Resident Curmudgeon
Tons and tons of anecdotal evidence says so. Did Figment ever have a 20 minute line before Fast pass+? Did Pirates ever drop below 30 minutes? Was Living With The Land always a 20 minute wait, and Spaceship Earth 45?
Yes there are more guests, but attendance didn't MyMagically double the day the system went online.
But what did happen is most of the rides that have seen increases are the ones where they didn't even have a Fastpass line so *everyone* went in standby.
In the past a person might get a Fast pass for one big ride on average, whereas now Disney pushes them into getting three, even for ones that used to be walk ons.
So that person who might have in the past used a standby line now uses the new Fastpass line, which loads *faster* (the clue is in the name) so those in the standby line now have to wait for the other line to load first, as they don't load one standby for every fastpass rider, hence a slower experience than before.
No JII used to have 5-10 minute waits with maybe a 20-30 minute wait during Christmas/NYE. BEFORE FP+