Why Hollywood Studios is being rebuilt


Liker of Things
Premium Member
Define world class rides? Because why Id say Disney rides are unique and themed wonderfully, I wouldn't say world class. Many families that head to disney with small child aren't going to Uni just yet. People maybe interested but many people are still going to Disney without heading to Uni. People never compare Disney and Six Flags, so why compare Uni and Disney?

I'd say Haunted Mansion and Amazing Adventures of Spider Man are both world class rides...Disney and Uni both have rides that tell stories and immerse you in different environments. That is why they are compared. Six Flags doesn't try and do this....that's how I look at it....I loved Disney as a high school and college kid and my young children (now 8 and 10) have had really fun days at the Uni parks. Anyhoo, they are similar enough that comparisons are inevitable. I see nothing to dissuade me from my Venn diagram. Lots of families have interest in both sets of parks.

El Grupo

Well-Known Member

This just happened.



Well-Known Member
Disney is not ingenious. They've been heavily pushing for the young children demographic and leaving more and more parental enjoyment to vicarious enjoyment.

I am actually wondering how smart this. Things might be different in the US, but among the people I know young families have in general far less disposable income than most other demographics (except teenagers and university students).


Well-Known Member
Do any non-Disney fans remember Song of the South (Splash Mountain) or Twilight Zone (Tower of Terror)? Or what about non-franchise rides liek Soarin' or Haunted Mansion?

It doesnt matter if a movie, or even a franchise, has staying power. As long as the RIDE is great, people will go.

I have never agreed with this example. The difference with Song of the South is that it wasn't (isn't) a part of current pop culture, thus it was reintroduced to a new generation. I think the characters in this attraction function more like original characters because they are largely unknown, but gave Disney a starting point for design without taking the time or effort to develop new characters. I think Splash works primarily because it is an almost irrelevant IP. Avatar, for better or worse, is immediately recognizable by most of the general population and will thus illicit a response before experiencing the attraction, be it positive or negative. I think in this instance the tie-in is divisive, where with Splash it was neutral.


Well-Known Member
I'd say Haunted Mansion and Amazing Adventures of Spider Man are both world class rides...Disney and Uni both have rides that tell stories and immerse you in different environments. That is why they are compared. Six Flags doesn't try and do this....that's how I look at it....I loved Disney as a high school and college kid and my young children (now 8 and 10) have had really fun days at the Uni parks. Anyhoo, they are similar enough that comparisons are inevitable. I see nothing to dissuade me from my Venn diagram. Lots of families have interest in both sets of parks.

Disney and Uni both offers great stories to go along with the ride but stories don't equal world class imo. But we can agree to disagree. I never said families weren't interested in both. But many families heading to Disney have small children and don't venture out to Uni. Uni aims at families with older children while Disney caters to younger children (see FLE) Im 22 and enjoy both parks, they both offer different experiences to me. Six Flags may not offer really cool quene lines but they have good theming and great rides too (that being said I've only ever been to my local Six Flags)


Well-Known Member
You are unlikely to get your wish, it's a very popular topic of conversion here and rightly so. You might no want to compare them, but there is a large group of people that they are both competing to attract and since people's vacation time has praticle limits one can draw people away from the other. What Uni does impacts Disney and visa-versa.

True, but how many other theme parks are competing too? What about Seaworld, Busch Gardens, and Legoland?!? In reality, most people are done with Uni in 2 days and many people choose to extend their stay at their disney resort to add extra days to go to Uni or elsewhere. So Disney is making money off these other parks in a way.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
Disney and Uni both offers great stories to go along with the ride but stories don't equal world class imo. But we can agree to disagree. I never said families weren't interested in both. But many families heading to Disney have small children and don't venture out to Uni. Uni aims at families with older children while Disney caters to younger children (see FLE) Im 22 and enjoy both parks, they both offer different experiences to me. Six Flags may not offer really cool quene lines but they have good theming and great rides too (that being said I've only ever been to my local Six Flags)

You are correct, some people go only to Disney and some go only to Uni, but many go to both. And they will be compared. They are similar in many ways. Could you imagine Poisedon's Fury if it wasn't in IoA being in 6 Flags? Me either. But I could see it in TDS or DAK or part of a re-imagined Living Seas. Likewise, I could see Uni building Mission Space and on and on. Of course, there are some attractions that will forever be mutually exclusive, Country Bear Jamboree, etc., but the two complexes are similar enough and try to do some of the same things. Or as our beloved @Goofyernmost so eloquently put it -

In short, they have won many people over because they can now offer what Disney, for the longest time, were the only ones able to deliver. Uni was a quick learner...they have given families a reason to visit and it isn't the thrill rides. Those that were searching out thrill rides had already been going. No, now they can and do offer well themed, complete, detailed and entertaining attractions that rival anything that Disney Co. ever created. We can live in denial for as long as we like, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

As long as this is the case, comparisons will be made.


Well-Known Member
You are correct, some people go only to Disney and some go only to Uni, but many go to both. And they will be compared. They are similar in many ways. Could you imagine Poisedon's Fury if it wasn't in IoA being in 6 Flags? Me either. But I could see it in TDS or DAK or part of a re-imagined Living Seas. Likewise, I could see Uni building Mission Space and on and on. Of course, there are some attractions that will forever be mutually exclusive, Country Bear Jamboree, etc., but the two complexes are similar enough and try to do some of the same things. Or as our beloved @Goofyernmost so eloquently put it -

As long as this is the case, comparisons will be made.

Oh man, I love Poseidon's Fury, totally underrated.


Well-Known Member
I wish Disney would just rely on the proven success that good design is timeless. If Disney were only 10 years old, and the only attractions in the park were the ones that have opened in recent history, then they would be no better than many other theme parks out there. Their success derives from the design backbone and the staple attractions that were put in place before the new way of thinking had infiltrated the company. In trying to base attractions on what is "current", inevitably the attraction will sooner or later become "dated". This is not necessarily a bad thing. Uni has had success with this, and consequently are now experiencing a renaissance by updating many of these dated attractions. Disney is and should be different though. They don't have a revolving door of attractions that continuously need updates. Mostly, they have a backbone of timeless attractions with a smattering of updates and franchise tie ins to keep the park from becoming stale. Unfortunately the increasing dependence on IPs and the dumbing down of iconic attractions means the parks are trying to compete with Uni by being more like Uni rather than by doing what they do best. Uni is a great park, so is Disney. But if Disney tries to be Uni, then it fails.


Well-Known Member
You are correct, some people go only to Disney and some go only to Uni, but many go to both. And they will be compared. They are similar in many ways. Could you imagine Poisedon's Fury if it wasn't in IoA being in 6 Flags? Me either. But I could see it in TDS or DAK or part of a re-imagined Living Seas. Likewise, I could see Uni building Mission Space and on and on. Of course, there are some attractions that will forever be mutually exclusive, Country Bear Jamboree, etc., but the two complexes are similar enough and try to do some of the same things. Or as our beloved @Goofyernmost so eloquently put it -

As long as this is the case, comparisons will be made.

No but take away the storyline from rides at Disney and what you get is a basic ride. Similar to Six Flags.


Well-Known Member
While I like the thought process and agree with you...there is one thing you're missing.
The franchises will draw people in that wouldn't necessarily go to WDW or UO because they are fans of the franchise.

I understand the moves. Plus...DHS is about attractions based on films/studios...it's a no-brainer that they use franchises.

For star wars, yes. But Avatar? Unless 2 and 3 (if they are ever made) bring it back to the forefront, Avatar has really dropped out of pop culture. And, what if 2 and 3 bomb?


Active Member
I wish Disney would just rely on the proven success that good design is timeless. If Disney were only 10 years old, and the only attractions in the park were the ones that have opened in recent history, then they would be no better than many other theme parks out there. Their success derives from the design backbone and the staple attractions that were put in place before the new way of thinking had infiltrated the company. In trying to base attractions on what is "current", inevitably the attraction will sooner or later become "dated". This is not necessarily a bad thing. Uni has had success with this, and consequently are now experiencing a renaissance by updating many of these dated attractions. Disney is and should be different though. They don't have a revolving door of attractions that continuously need updates. Mostly, they have a backbone of timeless attractions with a smattering of updates and franchise tie ins to keep the park from becoming stale. Unfortunately the increasing dependence on IPs and the dumbing down of iconic attractions means the parks are trying to compete with Uni by being more like Uni rather than by doing what they do best. Uni is a great park, so is Disney. But if Disney tries to be Uni, then it fails.

Agreed 100%.


Well-Known Member
Well...no but if the IP started out during the brainstorming process/storyboarding then they might. A rollercoaster on Hoth flying around AT-ATs or a Speeder bike coaster would be more popular than a runaway train with a brief encounter with a Yeti.

EDIT: Plus...look at merchandising. I think most would agree that Tower of Terror is a better attraction than Star Tours...but what gift shop makes more money? Just having a great attraction does not mean that the company is benefitting from them on all fronts.

I agree with you as far as merchandising. And that seems to be where Disney's head is these days. The success of the Potter merch has driven them insane.

But reall, I don't think EE would be any more popular than it is today if it had a SW theme. It's the ride, not the theme.


Well-Known Member
No, Disney has just chosen to try to be everything to everyone.

They have the thrill rides, just not enough of them to keep up with the park down the highway. Each park has a niche, and DHS is uniquely positioned to be WDW's thrill park.

Doing so would go a long way towards the erosion they're currently seeing with families choosing to spend less time on-property.

What are you basing that on? Oh right. Nothing.

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