Personally, I take very little advice from someone that has passed judgment based on what everyone else (they think) has said. Many people like the show. The preshow is really good and the full show outside description is so overboard with hyperbole that it is ridiculous. Even the level of "scariness" that is voiced about Alien Encounter was just so much bull. Little kids, maybe...but how an adult with a functioning brain can think it was scary is beyond my ability to understand.
It has been a fad, of late, to ridicule SGE. Even I have done it, in a joking manner, and I like the show. I'm pretty sure that this carries over to the survey situations. No one wants to be considered uncool so they vomit forth a whole bunch of negative to make themselves feel better about themselves. Let's face it, there are very few things that can fit in that building. A building and layout that goes all the way back to when WDW opened and was then the Flight to the Moon or Mars... don't remember which one. The chili burp makes one nauseous, really? How mature!
Anyway, I wouldn't recommend that you experience it for yourself because your mind is already made up and you will just react the way you think others do, but, it is a good show. The main reason that Stitch was put in there was because so many parents are apparently unable to read warning signs and brought their young, young children in and they were scared. Stitch was very popular at the time, especially with young kids so they knew that they could carry forward the alien theme with no trouble. One would be hard pressed to find much of anything that will fit in there at this point. I do agree that the stanchions are unnecessary, especially the hold downs, but so much of the show is incorporated in them that they are necessary.
I also think that during that era there seemed to be a huge push to make Stitch a superstar of Disney. It seemed that they had pushed Mickey out of his place and tried to replace him with Stitch. That did indeed make some of us upset, myself included, but then all the big push died down because, let's face it, Stitch is not Mickey and never will be. That tainted some peoples opinions.
I'm sorry if this seems a bit harsh, but, I am a believer in making up my own mind about things. Until I've seen something up close and personal, I have no opinion and the opinion of others means nothing to me. That has presented a problem when friends ask my advice about what to see and what not to see. I cannot tell what anyone else will like or not like. My advice is always to see everything, don't skip a thing if this is your first trip. You will then know what fits your tastes and enjoyment levels. Besides lately asking Disney if they would close an attraction is like asking Dillinger if he would like the keys to the bank. There is enough closed down there now, no more please.