"WILL DREAM FASTPASSES" Be For Sale Soon To Guests??

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
OK, lets calm down folks.
Wow, Is this not a discussion board? I did not know that you had to have evidence now to start a discussion on here.....
I actually think it is an interesting point to discuss, rather than droning on and on about spaceship earth's ending, wah wah waaaaahhh....
Seriously, i have been on this board for years, i cannot remember one refurb that everyone liked.
Anyway, i don't think they will sell fastpasses either. Seems to be too much of a hastle. I think the YOAMD gimic is great, and you should be able to win those things. Plus, the current fastpass system is great. I do not agree. I do not think they will sell them....Now

Oh...ok...because you say so...

Honestly, I kinda thought the OP got unnecessary riled. No one really said anything all that wrong. Like I said before, it's a semantics issue. TO ask "DREAM FASTPASSES To Be For Sale Soon To Guests??" is misleading, as it implies that not only COULD it happen -when there's no evidence to it thus far - but that it could be happening soon. A jump to conclusions

An example of the same kind of semantics - there;s now evidence that excessive amounts of caffeine could raise the blood sugar of diabaetics, raising blood sugar is bad, ergo diabetics should limit their caffeine or adjust their diets even more to balance out the dangers of caffeine. What's the more responsible, sensical question for a paper to use qs a headline?

"should Diabetics consume less caffeine?"


"Can caffeine KILL diabetics?"

Both techincally right, though one plays a little looser with the facts and jumps to conclusions. I know which headline would garner more attention, but that doesn't mean it would be the right one to use, unless attention is all you crave...

Just because this is a discussion board doesn't mean we can't be thoughtful in how we phrase our questions, out thoughts, our opinions...I can be verbose, but I also try to be clear about the points I'm trying to make, and I don't like it if I fail.


Active Member
Plus, with someone like Miley Cyrus, or a Disney star, she could've been on property working, and her time touring the parks is just like a 2 hour work break slash photo op. Teamsters are waiting for her to be back to shoot a very special scene from a very special episode of Hannah Montana Blocks Regular Folk From Getting on Space Mountain, they can't have her standing around waiting for her fastpass window to kick in. :lol:

Well then she should wait till she is off the clock and go to the park on her time. If I showed up at Dumbo and said I was on my lunch break would they close the ride for everyone but me? No so they shouldnt do it for her either. Just shows if you have money you get what you want.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Well then she should wait till she is off the clock and go to the park on her time. If I showed up at Dumbo and said I was on my lunch break would they close the ride for everyone but me? No so they shouldnt do it for her either. Just shows if you have money you get what you want.

Except in this instance, it's not that she HAS money. She's MAKING money...FOR DISNEY.

If you were on one of the Disney Channel's highest rated shows, sold tons of CDs, downloads and DVDs, made additional kajillions of dollars in concert ticket sales and assorted merch, and it all made its way into Disney's bottom line...yeah, I could see 'em giving you cutsies on Dumbo during a lunch break. I could also see most of your fan base being thrilled to see you, and Disney deciding it makes more sense, and poses less of a security risk, to give you a personal escort and some security detail so you don't create any human gridlock or have people start to beat each other up trying to get close to you. After all, in the time it took me to write this post, you've sold enough tickets to your 3-D movie to pay for the security detail AND add to their 401K.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I thought mince meant to chop finely.:shrug:

I'll make sure never to ask a Scot to mince garlic for me.:lol:

using the word "mince" as a verb would have its drawback in England too.

intransitive) To walk with short steps; to walk in a prim, affected manner.

The daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, mincing as they go. --Is. III. 16.
I'll turn two mincing steps into a manly stride. — Shakespeare

So dont go asking people top mince for you.:D


Well-Known Member
Let me put it this way:

Merf has his Spaceship Earth...

The Hatfields have the McCoys...

The Republicans have the Democrats...

I have DSA...

We all have things we hate with passionate fury, but, despite our best efforts, can't do anything about...


It might be easier to get your point across by actually expressing it, rather than "sigh". I still don't know why you hate DSA, because you haven't actually even said that until just now. Just these passive aggressive exclamations.

I also don't know how much hating DSA has to do with the OP (although I realize it is more in reference to the talk about the Tour Guides and FPs, so I'm trying to roll with that.)

Also, you might want to know what you're talking about before you correct people. :shrug:


New Member
i would love a to purchase dream fast passes then i wouldnt have to wait in line with all the trash that i see coming to the parks these days !

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