Well-Known Member
I think what we mean is that there should be more people like you. You were wise to prepare ahead of time - always better safe than sorry. I just can't fathom how people can be so unprepared, after seeing the hurricane seasons these past 2 years.MiRi said:The thing is, that people here are used to hearing more than once, every year, that a hurricane could come and then it doesn't hit us that hard or not at all. So, people have the mentality that it's not going to be as bad. It's not right, but it's true. I do think that Wilma was a wake up call to residents and I think/hope that they will be better prepared next time around.
Luckily, my family was prepared with food & water. We all got gas for our cars the day of the storm (before it hit, of course). We're getting ice from work. We're fine. But it's still frustrating without power, especially with my dad. He has Parkinson's Disease and he's a diabetic so taking proper care of him can be frustrating (keeping his insulin cold and whatnot).
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers - I know it must be very difficult without power.