Don't laugh,but I've got to ask this question,as I was asked it by a friend.Have you ever seen wildlife at your hotel resort ?Four years ago while filming at a bridge in PORS, i saw what iam sure was a chipmunk down by the rivers edge,my son thought it was a squirrel at first but when we played back the film it definitely wasn't.Am I right? Also spotted a tortoise on the lawns of Saratoga Springs.Has anybody seen other wildlife at their resort.:shrug:
I'm going to just wager a guess and say you probably didn't see a Chipmunk. I haven't seen any chipmunks in the 20 years I've lived down here and Orlando doesn't get largely different wildlife than what I see in my own backyard here on the eastern side of Hillsborough County.
We have an abundance of Squirrel, Armadillo (tons of these digging in the grass along the roads during the summer!), Possums, Racoons, Fox, Coyotes, Deer, Pigs, Otter, Alligators, etc.
There are some Bald Eagles that live along Seven Seas Lagoon near the canal that is just north of GF. You'll also see quite a bit of Hawks, Falcons, Piliated Woodpeckers and buzzards, White Egrets, Cattle Egrets, Ibis, Sandhill Cranes, Spoonbills, Wood Storks, Great Blue Heron, Blue Heron, Anhingas, Belted Kingfisher.
I guess those are the noticable animals that you'll see. Geez we have a lot of animals running around these parts!