Will There Every Be a 5th Major Park?


Wilson King of Prussia
I'm dumbing this explanation down significantly, but, Reedy Creek keeps an eye on the amount of land and resources left in resort. Not only do they not dictate what gets built, they also don't have any idea what the long-term plans are for the resort. They just say things like "if you guys want to build a theme park, these are the areas that can support it."

I agree with this somewhat. However, if you read the RCID 2020 Plan very closely, you'll notice little things that make me think they do at least have an idea about what TWDC may want to do with specific plots of land in the future.

If you look at the Future Land Use section you'll see that in multiple figures/images they show a distinct area/line that runs from Bay Lake to the STOL port area that is available for future development. This line runs right through a section of property that has been designated as Conservation. This most likely indicates a waterway that would connect Bay Lake to whatever Disney might want to build on the land that is now occupied by the STOL Port. Now that doesn't meant they'll most definitely create this connecting waterway, but to mark off something that specific in the Future Land Use plan tells me that Reedy Creek has reason to believe that this has at least been considered by Disney. I think RCID does have a basic idea regarding future plans for the resort. Just my $0.02.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, from what I can remember, Disney is honoring all existing contracts with Marvel for Universal Studios in Orlando. So Marvel characters are not allowed in the Disney Parks on that side of the Mississippi.

However, once the contract is up for renewal, it all depends on what Universal or Disney wants to do. Universal may not want to continue paying for the rights for the Marvel characters (for whatever reason), or they may wish to continue. However, if they do wish to continue, Disney can force Universal to end the agreement by raising the prices or terms of their agreement. But that could be seen as bad press for Disney.

However, I would never say that the possibility of Marvel Characters at Disney World is impossible. They're already selling Marvel merchandise within the parks, so its not like they're absent at all from the World.

How would it be bad press for disney? They now own the rights to those characters, they want to make money off of them and promote their parks.


New Member
There is a fifth park being developed and land is already cleared but won't be announced til after Fantasyland is complete... It will be on the other side of the road from Fort Wilderness campgrounds area... Its going to be more thrilling like California Adventure... Trees are being cleared but there's a very thick level of forest blocking view from the road........ You can tell when Disney is up to something big because they build new resorts 1.) Disney's Art of Animation, 2.) There's a DVC resort going up in the Fort Wilderness area... They build the new resorts to accomodate the higher number of guests... I promise you this is coming from a legit source, a family member works with a company who made new low VOC paint for Disney and the person looking over the project has taked with them bout using 100% of their paint in these new projects including Fantasyland................

I don't think that will happen. That land is in the Magic Kingdom. they wouldn't put two parks that close to each other. What they should do is put some new attractions in Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios before they think about a new park.

Lord Pheonix

Active Member
there are only 2 inevitalble answers to this question.

id say the answer is yes. definatly. bet on it.

it may not be in our lifetime, but sooner or later they will build a new park. in buisness there is only one rule, expand or die

the only other option is that disney eventually goes bankrupt and shuts down everything, although this possibility is very remote, it IS possible.


back in the 50's or 60's, (i appologize if my timeframe is a little off), woolworths was one of the largest chains of retailers around, comparable to macy's and sears robuck. today your lucky to find someone who has even heard about them, let alone know what they were.

bradlees and caldor: although bradlees is still around, barely, caldor has been gone for years.

these are just 2 samples of countless companies that were huge in their day but, due to compatition or demagraphical change, dont exist anymore. even rome, the eppitamy of all nations, fell. point is, nothing lasts forever, so you either expand or die.

sorry to sound so pessimistic, but that is just the plain truth. personally, i love disney, and i hope to see it expand greatly in my lifetime as well as my kids and grandkids lifetimes.



New Member

Hello all. I received word from a friend who works at Disney and has a friend that works in Imagineering and the word is that later this year they will announce a new park at WDW. It is supposed to be the long awaited Villain's park. I know that rumor has been around a long time, but apparently he was in the meeting when it was announced that it is currently in production.


Hello all. I received word from a friend who works at Disney and has a friend that works in Imagineering and the word is that later this year they will announce a new park at WDW. It is supposed to be the long awaited Villain's park. I know that rumor has been around a long time, but apparently he was in the meeting when it was announced that it is currently in production.



New Member
How would it be bad press for disney? They now own the rights to those characters, they want to make money off of them and promote their parks.
Its still kind of brute forcing it from Universal. Don't get me wrong, I think its fair business, but I was just just saying it COULD be seen as negative press.


New Member

my friend in managment said their also going to build a monorail line all the way to new york. it will reach speeds of 1000 mph and get u to disney in 45 min. theyre also going to pay you to ride it.
Dude, I totally heard that too! From all my friends who don't work at Disney, but their Uncles do!


I don't have a link to that report from Reedy Creek. I believe it was a Nov. 2009 article in the Orlando Sentinel. You can try Googling the key words. It should be easy to find.:)


Well-Known Member
And even though it would be kinda brutish for Disney to take the characters from Universal, it is now their property...and i dont see the problem with buying back what is theirs from another company. They wouldn't screw Universal and leave them with nothing...they would have to compensate them for it as long as Universal has honored the contract.

This could be a potential win-win for both companies.


Well-Known Member
And even though it would be kinda brutish for Disney to take the characters from Universal, it is now their property...and i dont see the problem with buying back what is theirs from another company. They wouldn't screw Universal and leave them with nothing...they would have to compensate them for it as long as Universal has honored the contract.

This could be a potential win-win for both companies.

Universal would have to agree to any terms for Disney to re-acquire the rights. For Universal to do this, they'd want enough money to cover the cost of re-theming the entire area as well as any additional costs resulting in loss of attendance.

I don't see Disney spending the money to re-theme Islands of Adventure attractions just so they can then spend more money to add those characters to their parks.

I would expect a Marvel attraction or two to open in Shanghai, and then perhaps after that we may say a realistic discussion between Disney and Universal.


Active Member
How would it be bad press for disney? They now own the rights to those characters, they want to make money off of them and promote their parks.

That's not how it works.

From the Orlando Sentinel, originally brought to these boards by "fillerup".

Through a 15-year-old licensing contract between Marvel and an arm of NBC Universal — a contract Disney inherited when it bought Marvel — Universal Orlando is the only theme park on the U.S. East Coast that can use some of Marvel’s best-known characters, including Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk and the X-Men.

But the contract also gives Disney a number of rights over Universal, including the ability to audit Universal Orlando’s books, to ensure it is paying the appropriate amount of royalties, and the power to review Universal’s promotional materials when they feature Marvel characters.

Universal, which doesn’t want to abandon its Marvel rights after having invested heavily to build Marvel Super Island in its Islands of Adventure theme park, now must pay millions of dollars a year in royalties to the corporate parent of its archrival. Disney, meanwhile, finds itself unable to use the most popular characters from its pricey new studio in Orlando, at the company’s biggest, most visited theme-park resort. (Universal Parks & Resorts also holds exclusive theme-park rights to Spider-Man in Japan, where Disney operates the two-park Tokyo Disney Resort.)
Long time reader, first time poster so hello all! I say let Universal keep their Marvel attractions and continue to pay Disney. I'm sure when Shanghai is announced it will feature Marvel in some way shape or form.

I see something being announced for AK within the next few years. Hopefully with some 's so much potential that hasn't even been cracked into yet. But we'll see what the future holds!
And extremely excited for FLE! I go to disney in late september. What should I expect to see around that time?


Active Member
Long time reader, first time poster so hello all! I say let Universal keep their Marvel attractions and continue to pay Disney.

I agree, especially when the contract gives Disney SIGNIFICANT power over Universal when it comes to oversight. The current contract pretty much gives Disney the right to have an audit team in the Universal offices at all times.

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