Why waist your time at Epcot?!?!?

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I have had annual passes to Disney since March 2001, and I have visited Epcot countless times! I now regret that, I wish I wouldn't have waisted my time there! My passes are up on April 4 and I hope I never have to go there again, there is absolutely nothing there to interest a teen! I hope I dont affend and of the "Epcot lovers" but if your young, you sorta have to agree w/ me! :fork:


New Member
I'm 18 and an AP holder at WDW too, I also spent the mojority of my time at EPCOT. It's my favorite park, its so layed back and peaceful. The rides are very relaxing and once M:S is open, EPCOT will have 2 well themed, thrilling rides. I absuletely dispise the fact that I'm stuck at DL and DCA for most of my life (I live 30 mins from them). I'd give up DCA for EPCOT any day! If you feel that you've waisted your time at EPCOT, perhaps you don't belong at WDW because it showcases the best that WDW has to offer-
great landscaping
great theming
great food
small crowds
good re-rideability

If you're looking for crowded parks with loads of thrills, maybe you should get an AP to IOA or BGT, because none of the other WDW parks are going to give you huge thrills either. I mean honestly, Animal Kingdom has a tad better theme but is lacking in rides, MGM has 3 major rides- nothing much more and MK is usually very crowded. So really, why are you disappointed witht he time you spent at EPCOT?


Well-Known Member
Well look at it this way, hopefully EPCOT when MS opens will start to buzz back up and youll find something you like in that if not then you dont have to go there ever again.Yes i agree that EPCOT has become less exciting than when it was in its golden years. But once you get down to the sheer beauty of the park in its design and elements,then you will really start to realize and appriciate EPCOT itself.Im 14 and i find EPCOT to be a very fun place.And hopefully project gemini will not be the nightmare that its appearing to be and breed new life back into the park. We bother going to EPCOT because it gives us an experience like no other.Where else can you find an 18 story geosphere lifted completly off the ground or travel to different countries without leaving the U.S. EPCOT is a place of wonder and discovery and if the younger audiences cant find intrest in it well thats just to bad.I say let them go ride their thrill rides and have their cheap effects while EPCOT has and always will provide an unforgettable experience for audiences of all ages.An experience of wonder,discovery,imagination,hope, and most importantly dreams.


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I will admit, M:S will be a good thing, but to me the theme is not important, it's the rides, and entertainment, and in my opinion Epcot no longer offers that! and I would have to disagree about DCA, I've never been there so I know I cant judge, but it seems like an awesome park, with California Screamin', Grizzly River Rapids, Mailboomer! This of course my opinion!


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Originally posted by Horizons1
Well look at it this way, hopefully EPCOT when MS opens will start to buzz back up and youll find something you like in that if not then you dont have to go there ever again.Yes i agree that EPCOT has become less exciting than when it was in its golden years. But once you get down to the sheer beauty of the park in its design and elements,then you will really start to realize and appriciate EPCOT itself.Im 14 and i find EPCOT to be a very fun place.And hopefully project gemini will not be the nightmare that its appearing to be and breed new life back into the park.

Dont take this the wrong way but, I would like to know what you find so exciting about Epcot? :confused:


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Originally posted by sandjhooker

waist: that certain area around the middle of your body
waste: something to be thrown away

Sorry, couldn't resist.....:fork:

Sorry, I'm not the best speller, plust I'm talking to people online, so I'm not really paying that much attention!


New Member
Maliboomer isn't much to brag about, since Supreme Scream at Knott's is over 300 feet tall (it's 5 minutes from DCA). Soarin is nice the 1st time, but it gets old really quick. Also, the ride is alreayd in terrible shape. The seats all moan and squeek whent hey move, the screan is already very dirty and the scents are timed wrong. GRR is very cool, but it's also very short. Of course, there's Cal Screamin which is the best Disney coaster, period. DCA is horribly themed, there are only 3 or 4 re-rideable rides and the whole park is quite small (the smallest Disney park in size, I believe). it'll get better Im sure, but right now I'd MUCH rather go to EPCOT.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
Sorry, I'm not the best speller, plust I'm talking to people online, so I'm not really paying that much attention!
ah, multi-tasking!! It was just too easy and misspelled words are generally a pet peeve of mine. Just pokin' some fun at ya!


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Originally posted by ThePhantom
Maliboomer isn't much to brag about, since Supreme Scream at Knott's is over 300 feet tall (it's 5 minutes from DCA). Soarin is nice the 1st time, but it gets old really quick. Also, the ride is alreayd in terrible shape. The seats all moan and squeek whent hey move, the screan is already very dirty and the scents are timed wrong. GRR is very cool, but it's also very short. Of course, there's Cal Screamin which is the best Disney coaster, period. DCA is horribly themed, there are only 3 or 4 re-rideable rides and the whole park is quite small (the smallest Disney park in size, I believe). it'll get better Im sure, but right now I'd MUCH rather go to EPCOT.

About the size, isn't Disney Studios Paris Smaller


Well-Known Member
I find several things fascinating with Epcot.

The first is the ability to educate somebody and give them a thrill/entertainment at the same time. This holds true for pretty much all of Epcot's attractions (Spaceship Earth & communications, Living Seas & Marine-Biology, The land & well, the land!, Test Track & vehicle manufacturing & testing, Wonders of Life & the human body, and soon Mission:Space & outer space) Each pavillion provides something for the brain as well as something for the senses.

The second thing I enjoy about Epcot is the futuristic theme. Sitting next to the worlds largest Geodesic sphere while a monorail gildes over head is simply breath taking, gives you the feeling that you are in a different world & time.

The third thing I enjoy about Epcot is the mixture of cultures. I can visit 11 different countries (including US) in less than one day. I can learn about the culture, eat their food, and even buy merchandise from that country.

I hope this may enlighten your outlook on Epcot and what the park has to offer.


New Member
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That whole Eduction thing gets me, I go to school to get educated, not to spend $53 to do it, I would much rather just go on a ride and not have to learn about something in the process, it makes my brain work to hard, an I dont like that!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
That whole Eduction thing gets me, I go to school to get educated, not to spend $53 to do it, I would much rather just go on a ride and not have to learn about something in the process, it makes my brain work to hard, an I dont like that!

Judging by some of your spelling & grammar, you need all of the education you can get. ;)

Personally, I would much rather go to Epcot to learn that sit in a classroom! The magic of Epcot is that you can learn something, yet it will make you feel like you never went through the process of learning something. When I go on Spaceship Earth, I learn about communications through the centuries, although it wasn't like I went to a classroom to learn. Its a completely different experience. It certainly does not make my brain work too hard. :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by WDW-Imagineer
Judging by some of your spelling & grammar, you need all of the education you can get. ;)

Haha, I think you are the funniest person I have ever met! to me spelling and grammar arent that important in a forum. I actually like going to school, I'd rather go to school than go to Epcot, at school I've got plenty of friends and people to talk to and have fun with! :fork:


Well-Known Member
I mean if you do not like Epcot, then that is your opinion and its your choice to not attend the park, I just hope that one day you will appreciate Epcot for what it provides to its guests, and not by the "thrills" it does not provide to its teenaged guests.


Well-Known Member
Epcot has always been my park of choice.

I love the look of the park. Each country is so true to form.

The people are great. The diffrent foods and beers are great.

Not to mention the great music, in the last three years I have been able to see BLAST and SHOCKWAVE, not to mention Off Kilter, and the great music of RoE.

Epcot may not be for everyone, but I'll take it when ever I can. And I'm only 21, no longer a teen, but I'm close.


Well-Known Member
Let me kick Jay-Rod off of the washing machine and I will get on my soapbox:
One day in the not-so-distant future, you will give anything to have a pass to go to Epcot, or anywhere Orlando for that matter (heck, for me, the Tupperware plant looks good), just to escape the daily grind of busting your butt and getting nowhere; only to find, oops, gotta pay for that root canal, or mom and dad can't swing it this year. Then, and only then will you see that complaining about this is SO TRIVIAL to us hard working folks.

*Ok Jay-you can have your machine back*


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by sandjhooker

waist: that certain area around the middle of your body
waste: something to be thrown away

Sorry, couldn't resist.....:fork:

Waist may not be a bad choice of words if you eat your way around World Showcase especially during the food and wine festival.

From Websters:

Etymology: Middle English wast; akin to Old English wæstm growth, weaxan to grow -- more at WAX
Date: 14th century
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