receive. Shame on you for making this statement.

Understand I am not directing my comments at the front line cast.

If anyone should be ashamed, it is the managers of a department that puts monorails out in this condition

The WDW monorail system is suffering from a massive lack of investment and maintenance.


Resident Curmudgeon
Understand I am not directing my comments at the front line cast.

If anyone should be ashamed, it is the managers of a department that puts monorails out in this condition

The WDW monorail system is suffering from a massive lack of investment and maintenance.

Who is criticizing the front line CM's - Safety policy is set by MANAGEMENT which is why these collisions are SYSTEMIC failures which should not have been possible without overriding every safety measure and operational procedure in the book.

Disney MANAGEMENT created the conditions which made these collisions possible. In the absence of a strong safety culture (as exists in Aviation) where a mere rampie can tell a senior pilot OR manager NO YOU CANT DO THAT ITS UNSAFE and said rampie will keep their job. incidents like this will continue to happen.
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Resident Curmudgeon
No. The recent incident was at night during maintenance.

There were reports of this occurring during the filming of a promotional video, Is the story now during maintenance operations???

Until the NTSB report is filed we will not know the details - so it's pointless to speculate any further.


Well-Known Member
For someone who just joined the thread and admittedly didn't read the full thread... (nor apparently remember the credibility of certain posters) you sure seem sure of yourself.
I read the whole thread, my first post was based on the first two pages. While all good discussion at this point I still can only see it as speculation. Like I said before I am not implying anybody is starting rumors nor am I trying to bash anybody's credibility. Things are simply not adding up for me but everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion just as I am. I guess I'll just sit this one out until some more developed information comes about.
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Well-Known Member
All I can say is, if TDO lets the monorail system deteriorate and then scrap it, without either replacing it or replacing with something equally magical, than I will be upset.


Beta Return
Lots of talk, but has anyone actually seen anything? Has Lime been seen out and about? Has any CM caught a glimpse of it in the barn with a broken nose?

Not being sarcastic...I'm really asking these questions. This is something that the local news folk would usually jump on, but other than this thread, there seems to be no actual evidence, which I agree is strange.

Victor Kelly

Well-Known Member
Yet still operated under the guidance and procedures and practices of the same transportation department. The scrutiny is on the department, not the monorail element itself. It amazes me that people can't grasp that.

Did you read what you quoted? I mean seriously did you read it at all?

So you are telling me that it runs on the MAPO system? NO, it does not, it is a diesel powered unit under it's own autonomous power and control. That also means that the individuals running the unit will be under the microscope, not the system. Read what I posted. The system, the SYSTEM was not at fault. You have an INDIVIDUAL that crashed the bloody tractor. Guidance and procedures and practices have nothing to do with an idiot that crashes due to either negligence or equipment failure.

Well duh it is under the transportation department, do I have to list everything out? Apparently others cannot grasp the simple short statements that others seem to be able to make. Where did I state that it was not under the transportation department? Please point it out if you could be so kind.

Perhaps you are one of the ones ready to jump on the system rather than what really caused the crash. Perhaps you, cannot grasp that.

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