why is Hall of Presidents on a refurb

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New Member
I just love the Hall of Presidents! And they have a nice patriotic shop too. But the American Adventure is better, IMHO. I like patriotic stuff, specially because it's the only time I have the opportunity to experience something patriotic. But well, I am a freak, so..... :hammer:

By the way, I love the Bush AA picture, Barnum!!!:lol:


Well-Known Member
I have heard just general maitnance, and the presidential emblem on the carpet in the lobby will be placed uner glass, to prevent kids from hopping over the gates and ropes that have been protecting it in years past. Now it will be able to be walked over, but still viewable.

Just what I heard!

From a note of seriousness.. what Chape has said is correct. The Rug is getting dropped into the floor with a plexiglass top over it so it remains in pristine condition. Also carpet and upholstery and paint touchup is planned.

I am not sure what else they will be doing, but the rug under glass is the main thing.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Strange, someone makes a Bush comment, and we are admonished "no politics please!" Someone else makes a "Slick Willie needs to have his pants pulled up" wisecrack and...no admonishment. Nothing...


Personally, I heard they were going to have people vote on what they want to see more of within the Hall of Presidents. Unfortunately, all the electronic voting machines were made by Diebold, so your decision's already been made for you. Get ready for the AA version of "Dubya! Great President, Or Our Greatest President? The Musical!" After all, according to Diebold, YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!


Active Member
Personally, I heard they were going to have people vote on what they want to see more of within the Hall of Presidents. Unfortunately, all the electronic voting machines were made by Diebold, so your decision's already been made for you. Get ready for the AA version of "Dubya! Great President, Or Our Greatest President? The Musical!" After all, according to Diebold, YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!
:lol::lol::lol: nice

anyway, i think its more fun (and slightly surreal and absurd) to joke about long gone presidents like Taft or Harrison

head mouse

From a note of seriousness.. what Chape has said is correct. The Rug is getting dropped into the floor with a plexiglass top over it so it remains in pristine condition. Also carpet and upholstery and paint touchup is planned.

I am not sure what else they will be doing, but the rug under glass is the main thing.


That'll be scratched up and un-viewable the first week.


New Member
On another serious note, let it be known, I am a conservative. But, that has nothing to do with what I'm going to say. I get very angry when I hear hisses or jeers when ANY of the presidents introduce themselves at the HoP. That presentation is not the time nor place to voice your distaste of a president or party. The Hall always stirs up within me a deep sense of patriotism, and I resent anyone taking that bit of Disney magic from me.


Le Meh
Premium Member
On another serious note, let it be known, I am a conservative. But, that has nothing to do with what I'm going to say. I get very angry when I hear hisses or jeers when ANY of the presidents introduce themselves at the HoP. That presentation is not the time nor place to voice your distaste of a president or party. The Hall always stirs up within me a deep sense of patriotism, and I resent anyone taking that bit of Disney magic from me.

Well stated. I also am very patriotic and get disgusted when people do not show respect to our current and prior presidents. There were good men that served our country well on both sides of the political fence. Yes there have been one or two that brought shame to the office of the President, but for the most part, I believe the men who have served our country as president have truley ment well in whatever decisions they have made.

Two attractions hit me emotionally when I am at WDW. One is HotP, the other is the American Adventure. I leave both remembering that I am blessed by God to be an American and have been given the luxury of living in a country that allows me the freedom of speech, religion, as well as other numerous liberties.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Here's the AA



Or when the lighting changes a bit, it looks like this


This is in poor taste and should be removed.

tink rules

New Member
wouldn't it be histerical if they took all the presidents and randomly stuck them here and there with the other 999 ghosts in the Haunted Mansion? They wouldn't even have to point them out...

Instead of hidden Mickeys we could have the Hidden Presidents...

head mouse


That'll be scratched up and un-viewable the first week.
I would imagine they will have the rope up around the area as well.

I have heard just general maitnance, and the presidential emblem on the carpet in the lobby will be placed uner glass, to prevent kids from hopping over the gates and ropes that have been protecting it in years past. Now it will be able to be walked over, but still viewable.

Just what I heard!

That's what I read

The Mom

Premium Member
I haven't been following this thread because I had HOPED that people could behave. Guess I overestimated everyone...again.
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