Why Hollywood Studios is being rebuilt


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I don't know who the heck you're talking about. Basketball sucks, I hate it. I hated it in grade school. I would never choose a handle like that. Just a reader tired of how much of a joke this place is with certain membership. Why don't you just start a cult already situated around "the insiders," and every time they say something that turns out to be patently false, you can make a human sacrifice from one of the regular members to keep their "magic" intact. Just an idea.
For someone who just joined today, you sure seem to know a lot about what you dislike around here.

It's almost like you've been here before.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I got a little gift for you:



Well-Known Member
WDW1974 said there would be an announcement....
And I stated a few times when asked 'I'd expect to hear something at D23'. At the time, that's what the plan was expected to be. Things are moving slower than expected with sign-offs, and D23 is the proverbial equivalent of herding cats politically within the Dis org, so park announcements may get announced, or they may not. If not, there would likely be a separate announcement when all of the ducks are lined up. Remember, Avatar's announcement caused a lot of unintended heartache being early. And the Springs announcement was a plain old mess. This company makes random moves depending on what time of day it is and what day of the week and what certain executives had for breakfast. Just stay tuned and see what happens. Just because something is accurate one day, that doesn't mean it's going to be accurate the next. And just because someone within D23 says something, that doesn't mean it will be accurate come showtime. There are major projects working through the process for WDW, and they're not going to be cut. Just have to wait a little while longer for the announcements.


Well-Known Member
I would agree with all of that.

But maybe there is another, overriding consideration. DHS is only one of four theme parks. WDW can afford the luxury of specialised parks. And one of DHS's specialisations is shows. Even if more rides would mean that DHS attracts more visitors, with higher customer satisfaction, then still guest satisfaction with WDW as a whole could go down. Because guests would go through the same tired formula of 'collection of IP franchise rides' in all four parks.

Varitation is key! And WDW has an amazing advantage over its competition in having the blessing of size, of four theme parks. There is no need for every park to be follow the same formula of a full, two day park with thirty rides. WDW can specialise, with a food and drink park (the formerly great park of EPCOT), a show park (DHS), and a leisurly atmosphere park (DAK).
Not if they want ME to actually pay for a ticket. I am one of those weirdos that expects rides in my destination resort amusement parks.

(And before one of the Disney faithful tries to explain that Disney Parks aren't Amusement Parks, they are theme parks. Well, theme parks are a smaller subset of Amusement Parks. And no amount of reinventing to wheel Disney tries to sell you. 5-6 rides does NOT an amusement park make.)


Well-Known Member
On Pixie? Why? Because he holds a minority position?

I find him a delight to read. With refreshing insights and a with just a lovely penchant for anti-authoritarian, original thought. And, especially, always with a calm politeness that is a far cry from the horde of bullies who somehow think it appropriate to habitually call the loner beastly names. (And that on a family Disney forum, tsk tsk!)

Thanks for the vote of confidence, sometimes the pitchforks and torches can come out pretty fast here, though I guess I do pontificate from a contrarian viewpoint . . .


Is there any truth to the rumor that 2012's numbers for DHS were closer to 8.0?
From what I've heard...that would be closer.

And of those 8mil or so...way too many are hitting 3-4 rides and leaving early in the day, before buying the desired amounts of food and merch. DHS is notoriously a "first click" park, where the tickets that are scanned there in the morning are at another park by mid-afternoon. Much more so than MK or Epcot, roughly in line with AK (where even management sort of expects it to happen due to attraction menu, heat, etc...)


Well-Known Member
WDW1974 said there would be an announcement....

I should clarify that I'm not saying that the insiders are making up stuff. They obviously have some legitimate sources of info, just that Disney, as a corporation, is like a dragon with dozens of different heads that say different things and have different agendas.

George Kalogridis has gone on the record saying that he is "positive" about a Carsland at WDW, but that he doesn't make the final decisions.


Obviously, Kalogridis would be happy if Disney spent company money to make WDW a success . . . while he's president. It would also be his success if a WDW Carsland wasn't too hot and didn't come in too much over budget. But he might not have a firm grasp on logistical/practical issues, as well as the rumor that TDA doesn't want the eastcoast to have their own version of Carsland.

It's not that Carsland wouldn't be a success, but that there are a range of options for the brass to consider, it's like one of those "select the one best answer" multiple choice questions where some answers are correct, but not the best solution.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Not if they want ME to actually pay for a ticket. I am one of those weirdos that expects rides in my destination resort amusement parks.

(And before one of the Disney faithful tries to explain that Disney Parks aren't Amusement Parks, they are theme parks. Well, theme parks are a smaller subset of Amusement Parks. And no amount of reinventing to wheel Disney tries to sell you. 5-6 rides does NOT an amusement park make.)
I get what you're saying. But for my part, I don't think WDW should be a collection of theme parks that only differ in their theme. If you have the luxury of several parks, then make them different. Why have three, four, five parks of 'queue, enter vehicle, two minute ride, exit'. EPCOT is diferent by having10-15 minute long experiences. DHS has shows and backstage tours.

The problem for me then is that DHS fails to deliver in what it tries to achieve. If it is the show / studio park, then it must deliver on that. Which it can't anymore now that the Backlot and Animation Tours are mere shells of their former selves, and so much else of the tv/movie studio theme is gone. Similarly, it is great for DAK to be the zoo park, but when the safari only consists anymore of driving past the crocodiles and the two treks are removed, then it kinda loses the point of it all.

[boring armchair imagineering alert]But please don't turn DHS into the 'collection of movie IP franchises' park. I'd rather they build a fake studio, use the tram to ride the tourists along the set of Gone With The Wind and Titanic, and have AA's show Walt and Roy and Iwerks create classic animation. This for me would put the 'theme' into theme park. DHS has a perfect theme of 'Hollywood that never was an always will be'. Just create a fake backstage studio area, the way you create a fake Hollywood front area.


Well-Known Member
From what I've heard...that would be closer.

And of those 8mil or so...way too many are hitting 3-4 rides and leaving early in the day, before buying the desired amounts of food and merch. DHS is notoriously a "first click" park, where the tickets that are scanned there in the morning are at another park by mid-afternoon. Much more so than MK or Epcot, roughly in line with AK (where even management sort of expects it to happen due to attraction menu, heat, etc...)

Yes, DHS has been a sort of half-day park for a while. But this is necessarily a death kneel for the park.

AK gets 10 million visits or so, a 1/2 day or perhaps getting closer to a 3/4 day park.
DHS gets 10 visits or so each year, a 1/2 day park.

But do guests who spend 1/2 to 3/4th of a day at AK go spend half a day at Universal? I would guess that for the most part, guests who spend whatever a fraction of a day at AK/DHS, don't leave the property to go to Uni.

WDW is a different beast, IMHO, I bet a lot of families spend 1 day for MK, 1 day for Epcot, then budget an extra day to see both AK and DHS. What they actually do might be different. They might spend 3/4 of a day at MK, and then take the monorail to Epcot for dinner. Part of the fun is park hopping at WDW, DHS kinda fills a void for the ADHD folks who don't want to spend a whole day in a given park.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the vote of confidence, sometimes the pitchforks and torches can come out pretty fast here, though I guess I do pontificate from a contrarian viewpoint . . .
Without different opinion there's no discussion, only people spouting their opinion into thin air.

I have got nobody on ignore, and I don't really understand that ignore culture. I couldn't care any less about what people's preferences are. You think Buzz is the greatest ride ever and twenty cool scientists sit around thinking up great Disney rides all day long? Fine with me. You think that UNI is the only park worth visiting in Orlando and Iger posts here under the name of Jimmy Thick? Fine with me too. Irregardless of their opinion, all I care about is if somebody is a bit respectful, and, if at all possible, has a modicum of manners.


Well-Known Member
Pixiedustmaker, I think one of many posters issues with your posts is that you ignore reality to push your fanboi dreams. You keep mentioning a 5th gate and tie capacity at DHS and DAK into you reasoning that a 5th gate is not only inevitable, but just around the corner. Yes, both DAK and DHS have HORRIBLE capacity issues, but it is not too many guests (i.e.:capacity) that is the issue as much as the fact that both parks are PAINFULLY (I can't capitalize that enough) short on rides. WDW will be ready for a 5th gate when all 4 parks have at least 25 rides. and since DHS has 5 and DAK has 6, we are at least 25 years away from breaking ground on a 5th gate.


Well-Known Member
Without somebody disagreeing there's no discussion, only people spouting their opinion into thin air.

I have got nobody on ignore. I couldn't care any less about what people's preferences are. You think Buzz is the greatest ride ever and twenty cool scientists sit around thinking up great Disney rides all day long? Fine with me. You think that UNI is the only park worth visiting in Orlando and Iger posts here under the name of Jimmy Thick? Fine with me too. Irregardless of their opinion, all I care about is if somebody is a bit respectful, and, if at all possible, with a modicum of manners.

I am a huge fan of the word "modicum". Just thought I would mention that.

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