Trip Report Whoa, Wait a Minute......Weren't You JUST There??!! *COMPLETED*

Hi, my name is Tuvalu and I am a Disneyholic.

(Go on, respond "Hi Tuvalu." I'll wait.)

My last trip to WDW was June 4-12, 2016. Before that May 3-8, 2016. Before that April 3-9, 2016. And my first trip of 2016 was February 18-22. If you are curious about those trip reports, they can be found here:

February ~ (Written by my DDD ~ Darling Disney Daughter :p)
April ~
May ~

In the interest of full disclosure, I have three more trips planned for 2016 ~ July, October and December.

Can't. Stop. Going.

It is never my intention to be boastful about my vacation frequency. I am very aware of how fortunate I am. If not for the good friends I have made on this site, I would not be posting trip reports at all. So a big thank you to all who have encouraged and supported me. Your kindness means a lot.

Now, on with our most recent adventure!

The deets:
Cast ~ Tuvalu, Woody and Em
Date ~ June 4-12, 2016
Resorts ~ Port Orleans French Quarter & Polynesian Village


Did we have fun? You betcha! Even Tropical Storm Colin couldn't dampen our joy :D.

Stay tuned....


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Original Poster
Saturday, con't

After our fill at Pecos Bill's, we used our next FP.


I was really nervous when we were told row 1, since our last experience in the front of the boat resulted in a drenching worse than Splash Mountain! :eek: But Pirates was going to be our last attraction before returning to the Poly for an afternoon break, so we wouldn't have to be wet for long.

Thankfully, we were not met by a wall of water at the bottom of the hill ~ we only got splashed by the water cannons. It wasn't as bad as I'd feared. :)

By the time we arrived back at the Poly, the sun had darted behind the clouds. But I wanted a last opportunity at the pool, so I suited up. Woody and Em preferred to nap in our room. I found a chair at the Oasis pool, reclined and promptly got rained on! It was a light, steady sprinkle and I thought if I'm gonna get wet, I might as well be in the I spent an hour swimming.

At 5 p.m. the three of us went to the lounge for our last Ku U Leis.

Every day should have a Ku U Lei!

We had a dinner ADR in the MK. Em took these pictures on our way to the monorail.




And this is her artsy Poly shot ~ :cat:


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Saturday, con't

After our fill at Pecos Bill's, we used our next FP.

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I was really nervous when we were told row 1, since our last experience in the front of the boat resulted in a drenching worse than Splash Mountain! :eek: But Pirates was going to be our last attraction before returning to the Poly for an afternoon break, so we wouldn't have to be wet for long.

Thankfully, we were not met by a wall of water at the bottom of the hill ~ we only got splashed by the water cannons. It wasn't as bad as I'd feared. :)

By the time we arrived back at the Poly, the sun had darted behind the clouds. But I wanted a last opportunity at the pool, so I suited up. Woody and Em preferred to nap in our room. I found a chair at the Oasis pool, reclined and promptly got rained on! It was a light, steady sprinkle and I thought if I'm gonna get wet, I might as well be in the I spent an hour swimming.

At 5 p.m. the three of us went to the lounge for our last Ku U Leis.
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Every day should have a Ku U Lei!

We had a dinner ADR in the MK. Em took these pictures on our way to the monorail.

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And this is her artsy Poly shot ~ :cat:
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Lovely arty photo!!

And I think we may differ on our choco donut preference. I gather that you like the chocolate cake donut, while I'm all about the chocolate frosted at DD. If it's Entenmann's then the chocolate crumb is da bomb! ;)


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We never have monorail issues when we aren't in a hurry to get to MK. Such was the case tonight. And with no line at bag check, we were in the hub in no time.



A walk through Cinderella Castle and we were almost to our dinner destination.


I have done the BOG trifecta ~ breakfast, lunch and dinner. Woody has only dined at lunch. Em has done breakfast and lunch, with the trifecta on her "bucket list" ~ and now she was gonna cross it off!



Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I don't like Krispy Kreme either. Give me Dunkin' Donuts anytime!

You don't like Krispy Kreme?? :jawdrop: I LOVE those donuts!!! :hungry: :hungry: They're aren't stores where I live, so any time I go to New York, I always get some. (Haven't been to N.Y. in over 5 years though . . . :( )

To me, Krispy Kreme is the best when they are hot. I prefer Dunkin's chocolate cake donut and Maple donut. My ultimate favorites are donut holes. I can throw down a baker's dozen in no time! Or I used to... :D:D


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It was only a few moments before we were called into Beast's castle.

Hello, Knights!


I have to admit that we were a little disappointed that our table was in the Ballroom. We were hoping for the quieter atmosphere of the Rose Gallery....or even the West Wing, where Woody and Em have never dined. There is always so much hustle & bustle (and noise) in the Ballroom. On the flip side, our table was a good vantage point to witness the arrival of our host.




Gotta love the ponytail!

Each of us ordered a glass of wine....well, because we could. Although it did feel a little naughty to be drinking in the MK.


Pictured above is Em's glass of Conundrum. She first tried the wine last summer at the California Grill. I had a Pinot Grigio (can't remember the name) that I savored slowly. Too slowly I guess because I still had a couple sips left in my glass when our server whisked it away as he cleared our plates! :eek:

When he returned with our bill, I said, "You took away my wine before I was finished with it."
"Yes, I noticed that when I got to the kitchen. I'm sorry. Be right back."
He returned with a clean glass with approximately one sip's worth of wine. Gee, thanks!

Anyway, on with the food!

Warm rolls

Woody ordered his favorite braised pork (also on the lunch menu)

Em and I both ordered the Strip Steak. Although not as tasty as the steak at Mama's, it was still very good. And of course we were pleased with the pomme frites/steak fries! :hungry:


We skipped dessert, as the "grey stuff" at dinner is much inferior to the Master's cupcake.

Speaking of the Master, Em and I had to say hello!


Premium Member
When he returned with our bill, I said, "You took away my wine before I was finished with it."
"Yes, I noticed that when I got to the kitchen. I'm sorry. Be right back."
He returned with a clean glass with approximately one sip's worth of wine. Gee, thanks!

SERIOUSLY??!! He brought you back a glass with a few sips of wine? :jawdrop: Heaven forbid he pour a new full glass of wine . . . :rolleyes: (The only thing that would have saved this entire debacle, would have been if your table mates, upon seeing the few sips in the glass, all yelled out in unison to you: "Chug! Chug! Chug!!! :p :p :p )


Premium Member
Original Poster
SERIOUSLY??!! He brought you back a glass with a few sips of wine? :jawdrop: Heaven forbid he pour a new full glass of wine . . . :rolleyes: (The only thing that would have saved this entire debacle, would have been if your table mates, upon seeing the few sips in the glass, all yelled out in unison to you: "Chug! Chug! Chug!!! :p :p :p )
My thoughts exactly! Honestly even half a glass of wine would have been better than a sip!
(And Chug! Chug! Chug! would have been hysterical :joyfull:)


Well-Known Member
My sister had the braised pork when we ate dinner at BOG. She let me try it and it was soooooo good. We really loved the pureed cauliflower that came with it. :hungry:
SERIOUSLY??!! He brought you back a glass with a few sips of wine? :jawdrop: Heaven forbid he pour a new full glass of wine . . . :rolleyes: (The only thing that would have saved this entire debacle, would have been if your table mates, upon seeing the few sips in the glass, all yelled out in unison to you: "Chug! Chug! Chug!!! :p :p :p )
Meeting the Beast was a highlight of my last trip. I loved him.


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Riding Little Mermaid after a BOG meal seems to have become a tradition for us.


Then we strolled the path between Fantasyland and Tomorrowland to visit another attraction we sometimes forget about.


There are several catch-phrases in this show that our family uses a lot....a favorite being, "Yes John (or family member's name) you're a genius!" :joyfull:

Next was a nighttime spin on the MPB 2.0

Dessert time! We had not yet visited another one of our regular haunts ~ Auntie Gravity's. Woody had his usual root beer float (yes, vanilla ice cream...why do they always ask that? Are there people who actually put chocolate ice cream into a root beer float? o_O) Em and I shared a hot fudge sundae.

We had one final fastpass to use. Originally I had booked Splash Mountain as one of our initial 3, but when Em and I were able to walk on it this morning I changed it to.....

Well, you are going to have to guess. If you have read more than one of my trip reports you have a pretty good idea what it was.

Celebrate the Magic was just starting as we made our way down Main Street. Getting back to the Poly in time for Wishes was going to be dicey. Woody knew how important it was for Em and me to watch Wishes on our last night. He suggested going atop the train station.

So we did.

:happy: :inlove: :D :geek: :) :joyfull: :p


Well-Known Member
And it gets even better! When our train arrived back at the loading area, a CM announced over the loudspeaker that those seated in the rear could ride again. A second wild ride? Yes, please!! (Rode it for you, @Longers ;).)

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OMG that's awesome to ride twice and in the back!
Thanks for riding it for me - I am still gutted it's going to be closed, I am hoping there might be a miracle and it opens early.


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Original Poster
Sunday, June 12

Sadly, departure day had arrived. Yes, I still find it sad to leave the world even knowing that I will be back "real soon." We were up and out the door at 7:20 a.m., going back to the MK for breakfast. Once again the monorail let us down :banghead:. We got stuck at the GF for more than 20 minutes due to "mechanical difficulties" with the monorail in the MK station. Like @TheMouseFan (and others of you) I began to fret knowing we would now be late for our reservation....not to mention wanting to get those cherished "empty Main Street" photos thanks to our pre-park opening ADR.

Despite being time crunched, we still had to stop for a picture.



So excited to be having breakfast at Crystal Palace again!


I think there must be something (other than sugar!) in Pooh's Puffed French Toast that makes it addictive. So good. Better than Entenmann's chocolate donuts good! Left to my own devices, I would probably stuff myself with PPFT and end up like Violet Beauregarde (of Willy Wonka fame.) :jawdrop:


Piglet was the first to stop by and visit.

Followed quickly by Eeyore.

Our corner table next to the French doors allowed us to watch the "sea of humanity" hurry towards Fantasyland when the park opened. One minute Main Street was empty, the next it looked like a giant wave rushing through. So fun to watch!

Willy nilly silly old bear!

Last, but certainly not least, TIGGER!



Premium Member
It was only a few moments before we were called into Beast's castle.

Hello, Knights!
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I have to admit that we were a little disappointed that our table was in the Ballroom. We were hoping for the quieter atmosphere of the Rose Gallery....or even the West Wing, where Woody and Em have never dined. There is always so much hustle & bustle (and noise) in the Ballroom. On the flip side, our table was a good vantage point to witness the arrival of our host.

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Gotta love the ponytail!

Each of us ordered a glass of wine....well, because we could. Although it did feel a little naughty to be drinking in the MK.

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Woody looks so thrilled that the Beast is there. His expression made me giggle.


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We left Crystal Palace happy and satisfied. Em suggested a flight over Neverland, since Woody had not done PP this trip. The park had only been open 30 minutes but the standby wait was already 45. We joined the line anyway and passed the time listening to others in line. (@Doc Disney, your family is not the only one that does this! ;))

I had booked one fastpass for us ~ we only had time for one. Woody opted to skip it, since he had to finish packing.

On our way there Em and I stopped for a Photopass pic.

We're coming for you, o glorious mountain!

Except we didn't quite make it. As we got closer, we couldn't see any trains running. Or people in line. I checked my phone and sure enough, there it was ~ the alert notifying us that BTM was closed. :arghh:

So we used our FP at another fave. And look....I found a picture I forgot I'd taken!

Then it was time for us to do the Walk of Shame out of the park. We were salmon swimming upstream, with all the entering guests mocking us as we made our way out.

Goodbye castle!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Sunday, June 12

Sadly, departure day had arrived. Yes, I still find it sad to leave the world even knowing that I will be back "real soon." We were up and out the door at 7:20 a.m., going back to the MK for breakfast. Once again the monorail let us down :banghead:. We got stuck at the GF for more than 20 minutes due to "mechanical difficulties" with the monorail in the MK station. Like @TheMouseFan (and others of you) I began to fret knowing we would now be late for our reservation....not to mention wanting to get those cherished "empty Main Street" photos thanks to our pre-park opening ADR.

Despite being time crunched, we still had to stop for a picture.

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So excited to be having breakfast at Crystal Palace again!

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I think there must be something (other than sugar!) in Pooh's Puffed French Toast that makes it addictive. So good. Better than Entenmann's chocolate donuts good! Left to my own devices, I would probably stuff myself with PPFT and end up like Violet Beauregarde (of Willy Wonka fame.) :jawdrop:

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Piglet was the first to stop by and visit.
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Followed quickly by Eeyore.
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Our corner table next to the French doors allowed us to watch the "sea of humanity" hurry towards Fantasyland when the park opened. One minute Main Street was empty, the next it looked like a giant wave rushing through. So fun to watch!

Willy nilly silly old bear!
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Last, but certainly not least, TIGGER!
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Double like for everything in this post!!

Pooh's puffed French toast and Tigger RULE!! :)

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