Why is Stitch's Great Escape still there?

And that's fair. However, the look is dated, and the cars continue to belch out smoke. I think you can keep the speedway but make it in line with the new technologies that are coming out for cars.

Definitely! Every park in the US has a ride where you can drive cars on a track. It's sad when Disney's version is no different than a $30/day park. Since people continue to line up though, I'm sure this is towards the bottom of their list.


Well-Known Member
Being in the dark is the whole point of it. Its to screw with your senses
Did you feel the same way about "Sounds Dangerous"? That point was missed by almost everyone. They were supposed to listen to the sound and create their own mental image of what was going on. My guess is when it came to mental images they were a few prints shy of a workable platform. :joyfull: Sounds Dangerous brought me back to my childhood when I would sit at the kitchen table with my coloring book and listen to Superman, The Green Lantern, The Lone Ranger and other shows on the radio. I could mentally create props and sets in my mind that no Hollywood film could ever do. It's to bad that so many people didn't understand that or were just plain unable to have the imagination to accomplish it.


Well-Known Member
Ok, wasn't sure bout the ride myself until this year and went on it. My 5 year old and 14 year old experienced it along w/ my husband...waste of space! I luv all things Disney but this was just plain dumb. Half the time the lights were out and u could see nothing. We luv Stitch and the animatronics or lack there of w/ Stitch was basically him on a rod and not even rotating a full 360. So much could have been done w/ it. Maybe while he is loose have him pop out of certain places. No, in the dark and pretending he's roaming-lame. Unbelievable and very disappointing cause we luv Stitch. My 5 yr old wasn't necessarily scared just didn't get it. My 14 yr old like us will never waste the time. We went in peak season this past week over the 4th of July and no line was present, now we know why!!
Kudos to you for at least riding it and giving us a valid opinion of it. Thanks.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
Think about this...If the movie was never even made and this was an "original" attraction and Stitch was a park exclusive character would guests see it differently?




God bless the "Ignore" button.
Being in the dark is the whole point of it. Its to screw with your senses
There is actually supposed to be an instance or two during the blackouts that electricity crackles and you're supposed to be able to see his shadow on the wall as he messes with the chamber.
Unfortunately, this effect hasn't worked in YEARS.
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Active Member
Original Poster
Well, since Stitch is the "character of the hour" now better bring up this thread too!. And Goofyermost, you are mean, thinking that I have to go on a show that smells bad.


Well-Known Member
I have no doubt that an update on equipment would be a good thing for the environment as a whole, but, I also am a person that remembers the smell of gasoline (leaded) and oil burning in my childhood. To the point that if I get behind a car that is burning oil, I immediately flash back to my youth. Not enough of a reason to not update it, but I really don't have a problem with it. With millions and millions of cars on the road every minute of every day, I don't think that the Speedway is having much of an impact on anything.

But the noise and something to simulate a real auto is necessary to make that experience for a kid, just a little bit more special and lasting in the memory.

I agree that the smoke and noise are part of the charm. I like it as is. But I see the argument that the smoke and noise are not very "Tomorrowland". As a piece of nostalgia for the way cars used to be, it belongs in the vicinity of Main Street. Not that relocating attractions is something that is ever going to happen.


Well-Known Member
I totally hear you, but I also grew up in an area with at least 3 options for go-cart tracks, so it lessened the appeal for something similar at WDW.

In this case go-karts are to the Speedway as the local carnival's tilt-a-whirl is to Dumbo. The Disney version is not more exciting, maybe even less, but is safer and more family friendly.
Personally, I take very little advice from someone that has passed judgment based on what everyone else (they think) has said. Many people like the show. The preshow is really good and the full show outside description is so overboard with hyperbole that it is ridiculous. Even the level of "scariness" that is voiced about Alien Encounter was just so much bull. Little kids, maybe...but how an adult with a functioning brain can think it was scary is beyond my ability to understand.

It has been a fad, of late, to ridicule SGE. Even I have done it, in a joking manner, and I like the show. I'm pretty sure that this carries over to the survey situations. No one wants to be considered uncool so they vomit forth a whole bunch of negative to make themselves feel better about themselves. Let's face it, there are very few things that can fit in that building. A building and layout that goes all the way back to when WDW opened and was then the Flight to the Moon or Mars... don't remember which one. The chili burp makes one nauseous, really? How mature!

Anyway, I wouldn't recommend that you experience it for yourself because your mind is already made up and you will just react the way you think others do, but, it is a good show. The main reason that Stitch was put in there was because so many parents are apparently unable to read warning signs and brought their young, young children in and they were scared. Stitch was very popular at the time, especially with young kids so they knew that they could carry forward the alien theme with no trouble. One would be hard pressed to find much of anything that will fit in there at this point. I do agree that the stanchions are unnecessary, especially the hold downs, but so much of the show is incorporated in them that they are necessary.

I also think that during that era there seemed to be a huge push to make Stitch a superstar of Disney. It seemed that they had pushed Mickey out of his place and tried to replace him with Stitch. That did indeed make some of us upset, myself included, but then all the big push died down because, let's face it, Stitch is not Mickey and never will be. That tainted some peoples opinions.

I'm sorry if this seems a bit harsh, but, I am a believer in making up my own mind about things. Until I've seen something up close and personal, I have no opinion and the opinion of others means nothing to me. That has presented a problem when friends ask my advice about what to see and what not to see. I cannot tell what anyone else will like or not like. My advice is always to see everything, don't skip a thing if this is your first trip. You will then know what fits your tastes and enjoyment levels. Besides lately asking Disney if they would close an attraction is like asking Dillinger if he would like the keys to the bank. There is enough closed down there now, no more please.
I agree that the increased presence of Stitch in the park probably helped to make people less receptive to this attraction (I remember the outcry over trashing the castle). Also the love that AE had beforehand probably has something to do with it. Personally, I love Stitch as a character (I think he's adorable). My family would never let me go on AE because they thought I was too young and so I can't compare it to that. This is a long winded way of saying that I agree about trying not to form an opinion simply based on what everyone else says. If you've never done it before, do it even if it's just so you can say that you did (that's partially how I ended up doing it at first). You might like it, you might not. My general opinion of the attraction is that it's not the best there is but I don't think it's as horrible as everyone claims. I don't think any DW ride is as horrible as everyone claims. Yes there may be some that you do and don't like but the vehement hatred that some people have for some of the attractions is shocking sometimes.
Why do characters need to be represented? That sort of thinking is why Stitch got shoved into a watered down attraction in the first place.
Representation (or lack thereof) of some Disney characters is something that's generally not thought of until a character is over represented (or shoved down our throats as some would say). Unfortunately I wasn't able to go to the parks during Limited Time Magic but I (and I think many others) was still so happy to see all the characters that finally got more representation than they probably ever had (usually because the film wasn't as popular as others). Lots of characters got a lot of good exposure and some kids who maybe otherwise would've never known about these characters got to at least know they existed. That's why representation is important.


Well-Known Member
Representation (or lack thereof) of some Disney characters is something that's generally not thought of until a character is over represented (or shoved down our throats as some would say). Unfortunately I wasn't able to go to the parks during Limited Time Magic but I (and I think many others) was still so happy to see all the characters that finally got more representation than they probably ever had (usually because the film wasn't as popular as others). Lots of characters got a lot of good exposure and some kids who maybe otherwise would've never known about these characters got to at least know they existed. That's why representation is important.
That just reduced the parks to advertising instead of being their own unique medium.


Well-Known Member
That just reduced the parks to advertising instead of being their own unique medium.

I don't think they have to be completely disconnected. But I think your point is that it doesn't make sense to pay nearly $100 to go see a preview for an old movie that wasn't popular enough. I always thought the character tie-ins were more for the benefit of the parks than the movie. In which case they're fine, but I think many agree they have gone a little too far of late. They seem to think an attraction requires a character to be successful.


Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe. Day in, day out.
That just reduced the parks to advertising instead of being their own unique medium.

....Isn't the name of the entire resort "Disney" World?......Aren't guests supposed to be expecting all of their favorite Disney characters? It's not because it's focused on advertising. It's because the freakin place itself is named Disney world. Yea there can be some unique, only in theme-park experiences.. but for the most part, it's Disney world. Themed to Disney. Yah know.. Peter Pan.. Snow White.. Even Stitch? That's what people are expecting. The one-trip in a lifetime park guest isn't going in thinking anything about Country Bears, or Figment, or Carousel of Progress.. Heck. They've never heard of them. The thing that'll draw people to the parks, are the characters that everyone loves and adores... With a few new things on the side.

At least, that's how I see it.


Well-Known Member
....Isn't the name of the entire resort "Disney" World?......Aren't guests supposed to be expecting all of their favorite Disney characters? It's not because it's focused on advertising. It's because the freakin place itself is named Disney world. Yea there can be some unique, only in theme-park experiences.. but for the most part, it's Disney world. Themed to Disney. Yah know.. Peter Pan.. Snow White.. Even Stitch? That's what people are expecting. The one-trip in a lifetime park guest isn't going in thinking anything about Country Bears, or Figment, or Carousel of Progress.. Heck. They've never heard of them. The thing that'll draw people to the parks, are the characters that everyone loves and adores... With a few new things on the side.

At least, that's how I see it.
This line of thinking only works if you believe that the parks are not capable of creating their own Disney products. Why don't people expect the characters of Frozen to be played by the Fab Five? They are Disney characters and a Disney film.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
....Isn't the name of the entire resort "Disney" World?......Aren't guests supposed to be expecting all of their favorite Disney characters? It's not because it's focused on advertising. It's because the freakin place itself is named Disney world. Yea there can be some unique, only in theme-park experiences.. but for the most part, it's Disney world. Themed to Disney. Yah know.. Peter Pan.. Snow White.. Even Stitch? That's what people are expecting. The one-trip in a lifetime park guest isn't going in thinking anything about Country Bears, or Figment, or Carousel of Progress.. Heck. They've never heard of them. The thing that'll draw people to the parks, are the characters that everyone loves and adores... With a few new things on the side.

At least, that's how I see it.
Mission to Mars is Disney. Stitch in Tomorrowland is not Disney, it is Six Flags - tacking on toons to a ride for the sake of it.

Walt is turning in his grave!! (/cryofrost machine)


Well-Known Member
you just dont like change.

Not necessarily that people don't like change; if it was a substantial improvement over what came before, there would be no problem. At best, Stitch was a lateral change; while certainly the animatronic is quite detailed and advanced, the story is very simple. It cuts out a lot of the heart and soul from the film it's based on and instead relies on cheap, uninspired humor. Also, the attraction quite literally stinks; a Walt Disney World attraction should absolutely have a more pleasant odor than your average subway car.

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