With any new system there will be those that love it, and those that dont. Whether its MM+, Google+, heck even when the telephone first came out it was rejected by many and some even called it satanic. NGE definitely has its positives and it definitely has its negatives and thats what I dont appreciate about an article like this. It focuses 100% on positive aspects and mentions absolutely nothing of the negative side.
Im not saying they should slam MM+ either, just present both sides of the story. Aside from the fact that technology is prone to errors, just the simple idea that making plans 60-180 days out isnt as perfect as they make it it seem. It reads way more like propaganda and far less like an unbiased piece of journalism. Quoting from the article, "You dont need to wait in long lines" and "You’re freed to take advantage of more rides". Both statements are extremely misleading.
We have had many trips to WDW since NGE has rolled out. We have had a few minor issues but nothing that ruined our trip, on the other hand, it hasnt enhanced the experience on the level articles like this claim it does.
It has its conveniences such as making changes on the app, but as
@MichWolv pointed out, those conveniences are simply not there if your visiting during peak seasons or a busy day. Another quote from the article, "It’s amazing how much friction Disney has engineered away", while this is true to a certain degree, when the system has an error it can also create way more friction than could have ever been possible before. The entire system has crashed several times already with no back up in place and countless people have had to spend much more time at GS or the front desk from problems that simply did not and could not have happened prior. I always like what Palmer Joss says in the movie Contact, "Is the world fundamentally a better place because of science and technology?" It rings true not only in the aspect of MM+, but technology as a whole. For all the conveniences it offers, are we fundamentally better?