"WILL DREAM FASTPASSES" Be For Sale Soon To Guests??


New Member
I think it could sqeeze the Free Fastpasses out. In other words, I think so many would buy them that the frees would dry up quicker than they already do.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I imagine it will be reserved for the more affluent guests (who are willing to shell out for the VIP tours--or whatever they're called).

That would seem to be in line with the options people mentioned in Paris. "If you're willing to shell out big bucks for this hotel/tour/whatever, we'll throw in some FastPasses." That would automatically put a limit on the number of FastPasses in play, since most people can't afford or won't budget that kind of stuff. Maybe they could give out Dream FP's with every dinner at Victoria & Alberts. :lol:

Personally, I wouldn't sell Dream FastPasses because I would think that would overtly add to the "classism" in WDW (not that it doesn't already exist). Having more expensive dining options and resorts is one thing, but I think guests might be more upset if they actually saw people "getting more" out of the experience than them.

I agree with that too (oy, it's just a love fest here) and had the same thought when a similar topic came up not long ago (Deluxe FP's for resort guests, I think).

The FastPass system as it exists now seems to stir up those resentments. Ever get the stink eye from somebody in standby as you walk through the FastPass line? Yeah, me too...and that's with everybody being able to use the same system for free. If you start tiering off the FastPass options based on money, I think you're creating an unnecessary "caste" system that's more "in your face" than the current social divisions based on where you're eating, sleeping, etc. The people eating counter service and staying at the Howard Johnson aren't sitting around watching other people eat at V&A's and retire to the GF, even if they know those options exist.

The rides to me are the unifying aspect of WDW. You can go there and not eat the park food or stay in a Disney resort, but everybody rides the rides. The rich guest and the one who puts back part of his paycheck every week to afford the trip are both going on Splash Mountain at the same time, so why stir up resentment by putting the "two WDW's" (to steal from John Edwards) on display so starkly in the one aspect of the resort that should be completely universal?


I am very much against this idea, since it brings the economic caste system into disney world. The people who can't afford to spend money on fastpasses would be cheated. Plus, you can bet that everyone that could afford them would buy them and line waits would be about the same as before, except with the poor people in the standby and suffering the most. It would just be robbing guests of more money with no real benefit for anyone. Disney should be about equality and not giving priveleges to certain people because they can afford to spend more money than other people.

The current fastpass system is, IMO, the fairest, and certainly a much better system than Universal's. They should leave things the way they are and ensure that guests from all economic backgrounds have equal opportunity to enjoy the parks.
wow, what a really really really bad idea. it took them 25 years to master crowd control and they finnally did it with fastpass, if everyone has one, the system wont work


New Member
WOW...I took the post for its merit IMO, as a discussion?:shrug:
As for Disney doing it, maybe, I mean I have read on this site about other Parks that have "Something" like it so why wouldn't Disney Management consider the idea? Thats what they do, Think of ways to provide entertainment for us and never forget there is always a "Bottom Line" to keep in mind. They could limit the amount of this type of FastPass to so many per day per park so to speak. Why so hostile :rolleyes:....Just something to discuss and exchange ideas about.:wave:


They already have this service if you have enough money. Celebs are always being escorted in the exit.

Most of the guests escorted by a VIP Tour Guide still have to use FP or stand in line. A large part of the Tour Guide's day is spent running from attraction to attraction, picking up FPs, while their tour is tucked safely into whichever attraction they've been dropped off at. Very few tours are allowed the PEP (Priority Entrance Pass), which allows them to bypass lines, enter through unload areas, enter backstage, etc., and these tours are usually given that clearance more for security reasons than because of who they are/how much money they're spending.
(You'll notice I use word like "most" and "usually", because, as with anything in Guest Relations, rules can be bent, and exceptions can be made. But we mostly stick to our guns. Mostly.:animwink:)


Active Member
Most of the guests escorted by a VIP Tour Guide still have to use FP or stand in line. A large part of the Tour Guide's day is spent running from attraction to attraction, picking up FPs, while their tour is tucked safely into whichever attraction they've been dropped off at. Very few tours are allowed the PEP (Priority Entrance Pass), which allows them to bypass lines, enter through unload areas, enter backstage, etc., and these tours are usually given that clearance more for security reasons than because of who they are/how much money they're spending.
(You'll notice I use word like "most" and "usually", because, as with anything in Guest Relations, rules can be bent, and exceptions can be made. But we mostly stick to our guns. Mostly.:animwink:)

Im sure this is true but....Ive seen more than one celeb with a disney guide standing at a exit waiting. Even a few weeks ago there was a thread about Miley Cyrus and how she rode the tea cups by herself...im sure that wasnt because there wasnt anyone else in line. Most celebs could mingle right in with the crowd and go un noticed but when you see one of the tour guides walking around everyone looks to see who the big wig is.


New Member
Disney already did do this with "E-Ride Nights" and we purchased our tickets every time we visited. There is no difference between the two except that with the dream fastpasses you can use them during the busy times of the day, while with E-Ride Night the lines are just shorter due to the lack of people in the parks. The bottom line is, you are still PAYING for shorter (or no) lines.

I wish Disney would do this and I would pay.

I also would like a Night Kingdom to go to before I die.

You can't take it with you, so we might as well spend it somewhere that we love and can enjoy with our families. (Sorry to those who are offended by these ideas due to the cost, but "cost" is subjective depending on the person).



Well-Known Member
Most of the guests escorted by a VIP Tour Guide still have to use FP or stand in line. A large part of the Tour Guide's day is spent running from attraction to attraction, picking up FPs, while their tour is tucked safely into whichever attraction they've been dropped off at. Very few tours are allowed the PEP (Priority Entrance Pass), which allows them to bypass lines, enter through unload areas, enter backstage, etc., and these tours are usually given that clearance more for security reasons than because of who they are/how much money they're spending.
(You'll notice I use word like "most" and "usually", because, as with anything in Guest Relations, rules can be bent, and exceptions can be made. But we mostly stick to our guns. Mostly.:animwink:)


slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Im sure this is true but....Ive seen more than one celeb with a disney guide standing at a exit waiting. Even a few weeks ago there was a thread about Miley Cyrus and how she rode the tea cups by herself...im sure that wasnt because there wasnt anyone else in line. Most celebs could mingle right in with the crowd and go un noticed but when you see one of the tour guides walking around everyone looks to see who the big wig is.

Until that one little girl notices her and says "OMYGODITSMILEYCYRISAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" And at that point, keeping everyone safe becomes an even higher priority as, sadly, some people freak out when they see someone live that they see all the time on the teevee. Boys with crushes will need to be fended off, girls who want to be her best friend will need to be gently ushered away, creepy parents will need to be told to keep a wide berth, and Heaven forbid someone has a dog that told 'em Hannah Montana's the devil and needs to be smote down...

None of this sort of crapola shouldn't happen; we shouldn't go THAT ape-s*** over celebrities. But it happens. Hell, while I don't worship most of the same celebs most of America does, there are some people I'd probably sound like an idiot around, babbling praise for some guilty pleasure crap movie they made in the early 80s or what have you. But in an area like WDW, where keeping the peace is always a high priority, ushering celebrities around with a personal guide is probably easier for crown control than letting them fend for themselves.

Plus, with someone like Miley Cyrus, or a Disney star, she could've been on property working, and her time touring the parks is just like a 2 hour work break slash photo op. Teamsters are waiting for her to be back to shoot a very special scene from a very special episode of Hannah Montana Blocks Regular Folk From Getting on Space Mountain, they can't have her standing around waiting for her fastpass window to kick in. :lol:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
If the free FastPass was left alone (so no one would be hurt) why would anybody have a problem with something extra you pay for???

Just an opinion.....

Well perhaps some of them would think of precedents like say Universal.

Just an opinion....................


New Member
Well perhaps some of them would think of precedents like say Universal.

Just an opinion....................

This could be Disney's answer to Universal's current "front of the line" plan. At least the plan would not affect lines that much since the people with the Dream Fastpasses would also be savvy enough to use the current FP system; so at some point during the day they'd have a FP anyway. I agree that as long as the 'free' FP system isn't altered that the 'dream' idea is a good one.

I know that we all want to live in a world where everyone has equal opportunity for everything. However, that's not this world (unfortunately). People who can afford things like Dream Fastpasses and Night Kingdoms have more than those people who cannot. But we can't judge those people nor should we attempt to put down or prevent people who have a little extra money from enjoying life too.

Sorry, just my two cents.



Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Lets completely do away with fast passes, extreme fast passes, ultimate fast passes, dream fast passes, and go back to waiting in line.

The lines were shorter without fast pass.

You actually get to absorb the theming while waiting in line.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Sorry I didnt travel just to stand in a line no matter how much has been spent on it.

If some Muppet hasnt figured out how to make the FP work for them, then my heart pumps purple urine, I have so move over.:drevil:


Well-Known Member
Unless I misread the Unofficial Guide research, FP seems to slightly cut down line waiting length, not increase it.

I could see them going to a "FP for resort guests only" system before they make FP and add-on feature to a MYW Ticket.

Either way, I think it would be a mistake. There is something about a bit of equality no matter where you stay or at what level that I think is appealing to guests who choose Disney over other park experiences.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Unless I misread the Unofficial Guide research, FP seems to slightly cut down line waiting length, not increase it.
Seems like the people who always make the argument that FP makes wait times longer are the ones who only go to FP attractions. Only want to bother with the e-tickets, and feel that by breezing through one line, they're waiting twice as long on a different line.

Fastpass is best employed by either a: enjoying attractions where there isn't a line, but you always sacrifice to get on the e-tickets, or b: taking the time to enjoy a good meal or the parades or street performers, anything BESIDES waiting on line for another e-ticket.

When the parks are crowded, nothing's going to make the lines seem shorter, and you do wind up sacrificing a lot of the details to get your favorite rides under your best even with Fastpass. But I've gone to MK in August, decent sized crowds, and by employing Fastpass, and arriving at park opening, my wife and I were able to do all the big rides, most of the little rides, have a nice lunch and stroll and shop and still have our agenda completed by 3.


New Member
IMHO i don't think selling FP's would be a good idea at all. disney parks should be equal for all people who attend. just because you can afford FP's how is it fair to me who has to save for years just to get back to the parks. after all my saving why should someone who is better off finacially get to use FP's and i don't .... i dunno hope this makes sense!

remember the magic!:)


Well-Known Member
Could you at least post the random "I talked to a bus driver and he/she said...?" before throwing out random musings?

I mean, there is no evidence for Disney selling Dream Fastpasses, no one even mentioning one word towards it. All you have is a gut feeling which goes against everything that has gone before.

I have a gut feeling too, I think the price of gas is going to go up. But that gut feeling is based on previous experiences applied towards future expectations. When have you had previous experience with Disney *selling* fastpasses?
OK, lets calm down folks.
Wow, Is this not a discussion board? I did not know that you had to have evidence now to start a discussion on here.....
I actually think it is an interesting point to discuss, rather than droning on and on about spaceship earth's ending, wah wah waaaaahhh....
Seriously, i have been on this board for years, i cannot remember one refurb that everyone liked.
Anyway, i don't think they will sell fastpasses either. Seems to be too much of a hastle. I think the YOAMD gimic is great, and you should be able to win those things. Plus, the current fastpass system is great. I do not agree. I do not think they will sell them....Now

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
But I've gone to MK in August, decent sized crowds, and by employing Fastpass, and arriving at park opening, my wife and I were able to do all the big rides, most of the little rides, have a nice lunch and stroll and shop and still have our agenda completed by 3.

See, now youve gone and done it. Imagine letting those of us in the know down by informing the rabble.:animwink:

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