Fine, you don't think it's funny.
What I find bothersome is that people all over the country, many of whom have lived their whole lives in places that have never felt a hurricane, are generating quite a lot of (ultimately) useless foaming and fear-mongering. It's not just this board, but - seemingly - everywhere I turn across the internet. It's as if everyone who watched CNN storm coverage or perused the appalling "Weather Underground" site is suddenly an expert. The immediate manefestation of that dubious expertise is, in the main, FREAKING OUT.
If you look at the NOAA/NHC's forecast map, and dotted line at the center of the much-discussed cone of uncertainty, it intersects the west coast of Florida at Naples. I live a scant 35 miles north of that intersection, so it doesn't take much drift for me and most everyone I know to really be in the soup. If it makes landfall anywhere between here and Punta Gorda, there's a good chance my home could be flooded and badly damaged. If it stays to the south...well, my house took a beating from Charley and stayed in one piece, so I'd be less concerned.
I'm about as prepared as I'm going to be. I've lived here long enough to have honed my plans to the least bad of the available alternatives. If the storm is coming, it's coming, and there's nothing I can do to change that. I can take prudent steps to minimize the risk to my own life, that of my pets, and damage to my property, but there are no guarantees. To (figuratively) flail around accomplishes exactly nothing but spreading a lot of bum information.