Woman Tried To Bring Loaded Gun, Knife Into Disney's Magic Kingdom

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Well-Known Member
But she's 67, and statistically speaking, I think it would be safe to assume that women in that age bracket are more likely to find ONE purse that they like and stick with it, which would invalidate your theory of switching purses.

But then again, I think we're all making the mistake of thinking that women can behave predicatably and rationally, and we all know that ain't true. :D:lol:
*wishes I had a gun.....* :lookaroun

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Apparently, many people in high places disagree with you and believe that it is in the public interest for private citizens to be able to carry concealed guns in everyday life.

And I'm inclined to agree. If I was going to open fire in a public place, I might think twice about it if I wondered how many of my potential victims might pump me full of lead before I have a chance to fire my gun more than once.

I hear this argument every time somebody guns down a group of people (and it might be true in some cases), but it doesn't really make much sense on its face since these guys usually do themselves at the end of the rampage. If you're determined to go out in a blaze of glory, do you really care whether it's your own gun or someone else's that finishes you off, as long as you get the splashy headline you were hoping for? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I hear this argument every time somebody guns down a group of people (and it might be true in some cases), but it doesn't really make much sense on its face since these guys usually do themselves at the end of the rampage. If you're determined to go out in a blaze of glory, do you really care whether it's your own gun or someone else's that finishes you off, as long as you get the splashy headline you were hoping for? :shrug:

But that's not the point. The point is that, rather than killing a bunch of unarmed people and then doing yourself in, you get off a couple shots and then get gunned down by others before you have a chance to shoot very many people.

It's not about who kills the attacker. It's about getting him stopped before he has a chance to do his intended damage.

What's worse: an attacker firing off 50 rounds and killing a dozen people and then killing himself? Or an attacker firing off 10 rounds and killing two people before armed members of the crowd return fire and kill the attacker?


New Member
thats scary, im glad they check
Why? People carry guns all the time. Today's society has made you afraid of people who carry guns, the same society that probably scared this woman into carrying a gun in her purse! Some of the most mentaly unstable people(IMHO) are allowed to get up, get dressed and strap a weapon at their side on a daily basis. I am of course speaking about law enforcement. I know, I know some of us on this board are cops, and I don't intend to offend anyone, but some policepersons are power hungry. So since under normal circumstances they aren't allowed to use deadly force, we giver them a taser and say, " Shock the ________ out of anyone who es you off!". If someone es me of and I punch them, I am facing potential jail time. If I say something a cop doesn't like and he lights me up like a Christmas tree, I'm facing jail time. The system is backwards. Some cops are bad, just like everyone else, and abuse the system. Don't get me wrong I'm glad for all they do, but if I was allowed to pop someone in the ______ for trying to take my wallet, wouldn't really need a police force would we!

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
But that's not the point. The point is that, rather than killing a bunch of unarmed people and then doing yourself in, you get off a couple shots and then get gunned down by others before you have a chance to shoot very many people.

It's not about who kills the attacker. It's about getting him stopped before he has a chance to do his intended damage.

Yeah, that I get. I guess it was your wording that these guys "might think twice" about doing this if they knew people around them might be packing that I was responding to.

If your point is that they might think twice because they know they might not get the dramatic scene they want (rather than fear of getting shot by a would-be victim), then...meh, you might be right. Who knows what motivates or deters these guys?

I'm still not convinced it would be THAT much of a psychological deterrent, which some people seem to take as equally self-evident as the likelihood that fewer innocent people would be gunned down if more people had concealed weapons. They're really two separate arguments.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that I get. I guess it was your wording that these guys "might think twice" about doing this if they knew people around them might be packing that I was responding to.

If your point is that they might think twice because they know they might not get the dramatic scene they want (rather than fear of getting shot by a would-be victim), then...meh, you might be right. Who knows what motivates or deters these guys?

I'm still not convinced it would be THAT much of a psychological deterrent, which some people seem to take as self-evident as the likelihood that fewer innocent people would be gunned down. They're really two separate arguments.

It might not be much of a psychological deterrent for the kind of people you are talking about. But not every attacker is a pyscho who intends on making headlines and going out in a blaze of glory. Many of them are people who plan on waking up tommorrow and living their everyday lives. People who want to rob the old lady in the alley, or rape the pretty girl walking out to her car. People who run into the jewelry store to rob it (and possibly whack someone while they're at it) and plan to spend the money tommorrow and pull their next job next week. These people don't plan to die. And I wonder how many of these people might think twice about what they're doing if they know that they might get a bullet between the eyes in the process.

Regardless of whether or not they'll think twice, the fact remains that the victim has a chance to defend himself.


Well-Known Member
I'm permitted, and I carry - in every day life. I'm trained in the use of my gun.

I know where my weapon is at all times and if I'm someplace where the weapon isn't legal, well - it doesn't go there. Forgetting is not an excuse.

I carry because it's a pretty dangerous world. Yep, dangerous right outside the Disney bubble as well.

For example, yesterday in Polk County, close to I4, a gunman wanted to rob a convenience store but it had closed and the clerk wouldn't let him in.

So, after he fired a couple of rounds into the store - he walked over and murdered two other employees who were changing the gas prices on the store sign.

He murdered them because he couldn't rob the store and wanted to make a statement I guess. He murdered them because he's a member of the sub-human culture that places no value on human life.

If one or both of those employees had been armed, perhaps today there'd be a a piece of human debris in a pauper's grave instead of two families grieving the loss of a couple of innocents.

I'm armed for the same reason that the Publix that serves Celebration and tens of thousands of you visitors hires an armed guard from dusk to closing. They got tired of thugs robbing the store and shoppers.

I'll gladly melt down my gun the day the animals give up theirs.


What's worse: an attacker firing off 50 rounds and killing a dozen people and then killing himself? Or an attacker firing off 10 rounds and killing two people before armed members of the crowd return fire and kill the attacker?
What is the difference? Either way innocent people are dying because some sicko had a gun and decided to kill them.


Active Member
Ok so do we know if this woman was all there, I mean did she have mental health issues, etc., because any person in their right mind would know that with school and now even mall shootings guns wouldn't be allowed in a place like WDW. Im not saying guns are bad or evil or w/e Im not going down that path. But when I go to WDW I arrive with my usual bag with my cell and my wallet with my cards and cash, a hair brush, make-up, ipod, etc. once there I take out what I don't need and leave it in my room or my car for that matter and place it all in a small backpack. Almost any woman I know, who goes to any theme park, does the same thing. So the excuse "Oops! Forgot that was in there"(IE gun in this case) seems highly unlikely! :hammer:


Active Member
Maybe she got on the wrong monorail and was trying to put SSE out of its misery?
OMG Merf I have been studying my but off all day for my exams tomorrow and that made me laugh so hard! HA! That was super hilarious! But then again I've been studying since 10 am Sat. Ha! Poor Space Ship Earth its been the butt of all our jokes today...


New Member
Son's Suggestion

May she was just following my son's suggestion. I asked him if he could improve Disney World what would it be. He replied, turn It's a Small World into a shooting gallery.


Well-Known Member
Three words:

Illusion of security.

Exactly. It's not like Disney's bag checks are very thorough. Sometimes all they do is look inside...at times they don't even physically reach inside the bag and move stuff around. It just seems odd...and the timing of this event is also very interesting.



Well-Known Member
What is the difference? Either way innocent people are dying because some sicko had a gun and decided to kill them.

The difference is that by allowing the innocent people to carry guns, then they can stop an assailant before he can murder a bunch of innocent people. Maybe they can shoot him before he kills anyone. Or maybe he still succeeds in taking a few out, but is stopped before taking his intended amount of victims.

Just remember...laws against murder don't stop these sickos from murdering. Similarly, laws against guns aren't going to stop them from getting their hands on a gun.

Anti-gun laws succeed only in restricting gun possesion to the two most untrustworthy elements of society: the government and the criminals.


The difference is that by allowing the innocent people to carry guns, then they can stop an assailant before he can murder a bunch of innocent people. Maybe they can shoot him before he kills anyone. Or maybe he still succeeds in taking a few out, but is stopped before taking his intended amount of victims.

And of course, I'm sure the (innocent) Joe Shmoe with the gun isn't going to accidentally shoot someone else or cause even more harm. :rolleyes:


New Member
And of course, I'm sure the (innocent) Joe Shmoe with the gun isn't going to accidentally shoot someone else or cause even more harm. :rolleyes:
You could be roasting marshmallows and accidently stab me with your stick! What's the point. Everyday ignorant people are put in charge of big, scary things! There are millions of people who drive a car everyday, some with a sub-level IQ. Is it dangerous, you betcha'! Can we stop it, hell no! See where I'm going?
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