I think everyone is losing sight of the fact that Universal was considered a "thrill" park for years. The fact that this was where the big rides could be found, had no real impact on Disney. Disney never was, and hopefully, never will be a thrill park. The thought that there are those whiny teens that basically force there parent to spend days at Uni so they won't be bored, make me two things. One it makes me laugh and Two it makes me sad. I can only relate to myself and when my girls were teens if they had put out a vibe that I needed to make them happy constantly, it would have been funny. When they were paying for it, we would go where they wanted, If I was was paying, we will be where I want to be...thank you very much! It makes me sad because I know that in today's world it does happen that way.
OK, so flash to now...all of a sudden people are being drawn from Disney to Uni (IOA) in numbers that were way larger then they had ever been. Was it because Uni had the thrill rides? How could it be, they always had the thrill rides. Why would all of a sudden it becomes different. OK, it's because Uni is a very good student. They are now able to do Disney better than Disney can. Why? Because Disney has abandoned the core values that made it what attracted everyone to it. Their CM's attitudes fell through the floor in recent years. They're not evil, but they do not add, with rare exceptions, to the Magic anymore. They are no longer engaging people. They will smile politely and answer your questions, but, they will not attempt to ask for questions. They are too busy talking to one another, feeling sorry for themselves because they feel they are underpaid and do only the absolute minimum. Attractions...value engineer everything. Cut corners, take good attractions and make them mediocre by taking out anything that represents a challenge to operate. By contrast, Uni has created some incredible shows and rides and submersive experience that Disney can only look back at as being what they once were able to do.
In short, they have won many people over because they can now offer what Disney, for the longest time, were the only ones able to deliver. Uni was a quick learner...they have given families a reason to visit and it isn't the thrill rides. Those that were searching out thrill rides had already been going. No, now they can and do offer well themed, complete, detailed and entertaining attractions that rival anything that Disney Co. ever created. We can live in denial for as long as we like, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.