First off, I wasn't basing anything off what Gamestop/EB workers, but if I was I would ask my friend who works there- he isn't biased, and he has a PS2, so
if anything he'd probably be biased towards the PS3 not the 360. I'm basing what I'm saying off of my own personal experiences. When I camped with my friend when he was getting a Wii we went in and played around with the PS3. It had graphics lag. It had long loading times. It's controller wasn't very good. That's not what somebody told me. That's what I experienced, then and again last week. And as for much they changed the XBox controllers, look at the
amazing differences between these:
Yes, I know that the first picture is of the S-controller, not the original, but still, that was not 'how they changed it for the 360,' but rather how they changed it for the first one because theirs wasn't as good as it should've been. So what does that mean? The original PlayStation controllers didn't have the joysticks.
Yes, I know the Blu-Ray player is worth money. That's actually the only reason I'd get a PS3 before it drops down to like $100- it'd still be cheaper than buying a real player.
And I don't know if I'm blind or something, but I just don't notice that much of a difference in HD stuff. Everyone says 'But the PS3 outputs in 1080, the 360 only outputs in 720.' They just forget one crucial fact- are the games actually going to be produced in 1080? If not, why does it matter? That brings up another crucial point- time is money. The game developer's time is money. So the longer it takes to make a game, the more that game will probably cost. If (nothing against Blu-Ray, I actually prefer it to HD-DVD) a disk can hold five times as much as it used to be able to, that means game developers will have to make five times as much content to fill it up. Everyone says having more space on the disk will mean bigger games/better graphics/more content. But that also means more people spending more time making more content, which results in the games costing more. I mean, think about the good old days- back when you could get an N64 game for 35 bucks. Now you're paying upwards of 50-70 for one game. I know, the 360 games cost about the game, but either they'll just make no nice new content, or they'll make lots extra and you'll wind up paying more.