DCA, although part of Disney, is not Disneyland. They built the theme to be an amusement park like Coney Island or a like destination. That was the theme. You don't see that in Disneyland itself do you? The bigger the coaster, the higher the coaster, the more difficult it is to theme it in any comprehensive form. That is not what Disney does. That is not what made Disney the theme parks that they are. Put those in and the entire atmosphere is altered. There are plenty of other venues where one can quench their need for an adrenaline rush. Disneylands/worlds do not need to be those parks. You talk about people starting to say... hey, that is just like six flags, well, that is exactly what it will be. It's the same as the reason why they make a Ford Focus and at the same time someone else makes a Cadillac Escalade. It's so people can have a choice, it's not to make every park a rubber stamp of another. Disney offers what it offers, other offer something different. If Disney doesn't fill a need then one needs to go where that need gets satisfied.