Wild animals at Walt Disney World


Active Member
I always quote Doug from Up when we go to Epcot "SQUIRREL!" They are always in the waist/chest high shrubs between Innoventions and The Land. If you unwittingly stop to prop and one jumps out, you will drop your Mickey ice cream!! DD is a CPCM at Flame Tree BBQ and the white cranes that frequent there will steal the pulled pork right out of your sandwich! :lol:

Proud parent of a Spring Advantage CPCM (Flame Tree and Pecos Bill's:slurp:)


Well-Known Member
We have been going to WDW for many years and I will tell you that we have seen many great birds on Walt Disney World property at the resorts, at the hotels and all places in between. We have seen Wood Stork, Roseate Spoonbill, Great,Snowy, and Cattle Egrets, Common Galinule, Great and Little Blue Heron as well as Tri-colored and Green Heron, both Night Herons, White and Glossy Ibis, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Limpkin(at one of the ponds at Saratoga Springs Resort @ WDW every year), Sandhill Cranes, Brown Pelicans, Swallow-tailed Kite, Wild Turkey, Red-tailed & Red-shouldered Hawks, Anhingas(of course), Common Nighthawks, Loggerhead Shrikes, both Vultures and a whole host of others right on property. Barred Owls heard many times in either Fort Wiledrness or Wilderness Lodge.

Also we have seen many alligators. Some in MK and AK(wild ones), at Caribbean Beach Resort, AK Villas lake, and many canals throughout property.
A Kingsnake, Ratsnake, Watersnake and a Cottonmouth(on a marshy bank of the lake off Fort Wilderness) have been seen at various places with the Ratsnake crossing a path at Blizzard Beach. Brown, Bahama, and Green Anoles(Lizards) are everywhere as well as House Geckos. We have seen River Otters while in the rental boats in the area of the old Discovery Island.

Armadillos, Deer, Racoon, Wild Hogs, Opposum, Fox and many species of Turtles have also been seen over the years.
On our 2010 trip to POR we saw a notice about a bear spotted on property but we never saw it.
This past March our raft was followed to Tom Sawyer's Island by an alligator. It was a little unnerving since we were so close to the water!


Well-Known Member
We have been going to WDW for many years and I will tell you that we have seen many great birds on Walt Disney World property at the resorts, at the hotels and all places in between. We have seen Wood Stork, Roseate Spoonbill, Great,Snowy, and Cattle Egrets, Common Galinule, Great and Little Blue Heron as well as Tri-colored and Green Heron, both Night Herons, White and Glossy Ibis, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Limpkin(at one of the ponds at Saratoga Springs Resort @ WDW every year), Sandhill Cranes, Brown Pelicans, Swallow-tailed Kite, Wild Turkey, Red-tailed & Red-shouldered Hawks, Anhingas(of course), Common Nighthawks, Loggerhead Shrikes, both Vultures and a whole host of others right on property. Barred Owls heard many times in either Fort Wiledrness or Wilderness Lodge.

Impressive bird list! I'm a bird watcher, and I love to see lists from other parts of the country. I'm so accustomed to the north east birds where I live. When I first read your list, I thought snowy referred to the owl and my jaw dropped! haha - I know they're getting farther south, but Florida would be some sort of record!! :)

As for me - I have several snake stories. At POFQ a few years back, a guy came tearing through the pool area really stressed about a snake. Everyone cleared out, and CM's came to look through the area but I never saw it. The previous year, there was a snake in Future World that some sort of animal rescue had to come in & remove. It was just hanging out by a garbage can. And then last year at GF, I saw a big black snake right next to the pathway eat a lizard. Felt bad for it. :( But I did see a hummingbird shortly after and that brightened my mood.

I've also seen tons of bunnies, squirrels, birds, turtles, raccoons, frogs, a few gators, etc.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Wabbit in Canada:



Well-Known Member
I have a picture of a wild turkey "admiring" his reflection on a car... he must not of liked what he saw because he was pecking at it :dazzle:, lol.... this was in the parking lot of shades of green .. I was dropping my husband off for golf. When I get back to my personal computer I can download a picture:):)


Well-Known Member
DD and I saw one of those big white birds eating a frog - DD was pretty grossed out. It was kind of funny - all you could see was the frog's legs sticking out of its mouth, then GULP! Gone.

I saw a coyote come out from the bushes under the monorail track while riding the bus from DHS to the TTC.


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Original Poster
I don't know if it's still there, but about a half a month ago on the monorail station ramp up to the monorail from the Magic Kingdom, a bird had built a nest in the overhang area where one of the beams met the wall. when we walked by one of the parents was actively feeding the babies in it. :)


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Original Poster
Are the frogs that are in the Chinese pond in Epcot bullfrogs or some other type? I'm not familiar with central Florida's frog species, so I thought I should ask. Bullfrogs to me have the tendency to look very different at different times. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I scooped a snake out of the lazy river at Blizzard Beach once. Other than that, I've seen a few gators, several snakes, and all of the usual suspects like lizards, armadillos, hogs, deer, etc.


Active Member
This past trip we saw a gator, turkey and crane in the same pond by one of the exit ramps. Made me wonder if the gator ended up eating either the crane or the turkey. They were all close to one another. That was the first gator I had seen in 8 trips to WDW.

disney magic 06

Well-Known Member
We saw lots over the last two weeks - tiny frogs the size of a small fingernail in China, kingfisher, osprey and other birds I don't know the name of at WL and one night we were on the bus back to WL, the driver had put on the bus lights as we approached the bus stop and he turned them back off and slowed right down as there was a deer family right next to the road. Plus of course lots of squirrels and bunnies.

I've yet to see an alligator, I keep on looking.


Well-Known Member
You talk about the wild animals you see, but it's what you don't see lurking around Disney that's quite interesting. Like the giant snake they took out of the Swiss Family Treehouse several years ago (and the constant snake problem they've got there now) and rumors of Florida panthers in the area. No doubt you've also got some bears in the area (I mean, they're in the Orlando area anyway and are probably around Disney). You've got coyotes and armadillos as well.

Central Florida being the swamp that it is contains some interesting animals. Just stay clear of the gators and venemous snakes. Also, as someone mentioned, the wild pigs. They can get really big and are very nasty.
WHOA!! I would have DIED if we saw a live snake while walking through the Treehouse!! :(
I forgot about the two enormous turkeys that came by our window every day at Shades of Green. They would even come up and peck on the glass if we left our shades open in the room! LOL
Wild pigs?! Wow!!

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
This year whilst on Liberty boat I saw a giant turtle in the river,but that ain't nothing to what I seen coming out of La Cava in Epcot.A huge mouse with the biggest ears ever!:eek: Honest.Anyway my DW said that night " No more margaritas for you Mr Hatter."


Well-Known Member
We LOVED spotting the wildlife! We stayed at the Orange Lake Resort at Holiday Inn at one of their personal villas.

We saw lizards DAILY, Froggies daily, neat furry caterpillars. Not just green fuzzy ones but that had hair that stuck STRAIGHT up. They were so neat. We had cranes that would come to our back door. We saw a REALLY good sized Alligator in the resorts lake. We saw turtles and bunnies and ADORABLE little snails!

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