Woman Says Disney Fired Her After Taking Time To Grieve Husband's Death

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Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
In my previous company I had to sack a number of people. Despite two of them being off for 3 years sick and with no sign of return or having a job in the company that they felt they could do, it took weeks of home visits and three formal meetings before I could dismiss them and not have to worry about legal actions.

There are many things wrong with the EU, but giving employees rights isnt one of them.


Disney is a company first. Why can't people understand that? They are out to make a profit, just like any other company.

No ones against them making a profit. But the profit should be one that is not at expense of it's employees living in poverty. The American government is in the pockets of big business when it should be creating laws to ensure everyone earns a fair livable wage. It should also be taxing companies enough to ensure that there is money to fund welfare programs and do something about the huge number of people living in poverty in the US. It's disgusting that big companies get a break with chapter 11 rules yet if you have problems paying your mortgage where is your break and time to sort things out? People wake up! Your government sold out on you they don't give a crap about you they are rotten to the core.


Well-Known Member
... but when did it become so popular to 'defend the man?'

Seriously, whether Disney was right or wrong in this particular case is of no moment to me ... but in general people seem so willing to defend every bad decision companies make ...

Because I am "the man". From the information I could gather, interjected with a lot (too much?) of assumption, I was able to sympathize with their management's situation.

For several years, I've prudently "let go" of many under-performers so to create opportunities for those who are unemployed, capable, and more importantly, willing to work.

*EDIT* - I'm the DH of the lovely member who posts here quite regularly. She is much kinder and gentler than I. Please don't hold my post against her. ;)
(Love ya babe! Did I tell you how beautiful you look today? :eek:)


New Member
It's okay to be lazy, just don't let it get so bad you can't work more than a few hours a day. If the Germans come for you again, you'll need to put up just a tiny bit of a fight until we can get over there and save you one more time. :wave:

Putting a waving smiley face after this comment doesn't cut it.

I'm with MKT. I’m embarrassed by this remark.


Active Member
Because I am "the man". From the information I could gather, interjected with a lot (too much?) of assumption, I was able to sympathize with their management's situation.

For several years, I've prudently "let go" of many under-performers so to create opportunities for those who are unemployed, capable, and more importantly, willing to work.

*EDIT* - I'm the DH of the lovely member who posts here quite regularly. She is much kinder and gentler than I. Please don't hold my post against her. ;)
(Love ya babe! Did I tell you how beautiful you look today? :eek:)
Well said!
Speaking generally...it is very convenient for under-performing workers to blanketly blame all management for their poor work ethic, not saying that applies to anyone on this board, of course.


Well said!
Speaking generally...it is very convenient for under-performing workers to blanketly blame all management for their poor work ethic, not saying that applies to anyone on this board, of course.

I know he said his wife was on the boards but you don't have to back up his post.

Sorry just noticed you are a bloke.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Sadly us CMs do not get paid a lot. I chock it up to the fact Disney keeps it low on purpose, that way the people who work there do it because they want to, not because it pays well. Be kind to your CMs, I often work 70+ hours a week but because I love it...
We always are very happy for CM's at WDW, this past Easter while there I figured out how to show our appreciation for them working on that day, we couldn't give them candy, not everyone can have it. We couldn't say Happy Easter because not everyone observes it. So I got the idea to have a general business card made up with a simple statement, Thankyou for working the holiday and making our day Magical, with the family name, town and state on it. Gave them to everyone in our party and said to give them to every CM we came in contact with. Some of the reactions were just fantastic. And to all CM's thankyou for making all of our visits Magical, and our future visits too. :animwink::wave:


We always are very happy for CM's at WDW, this past Easter while there I figured out how to show our appreciation for them working on that day, we couldn't give them candy, not everyone can have it. We couldn't say Happy Easter because not everyone observes it. So I got the idea to have a general business card made up with a simple statement, Thankyou for working the holiday and making our day Magical, with the family name, town and state on it. Gave them to everyone in our party and said to give them to every CM we came in contact with. Some of the reactions were just fantastic. And to all CM's thankyou for making all of our visits Magical, and our future visits too. :animwink::wave:

This is a lovely idea something that costs next to nothing but really makes someone feel valued.


Well-Known Member
You have to understand that the USA doesn't value its workers. Disney is just like any other large, souless corporation except it is one built on the illusion of family and family values.

People in this country like to kid themselves into believing that 1.) we are a compassionate nation (when any look into the way we treat the most needy would show otherwise; and 2.) that we live in a true democracy ( we don't ... we live in a capitalist society where big business is allowed to control the playing field.

There's a reason why WDW's workforce now is almost the polar opposite of what it was 20 years ago. It's simple: you don't have to pay a living wage to high schoolers, College Program kids, retirees and people working 1-3 shifts a week. Of course, you may pay them $7 an hour and luck out and get great workers because they don't need the money, but alas some workers do this as their job (or second or third) and do need it.

The only thing preventing WDW from having a liveable minimum wage (in Orlando it would have been $9-10 an hour before Bush got his dream of $4 a gallon gas) is simply the fact Wall Street's institutional investors would not allow it. Again, that's what happens when big business takes over a country ... and it may be a FREE market, but it assuredly isn't a democratic society. :mad:
1. Every country believes that they are compassionate, not just us.
2. We have never lived in a democracy and it was never the intention of the founders to live in one. Democracy means mob rule, no thanks. Some politicians and people love to throw that word around and they do not realize that history has shown that democracy's are often the breeding ground for tyrants.

Big business has always run this country. I would also be careful about blaming wall street. Any person who has a retirement plan is in the same boat with those rich wall street investors. As far as the oil and Bush statement, I am willing to believe you if you could show some logical proof of that. Disney and other corporations may not be the most benevolent entitities. I blame no one else but ourselves for letting that happen. It is ultimately up to a person to do something about a situation that they feel is wrong.:wave:


Well-Known Member
No ones against them making a profit. But the profit should be one that is not at expense of it's employees living in poverty. The American government is in the pockets of big business when it should be creating laws to ensure everyone earns a fair livable wage. It should also be taxing companies enough to ensure that there is money to fund welfare programs and do something about the huge number of people living in poverty in the US. It's disgusting that big companies get a break with chapter 11 rules yet if you have problems paying your mortgage where is your break and time to sort things out? People wake up! Your government sold out on you they don't give a crap about you they are rotten to the core.
Blanket statements like that do not prove anything. I am all for critisizing, but do it in an intelligent manner. As I said to you in a previous post, it is naive to believe that America is the only country who is in the pocket of rich people, or that this is something new.:)


Well-Known Member
Blanket statements like that do not prove anything. I am all for critisizing, but do it in an inteligent manner. As I said to you in a previous post, it is naive to believe that America is the only country who is in the pocket of rich people, or that this is something new.:)

I am with you on that "Yankspy".

Since the beggining of time the rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten poorer.This is not an American or Disney thing.

I do think Disney should and could pay entry level CMS more. I do not think,however, Disney is some Tryanical Company living of the backs of the poor and Dishearted.

Just like I said before, look at any given Sunday in the Orlando Sentinal.There are pages and pages of jobs especially in Hospitality. People do have the choice to work elsewhere.

Before anyone calls me a "Fanboy" or some blind supporter of Disney,I am not.I support things they do and dont support others.

All I am saying is Disney is not the only employer in Central Florida.

They can go to Publix and make 6 bucks and hour and complain about how Store Managers there make an average of 100k per year too.


New Member
You have to understand that the USA doesn't value its workers. Disney is just like any other large, souless corporation except it is one built on the illusion of family and family values.

People in this country like to kid themselves into believing that 1.) we are a compassionate nation (when any look into the way we treat the most needy would show otherwise; and 2.) that we live in a true democracy ( we don't ... we live in a capitalist society where big business is allowed to control the playing field.

There's a reason why WDW's workforce now is almost the polar opposite of what it was 20 years ago. It's simple: you don't have to pay a living wage to high schoolers, College Program kids, retirees and people working 1-3 shifts a week. Of course, you may pay them $7 an hour and luck out and get great workers because they don't need the money, but alas some workers do this as their job (or second or third) and do need it.

The only thing preventing WDW from having a liveable minimum wage (in Orlando it would have been $9-10 an hour before Bush got his dream of $4 a gallon gas) is simply the fact Wall Street's institutional investors would not allow it. Again, that's what happens when big business takes over a country ... and it may be a FREE market, but it assuredly isn't a democratic society. :mad:

Oh Good Lord! Why the hell don't you move to a place where your utopian ideals are respected - say Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea. I've known several former CM's. They all enjoyed working at WDW. They all say that it was hard work. They all say it didn't pay well, and they all moved on to better paying jobs. Most people who work minimum wage jobs do so for a short time to get job experience. If someone is unable to move out of a minimum wage job it usually has to do with the personal choices of the employee. Some simply don't want to move on to a better job. They're happy where they are.

The free market is the best answer for rewarding effort and education. It's not always fair but neither is life. Our country is compassionate to the handicapped and those whose misfortune wasn't caused by their own choices. People like you talk about poverty as if it's a great mystery that could victimize anyone. We know what causes poverty in this nation. If you don't want to live in poverty, don't have a baby out of wedlock, don't get married before you're 20 and graduate from high school. The poverty rates balloon amoung people in those three areas. You can't blame Disney or Walmart or any other coorparation. Personal choices can and do have lasting consequences. I'm over 100 pounds overweight. I don't blame McDonalds or Sara Lee.


New Member
What is up with all these insane flame war threads lately?

Sorry. One of the reasons I like going to WDW is to get away from politics. But 1974's post really bothered me. I'd rather just discuss the poor woman who was the subject of the original post rather than debate over a "living wage".
Disney's policies towards leaves of absence depend on the situation. My best friend (a concierge at Port Orleans) was recently given a 2 week LOA for her grandmother's passing...without pay of course. She was given the choice to extend the leave, if need be.

Disney pays peanuts, but for many its a labor of love.


Naturally Grumpy
One other thought that I've often used elsewhere when describing people who defend Disney management ... and I don't know if this is a result of the WalMarting/dumbing down of our nation (and WDW) or the cause ... but when did it become so popular to 'defend the man?'
Seriously, whether Disney was right or wrong in this particular case is of no moment to me ... but in general people seem so willing to defend every bad decision companies make ...

Call it a backlash from the easy scapegoat of "blaming the man"

Arab oil consortiums are raping the world, US Gov. sneaks in it big cut of a tax...who do you blame?...Exxon :rolleyes:
Thanks to medical advances people are living longer, new medicines have eliminated the need for surgeries and various invasive procedures, the government and insurance companies have screwed up medical insurance...who do you blame?...big Pharma. Bill Gates has a product that everybody decides to buy...who do you attack?

Blaming "the man" is just another excuse for ignorance and failure to take responsibility for your own actions.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Sorry. One of the reasons I like going to WDW is to get away from politics. But 1974's post really bothered me. I'd rather just discuss the poor woman who was the subject of the original post rather than debate over a "living wage".

I wasn't really referring to your post, I was just refering to the fact that there just seems to be so many out of hand threads lately like the $1.99 buns thread, the electric car thread, etc.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
She took all her vacation time PLUS 30 days. Where I work we get 3 days for the death of a spouse. That's 3 not 3-0.

She wasn't asking for 30 days of paid leave...just wanted her job to be there when she was done grieving. An operation as big as the WDW janitorial staff ought to be able to handle that.
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