Why are there so many people who don't like Epcot??


Well-Known Member
Jen Jen said:
Like I said, we've never learned anything there. Both of us being "extreme right wing conservatives", [slight edit] we might hear "educational" stuff, but we don't learn it.
This is one of the saddest things I've heard in a long time. You've never learned anything at EPCOT? You've never learned anything about cuisine? Or history? Or plants? Or why the roof of a church might be made of sod? Or about the Yangtze River? Or Mont St. Michel? Or even where the rest rooms are? Or anything? I find that almost impossible to believe. My sixth grade teacher used to tell us that the day you don't learn something new is the day you die.

Why does being a conservative absolve you from learning something new on vacation? :confused:

Jen Jen

New Member
Slight edit? You edited out the point, actually, but maybe you weren't trying to, maybe you just didn't get it.

As I believe I said, it's the fact that we deal with so much information at work that causes us to not wish to learn anything on our vacation that absolves us. That's what vacations are for as far as we're concerned. Way to twist it around to blame it on conservatism, though.

Give me a break, the saddest thing you've ever heard. I don't recall saying I never learn anything, so keep your tears to yourself, thank you very much. And no, we've never gone on any ride at The Land besides Soarin', so we know nothing about hydroponic plants. We've never been to Universe of Energy, what in the world is there to learn about cuisine that we didn't know already except what places fix food that tastes good and what places don't, never watched the China movie, never went into the church at Norway, can't stand anything to do with France or Canada, and don't take the time to memorize where the restrooms are...if I need one, I look for a sign. So no, I never learned any of those things, believe it or not, yet while not on vacation I've learned enough to know what your questions were referring to...even since 6th grade. Amazing.

How about you do your vacation your way, and let me do my vacation my way. You know, tolerance. Cool?


New Member
As for the kids who have leukemia and other life-threatening diseases and are at WDW on a Make A Wish or other wish-granting organization trip, I have seen quite a few of them at Epcot. (the ones wearing the MAW buttons, anyway)


Well-Known Member
Jen Jen said:
How about you do your vacation your way, and let me do my vacation my way. You know, tolerance. Cool?
Believe me, I'm not trying to stop you from doing anything in any way that you want to do it. (As if I could, even if I wanted to.) I just happen to think that if you can honestly say you have never learned literally anything at EPCOT, or anywhere, that's sad. I personally think you might enjoy the experience even more if you allowed yourself to learn even one little thing. JMHO. I'll not mention this again, in order not to hijack the thread further. My apologies.


Well-Known Member
Well said Chuck, Ill make you a deal, next time you and I are there together we can meet up by Canada to learn new musical styles for Celtic music and the effect of fermented beverages on organic lifeforms??? What do you think about that one??? Belle

splash_mt. jr

New Member
epcot is probably not as popular for mid age kids like 10-13 beacause they only have a cuple great thrill thrides and it has mostly restaurants and stuff but it is a great park!

goin back to disney on july 29-aug 13:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Thank you EPCOT for all that you've taught me and allowed to explore in the only world's fair left in the united states. Even as a kid I found EPCOT, SeaWorld, and Kennedy Space all inspiring and still do. They go above and beyond and give us something fun and interesting to bring back home with us with facts figures and cool souveniers!


wannabeBelle said:
Well said Chuck, Ill make you a deal, next time you and I are there together we can meet up by Canada to learn new musical styles for Celtic music and the effect of fermented beverages on organic lifeforms??? What do you think about that one??? Belle

I'm with you as well, Chuck. Wow, I guess ignorance truly is bliss.


New Member
Couldn't agree more. I learn something new every time I go to Epcot, I love it there. And yes, even my 10 year old son loves it too! The truth is not everybody wants to be exposed to new and different things and cuisines.

That's fine by me, more room for me at the fanatstic Epcot restaurants and at their interesting yet educational attractions. If you don't care about such things, I think it is great that you just walk right past them. It's better then having you come in and making annoying little comments about how boring and uninteresting it is and ruin it for the rest of us. So, just walk by it all, works for me! :wave:


Well-Known Member

Jen Jen said:
I couldn't care less about what Europeans or anyone else does or thinks. I've never learned a single blasted thing at Epcot, and learning is definitely not what I go on vacation for.

Like I said, we've never learned anything there. Both of us being "extreme right wing conservatives", we let some of the slightly left leaning messages go in one ear and right back out the other. (BTW, where did anyone get the idea that the left were the only "intellectuals" in this country?) So we might hear "educational" stuff, but we don't learn it. Besides, we've both got way too much information to process at work to actually try to absorb any while on vacation...that's supposed to be what we're on vacation from! So instead of learning it, we just hear it, and we enjoy it.

As to walking...we both are overweight, out of shape and hate walking, but we love this park. When we get tired, we sit on a bench for a while...problem solved! That's probably part of the reason we do love Epcot so much...it's so much more relaxing and less frenzied than the other parks. FW is ok, but we could spend forever in WS and be happy about it. It's just so pleasant!


I am glad you and your husband love Epcot, and I also appreciate the great relaxation it offers you. However, I have to clarify a few points.

My point about the Brits and Germans was taken to point out that people in other cultures are tough enough to walk, and Americans often complain about a bit of walking. It's a typical, "If so-and-so can do it, why can't you?" Whether or not you care about Brits and Germans is unimportant, the point is that a reasonably tough person should not whine about a bit of walking. Obviously you do not whine about walking, which is great.

Left-leaning intellectuals? I do not recall feeling inundated by liberal messages at Epcot, and I defied my family with conservatism for decades starting with my votes for Reagan. I do not believe that finding environmental problem-solving, exploration (space, sea or elsewhere) and world unity are left-wing themes. I don't see Bush bashing or anti-military themes at Epcot. I don't see overt pleas for government programs or higher taxes. Maybe I'm missing something. I DO see inspirational messages to find solutions for social, scientific and environmental problems, but that is not a liberal theme from my point of view.

I assume your statement of not learning "a single blasted thing" is hyperbole. At a minimum, you probably learned (for example) something about the Phoenicians in Spaceship Earth, something about food and drink in World Showcase, something about music, and something about plant-life if you took the Living with the Land tour. No, this is not (thankfully) a textbook or symposium style of learning, but I cannot believe that an intelligent person such as yourself can honestly say that you absorbed nothing from the Epcot experience other than a delightful and relaxing jaunt around the park. C'mon, to be interesting, you have to take away something of interest, which means you learned something. At a minimum, Epcot teaches your feet and back to be tolerant of soreness and sweat, and why a vacant and shaded bench is a treasure to be savored. More elevated themes can also be learned with virtually no effort. That is why it is one of the greatest places on Earth, and that is not hyperbole in my book.

Enjoy. I am sure we are kindred spirits at heart. "We are one".

Jen Jen

New Member
Ralphlaw said:
I am glad you and your husband love Epcot, and I also appreciate the great relaxation it offers you. However, I have to clarify a few points.

My point about the Brits and Germans was taken to point out that people in other cultures are tough enough to walk, and Americans often complain about a bit of walking. It's a typical, "If so-and-so can do it, why can't you?" Whether or not you care about Brits and Germans is unimportant, the point is that a reasonably tough person should not whine about a bit of walking. Obviously you do not whine about walking, which is great.

Left-leaning intellectuals? I do not recall feeling inundated by liberal messages at Epcot, and I defied my family with conservatism for decades starting with my votes for Reagan. I do not believe that finding environmental problem-solving, exploration (space, sea or elsewhere) and world unity are left-wing themes. I don't see Bush bashing or anti-military themes at Epcot. I don't see overt pleas for government programs or higher taxes. Maybe I'm missing something. I DO see inspirational messages to find solutions for social, scientific and environmental problems, but that is not a liberal theme from my point of view.

I assume your statement of not learning "a single blasted thing" is hyperbole. At a minimum, you probably learned (for example) something about the Phoenicians in Spaceship Earth, something about food and drink in World Showcase, something about music, and something about plant-life if you took the Living with the Land tour. No, this is not (thankfully) a textbook or symposium style of learning, but I cannot believe that an intelligent person such as yourself can honestly say that you absorbed nothing from the Epcot experience other than a delightful and relaxing jaunt around the park. C'mon, to be interesting, you have to take away something of interest, which means you learned something. At a minimum, Epcot teaches your feet and back to be tolerant of soreness and sweat, and why a vacant and shaded bench is a treasure to be savored. More elevated themes can also be learned with virtually no effort. That is why it is one of the greatest places on Earth, and that is not hyperbole in my book.

Enjoy. I am sure we are kindred spirits at heart. "We are one".

I'm glad you didn't feel inundated by messages of liberalism. I didn't either...if I did, I wouldn't like this park after all. Being a "leftie" is not limited to Bush bashing, however. There are absolutely philosophical differences between conservatism and liberalism, that's why there are two sides. As a conservative, I don't happen to believe that world unity is important unless it happens to come about because everyone is doing what is right, which in my book is much more important. Nor do I believe in global warming, or that the evils of man and energy are causing it. Do I believe we ought to be dumping toxic waste into water supplies or delicate habitats? Certainly not...but there is a line, and one I hope I don't have to explain in exquisite detail in order for you people to not think that I mean that anything up to dumping toxic wast is perfectly acceptable. To me, some of the messages delivered at Epcot blur the line that I am comfortable with, thus the "left-leaning" rather than out right liberalism, and that is why I ignore them completely. I highly doubt if even any of you would bother to "learn" something you don't believe or believe in or have different views concerning.

While I do think I would enjoy Living With the Land for the ride itself, as I said before, I've never ridden it to date. As to what social solutions you might be referring to, I can't speak to it since I've never noticed any there. I have literally speny my time at Epcot riding rides I thought would be fun and not taking them seriously, and wandering around the streets and shops of World Showcase. Period. And that's how I like it, God forbid!!!

I already knew to be tolerant of soreness and sweat and the vaule of a shaded bench before I ever stepped foot at Epcot. I think you are also intelligent enough to realize the difference between those and learning supposed facts about things in the park, as well as to which I was referring to in my post when I said I've never learned a blasted thing. You must try not over analyse what people say quite so much. I enjoy my vacations by experiencing things, not learning them. I go to Epcot and WDW to relax and enjoy myself, and elevate my spirit that way, not by being educated, and yet I'm still perfectly able to enjoy this park. That's the point...it's the point I was trying to make with my post, and it's the point of this thread, is it not? I'm hardly alone. I can't imagine why you all find that to be so offensive and sinful, but hey, each to his own.

But, if you really think that this park can't be enjoyed unless you enjoy spending your vacation learning, then the original question, the point of this thread, should no longer be a mystery to you. You should simply accept that some people :eek: are different than you are. Goodness gracious.

Jen Jen

New Member
ChuckElias said:
Believe me, I'm not trying to stop you from doing anything in any way that you want to do it. (As if I could, even if I wanted to.) I just happen to think that if you can honestly say you have never learned literally anything at EPCOT, or anywhere, that's sad. I personally think you might enjoy the experience even more if you allowed yourself to learn even one little thing. JMHO. I'll not mention this again, in order not to hijack the thread further. My apologies.

Yeah, that's what I said. I've never learned anything at Epcot or anywhere. Mmmmhmmm.


Well-Known Member
Jen Jen said:
me said:
I just happen to think that if you can honestly say you have never learned literally anything at EPCOT, or anywhere, that's sad
Yeah, that's what I said. I've never learned anything at Epcot or anywhere. Mmmmhmmm.
Sorry, Jen. I think you have misunderstood my point, b/c I worded it very badly. I did not mean "If you've never learned anything at EPCOT, or if you've never learned anything anywhere, that's sad".

What I meant was, "If you've never learned anything at EPCOT, that's sad. In fact, if there's anyplace where you can say that you've been and not learned anything, that's sad".

I thought that was too cumbersome to type out, so I tried to shortcut it. I did not mean to imply that you've never learned anything in your whole life.

Jen Jen

New Member
ChuckElias said:
Sorry, Jen. I think you have misunderstood my point, b/c I worded it very badly. I did not mean "If you've never learned anything at EPCOT, or if you've never learned anything anywhere, that's sad".

What I meant was, "If you've never learned anything at EPCOT, that's sad. In fact, if there's anyplace where you can say that you've been and not learned anything, that's sad".

I thought that was too cumbersome to type out, so I tried to shortcut it. I did not mean to imply that you've never learned anything in your whole life.

Gotcha...still disagree, still think enjoying yourself is way more important on a vacation and that you can do your learning the rest of the year, but thanks for clearing that up. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Umm isn't Epcot learning WHILE having fun and relaxing on vacation? Give me the beach any day I'll take it...spice it with a 1 hour trip around the world...I'll take it too. :D

There's a smile on the face of tomorrow, like the heart-warming smile of a friend...where we work and we play dreams come true everyday, as we reach for new horizons. We have learned to get more out of living, take a rich-happy lifetime to spare, for the whole human race there is time and there is space as we reach for new horizons.

Wait a second wasn't EPCOT Center originally dubbed "the future as built by republicans"?! :p :kiss:

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