Why am I a target?


New Member
ClemsonTigger said:
Aww man....

We're gettin' too close to group hug territory.
My teeth are starting to tingle with all this sugar around.

:lol: :lookaroun :lol:
Clemson...here's a toothbrush ---||| and a great big hug!!! {{[[[ClemsonTigger]]]}}} ....and some positive feed back for putting up with the hug.....


Thanks for that! I gave to many points today to everyone on this post or most everyone!sorry about above i was trying to change what i typed and didn't notice i clicked the post button


Active Member
I have 19 points. One negative, but I wasn't telling a racial joke. I was being true. There WAS a listing on eBay for a never fired french army rifle. I found it halarious but it WAS listed that way. :(

As long as points don't get me banned it really isn't a big deal. I'm actullay much nicer here than other discussion forums. That's why I come here and one reason I love wdw AND WANT TO WORK THERE. It forces me to be nice, which is what a *edited* like me needs. :lol:

Just thing if an Eisner lover was to rate all our sigs and avatars. :lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
jcarriv said:
Your question is a very interesting. The answer is too complex to go into detail but I can tell you it is all a big conspiracy involving Aliens, Elvis, and the Republican Party :lookaroun
There's a conspiracy involving Stitch? Lol.


Well-Known Member
Someone gave me a negative for making a comment about a forum troll that couldn't spell and couldn't form sentences. I did get 11 positives for my appliance direct thread though!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I've gotten a couple of green dots (thanks GoofyFan1 :D) but now I got I don't know what for the last post I made in this same thread. It had a gray dot next to it. Now, I don't think I said anything bad, so is the gray dot there because of what Pixie Duster said about the person being new and not counted so much? I'm confused again :lol:.

Also, the very first reputation point I got taken/given is gone now, and it also had a gray dot. Why did it go away?

Edit: After Abu21 gave me points just now (thanks :D), I realized a good one I had went away. Therefore, I'm guessing we can only have a limit of 5 in our User CP that we can see. Don't know if that came out right, but you understand right? :lol:


TheDisneyQueen said:
Sorry but how do you give people points for the reputation around here?


WDWMagic is the best forum ever

Hit the "scales in the top right portion of your post (right by your green sqaure). Hope this helps.

BTW, I gave out my maximum amount just now. Enjoy everyone.



DDuckFan130 said:
Edit: After Abu21 gave me points just now (thanks :D), I realized a good one I had went away. Therefore, I'm guessing we can only have a limit of 5 in our User CP that we can see. Don't know if that came out right, but you understand right? :lol:

Yes. On your CP, it should say "Latest Reputation", and beneath it should be the 5 most recent additions.


Well-Known Member
phlydude said:
I think that the system should be revised to MAKE the user leave comments regarding the rating they left. At least this way, someone can see what they did wrong and mend their ways or keep on working in the positive on other threads in the same way!

This is the problem with karma/rating/star systems. I use a board that uses Lithium software, and they have the "star" system. Unlike here, where only you can see your rep (I think?), Lithium has it set that if a post goes below a certain rating (say, 2.0 out of 5.0) it disapears to anyone who hasn't manually set their account to "view all".

What happens is it becomes a "I don't like you, or your opinion" thing, so "one star for you". In essence, you can bury someones posting by being a "one star bandit". Now, if your posting is really not deserving, someone may come and bump you up, but the problem remains : are people rating for the opinion or the content?

This system (my first encounter with it is at this site - never used this board software before) seems to mitigate some of that; for instance, you can only rate the same person every so often, you only have so much karma to go around, etc. However, the lack of comment requirement really should be looked at - if you've got the need to give someone "bad" reputation, you should have the you-know-what's to say why.

The answer is the same as in my very first reply to the original post, way back at message #2 - you can pretty much ignore it. People are going to be people, and some people, when they can't come up with a valid argument, counter, or just have no justification for not liking what you say other than they don't like it, have to "lash out", and anonymous Internet ratings systems can do that for them. So, take the negative with a grain of salt.

However, since it seems that many people aren't familiar with the system yet, and for the most part we are all here to have fun and support our Disney habits, perhaps we should all be giving as much "good" karma as we can, in all threads. If you like what someone had to say, but don't necessarily have a reply to make, send 'em some karma - and tell them why.

I have seen some online communities tottally gutted with systems like this - usually starting with a thread like this one. I don't think it will happen here with the safeguards in place, but wouldn't it be nice if the opposite thing happened, and it ended up bringing the whole community to a new level?



This is all very confusing and if it wasn't for this thread I would never have realized that this rating system existed. Was there one before the change cuz if there wasn't, why do we need one now?


New Member
meanmice said:
This is all very confusing and if it wasn't for this thread I would never have realized that this rating system existed. Was there one before the change cuz if there wasn't, why do we need one now?
Steve added it as part of the recent revamp. He has stated that it's just for a trial. I guess if enough people are mature about using it will stay, if not it will go.


what thah...

i haven't posted in months cuz i switched computers and was too lazy to find my password. this new system is craziness to me. i just wanted to see if i have a little orange man and a green square. i want to be in the club. can i have a purple diamond instead?


New Member
Hey, cool. I didn't even know we had points. I just looked at my control panel and saw comments left by people, I didn't even know I had them. :hammer: Boy do I feel silly; however, this is the first forum I have ever been a part of. Live and learn.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Has anyone done a poll on should the reputation feature stay or go? I like it so far. I liked walking on "the distinguished road" and seeing "the recent history of naughty behaviour," but the good reputation, unknown quantity, etc. is okay too. I like being able to give good reputation to people who are making a good effort to bring original insights to the board.

I am reluctant to give bad reputation. I haven't done that yet, even though it would be easy. I don't want someone who I might have misunderstood to get labeled, and once you post negative, you can't reverse or remove it. I'd feel terrible if after giving someone a bad rep, I read something later that made me realize the person had a good, valid point and I had misunderstood what he or she said.

I think knowing I might get blasted with bad rep makes me hesitate to state my thoughts on some topics, but I usually end up doing so after deliberation. Even so, I haven't been the victim of mean and undeserved bashing yet. Not really, anyway. :wave:

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