Wii will start a Revolution


Well-Known Member
I can't believe all these gaming sites are tying to compare the Wii to the PS3 and the 360. The Wii IS NOT a next-gen console. It just isn't. The graphics are just a small notch above a GameCube and all the system does is play games. But because it isn't a true next-gen console, doesn't mean there isn't a market for it. Nintendo had to do something drastic because of the performance of the GameCube and I think they have done a good job for themselves. The Wii is really more of a "toy" than a competetor to the PS3/360.

I hope anyone lucky enough to get one this holiday season enjoys it. Personally, I have no desire to buy a Wii, but I would like to play it once just to try it out. I've always been a Nintendo fan and I hope they succeed here. But Sony will definitely be getting all of my money once I can find a 60 GB system :lol:


Well-Known Member
and the PS3 graphics dont look worth 600 bucks.

The media has made people become obsessed with the $600 price tag. Unless you have a desire to use the Wi-Fi internet option, THERE IS NO NEED TO BUY the 60 GB version. If you just want to play the games and take advantage of the Blu-Ray player, the $499 version will be more than fine for you. The PS3 launch titles are coming up just a tad bit short of the 2nd batch of 360 games in the graphics department right now, according to IGN and Gamespot and whatnot. If that is indeed the case, the PS3 will outperform the 360 a great deal by next year graphically.

If you have no desire to use the machines for HD movie playback, then yes you can say that the PS3 is $100 more than the upper tier 360 with comparable stats. But you have to look down the road when you buy a video game system. And I expect that the Blu-Ray advantage will help the PS3 a great deal over the standard definition discs that the 360 is limited to.


Well-Known Member
but the 360 CAN use HD-DVDs.

Yeah if you want to pay $200 for the add on. If you do that, the 360 is MORE than the PS3. And the HD-DVD add on CAN NOT be used for games. All PS3 games use Blu-Ray for added storage.

500 bucks is still too much for something that LAGS on a launch title.

The 360 had the same problems with launch games. The developers just aren't used to the equipment yet. And now 360 games look and play great.


New Member
and added video lag. I'm sorry, but if you make a console that lags on a launch title, that just turns me off to the console immediately.
(also, it's hard to tell online, but I'm trying to keep it just a friendly debate :) )


Well-Known Member
If the Wii was an advanced system, they would have games that would feature some minor lag times. It's just something you have to put up with for the first year and after that it isn't a problem any more. That goes for any system.


New Member
Also, if a blu-ray player is so important, why not get a stand-alone player 6 months from now and pop it into a PC. Unless you have a 1500$ TV you can't tell the difference anyway. I like the wii because it does what a console is supposed to do, play games. If i want bleeding edge graphics and 20 GB game sizes I'll put it on my PC. I don't see how I could justify 600 bucks on console with limited pc like abilities when I could build an incredibly computer for a little more.


Well-Known Member
Unless you have a 1500$ TV you can't tell the difference anyway.

I do and I can

Why play games on a small computer monitor when you can play them on a 52+ inch HDTV? It doesn't make sense to me.

BTW, the PS3 does offer a $500 version that does the same thing. Just like the 360 offers a cheaper version if wired controllers don't bother you.


Well-Known Member
But I can hook up my computer to a 52" HD tv :)

Yeah I guess you can, but I don't think most people would want to use that TV screen for normal computer usage. And if you just build the computer for gaming, I find it hard to believe you can get PS3 or 360 style graphics for less than $500.


New Member
But I'm saying that if people were smart, they would combine the best of both worlds. build a high end gaming pc, and you can do normal PC work, and watch movies, and listen to music through surround sound, and play games.


Well-Known Member
But I'm saying that if people were smart, they would combine the best of both worlds. build a high end gaming pc, and you can do normal PC work, and watch movies, and listen to music through surround sound, and play games.

You can do all of that with the PS3 and the 360, to a lesser extent. Maybe a little less of the normal PC work, but the PS3 does have an internet browser built in.

How much would a high end gaming PC cost you? From what I've seen they can usually cost more than a console. I would much rather spend a little more and have a gaming console and a PC for computer work than have a higher end PC to do it all.


Well-Known Member
I do and I can

Why play games on a small computer monitor when you can play them on a 52+ inch HDTV? It doesn't make sense to me.

BTW, the PS3 does offer a $500 version that does the same thing. Just like the 360 offers a cheaper version if wired controllers don't bother you.

PC games will always be better than any console, thats where ps and so a certian extent xbox arent ever going to get any better. Nintendo took an alternative to the hardware muscle game. My computer will destroy a ps3 aside from blue ray it has no advantage over the 360 and the 360 price will come down at least 50 after christmas, mark my words. I can also build a computer for 500 that will destroy a next gen console with just a little shopping..


New Member
I don't have an HD tv, and the PS3 graphics dont look worth 600 bucks. I played on one and it had VIDEO LAG on a launch title. That's sad.

Yeah, same thing happened to me.

...If you just want to play the games and take advantage of the Blu-Ray player, the $499 version will be more than fine for you.
And I expect that the Blu-Ray advantage will help the PS3 a great deal over the standard definition discs that the 360 is limited to.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the PS3, even though it has a Blu-Ray player, it can't play Blu-Ray DVDs (I mean ones with commercial movies on them, not just in general.)

...All PS3 games use Blu-Ray for added storage...

Do you have a PS3? If so, please, go on, tell me how long it takes to cache multiple gigabytes of data...

...Unless you have a 1500$ TV you can't tell the difference anyway... I don't see how I could justify 600 bucks on console with limited pc like abilities when I could build an incredibly computer for a little more.

Sometimes when I go to Best Buy I'll just stand in the TV section for a few minutes staring at the HDTVs wondering what the big difference is between them and normal TVs...

And thank you for pointing out the geeks of the world who can build better computers for close to the same price!

...Why play games on a small computer monitor when you can play them on a 52+ inch HDTV? It doesn't make sense to me.

BTW, the PS3 does offer a $500 version that does the same thing. Just like the 360 offers a cheaper version if wired controllers don't bother you.

Dude, WDWishes said he could hook up his computer- man, even my three year old crappy computer with it's AGPx8 graphics can be hooked up to a 52+ inch HDTV. That's what doesn't make sense to me, how stupid people can pay that much money for something that isn't worth it.

And as for the cheaper version, you do realize you're not comparing the right things at all, do you not? The cheaper version of the 360 isn't mainly different in not having wireless controllers, it's different in the fact that it doesn't have a friggin' hard drive! That's why I just got the $400 version. The difference in the PS3 versions is (as far as I know) just the hard drive size, but that's not worth a hundred bucks. I'd just wait 'till there'd a mod chip out, get the cheap version, and put in a 320+ GB hard drive for the same price as the extra 40GB people are paying for now.

...How much would a high end gaming PC cost you? From what I've seen they can usually cost more than a console...

Well, you have to keep in mind that currently the cheapest consoles are the Xbox 360 Core ($300, on Amazon Thursday for $100), the Wii ($250), and then down to the now irrelevant Previous-Gen systems, the PS2, XBox, and GameCube. Using that, almost every PC except for really old crappy ones, or ones on Black Friday, are more than consoles.


Well-Known Member
Heres my tale of woe. I saw in the paper sunday morning that all best buys would have 12 systems. So i jumped in the car, got to the store by 9:30 and hopped in line where i was about 9th in line. They opened the door we lined up and they start taking these tickets. They handed out tickets at 9 for the systems they had. The store employees must have told people to get there really early cause they seemed to know people in the store. I just wish nintendo sent enough here that i could get one without having to skip work or over spend to get one. I coulden't imagine the frustration of wanting a ps3 and not being able to get one ofr who knows how long.


New Member
I got to wally mart at 5 AM and waited two hours to be told there was going to be no line. Yeah right I thought, so I went home, slept a bit, then ate lunch. when I got back there WAS a line and I was 20/20, later they said there was going to be 30. I have to hand it to wal mart, they ha d agood set up. we basically signed a sheet with the time we got there and our order in line and then we were free to wonder out in front of walmart, so we didnt have to stand in a set line. I got my Wii, an extra wiimote/nunchuck combo
( i bought the last nunchuck) a wiimote glove, Zelda and COD3.


Well-Known Member
i am trying to "run across" one. I don't really want to search for one cause i shoulden't spend the money this close to christmas but its just too cool to not buy one.

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