Trip Report Whoa, Wait a Minute......Weren't You JUST There??!! *COMPLETED*

Hi, my name is Tuvalu and I am a Disneyholic.

(Go on, respond "Hi Tuvalu." I'll wait.)

My last trip to WDW was June 4-12, 2016. Before that May 3-8, 2016. Before that April 3-9, 2016. And my first trip of 2016 was February 18-22. If you are curious about those trip reports, they can be found here:

February ~ (Written by my DDD ~ Darling Disney Daughter :p)
April ~
May ~

In the interest of full disclosure, I have three more trips planned for 2016 ~ July, October and December.

Can't. Stop. Going.

It is never my intention to be boastful about my vacation frequency. I am very aware of how fortunate I am. If not for the good friends I have made on this site, I would not be posting trip reports at all. So a big thank you to all who have encouraged and supported me. Your kindness means a lot.

Now, on with our most recent adventure!

The deets:
Cast ~ Tuvalu, Woody and Em
Date ~ June 4-12, 2016
Resorts ~ Port Orleans French Quarter & Polynesian Village


Did we have fun? You betcha! Even Tropical Storm Colin couldn't dampen our joy :D.

Stay tuned....


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It was now time for lunch. Time to go to Liberty Tree Tavern for the third time in as many months. :D

The lobby was crazy packed. We waited about 10 minutes before our name was called. Our hostess said, "I hope you've got your walking shoes on!" We followed her up the two steps and she stopped, grinned, and pointed at the very first table.


We were seated in the John Paul Jones room, "room" being a loosely-defined term. ;)

Em and I shared the Pilgrim's Feast.

Woody had the New England Pot Roast.

And the real reason we come to Liberty Tree Tavern ~

Woody and I split this. Em didn't want any. :jawdrop:

And to prove to all my friends here that the menu price for Ooey Gooey cake still hasn't been corrected:


Yes, we were charged $8. AGAIN. I pointed out the discrepancy to our server and asked to speak to the manager. She was gone a long time and returned with an adjusted bill reflecting a 50-cent credit. She added that the manager was "too busy" to speak to me. I decided against making a fuss and we left to use our third FP.

For all you Big Thunder Mountain lovers!

Why is Em squinting? THE SUN WAS OUT!!! Sun, glorious sun! And I heard the pool calling my name! Time to return to the Poly!


Premium Member
When they built Storybook Circus at Fantasyland, I avoided that area due to the hideous crowding. However, I do miss one of my favorite coasters--Goofy's Barnstormer. I know it's considered "tame" and it's the shortest coaster in WDW, but there's just something about it that made me laugh the entire ride each time!

Regarding the incorrect price on the menu, that's really bad, and wouldn't be allowed to continue in other restaurants elsewhere (outside of WDW). :banghead:

Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
(@Doc Disney, notice Em's Lilly sunglasses strap!)

I need to get this! It looks like a necklace! Also, my parents and I were at the opening for Petes Silly Side Show this last trip and there was no knocking on the door or characters in the opening :(
Oh that Dooney looks so cute! My sister got the Haunted Mansion one which I like....ah I can feel myself getting dragged into liking them...and prob buying one haha


Well-Known Member
I need to get this! It looks like a necklace! Also, my parents and I were at the opening for Petes Silly Side Show this last trip and there was no knocking on the door or characters in the opening :(
Oh that Dooney looks so cute! My sister got the Haunted Mansion one which I like....ah I can feel myself getting dragged into liking them...and prob buying one haha
Don't resist...come to the dark side!!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member

That is a gorgeous photo! Almost looks like a painting.

As we sat, the man next to me decided to become my very best friend. The conversation began pleasantly enough, but I soon realized that the oversized beer in his hand was not his first. Or even his second. Or third. He became a little miffed at me when I would not stand up for the wave....all 4 times. But he would laugh it off and keep talking to me anyway. Emily took secret pleasure in the fact that drunk dude was not talking to her.

Karma, making you and Em even with regard to strange stranger encounters.:)

Liberty Tree food looks very good, especially the OGTC! Can't get over that they let that menu error linger. I wonder how many people even notice.


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As we waited...and waited...and waited for the monorail, I watched the sun dart back behind the clouds. The operating delays with the monorail have reached ridiculous proportions. You'd think that Disney would want to keep the monorail -- a quintessential Disney icon -- well maintained. Sadly, that is not the case. :(

We made it back to the room just before Woody's next teleconference. Em gave the now-cloudy skies a quick glance and decided her time would be better spent doing schoolwork. Me? I was on a mission to try out the Oasis pool and spa! This was now our second stay at the Poly since the new pool opened and gosh-darn it I was going swimming!

I got a full 20 minutes. (At least Buddy the Elf got a full 40 minutes! :cool:)

But that 20 minutes included the walk to the pool, getting towels, finding a chair and putting down my stuff. So it was more like 10 minutes of in-the-water time before the boom of thunder sounded and the pool was closed. I managed to make it into Hawaii before the big raindrops began to fall.

I didn't want to disturb the worker bees in our room so I sat on the balcony, thinking the storm might pass through quickly and I could return to the pool. After over 2 hours of steady rain (curse you, Colin!) I gave up, went inside and took a shower.

Thankfully, it was nearing the magical hour for Ku U Leis...and I really needed one. Or two. Maybe three (hey, the glasses are small, don't judge!)


The mango salsa for the chicken quesadillas was really good!

Em went with Chardonnay tonight. She found it paired perfectly with her favorite Boursin cheese.



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As we noshed on our first plate of appetizers, we tossed around a few ideas on how we should spend our evening. Em had been craving a chocolate shake, but there was no availability at any of our go-to places for shakes. A little research on Em's phone revealed that the new Ample Hills Creamery on the Boardwalk served shakes. We agreed to give it a try!

But what about dinner? Remember I mentioned the yummy mango salsa? Well, we had to have more...which required more chicken quesadillas. And the spring rolls were quite tasty. As was the pita and hummus. Em can never get enough of the Boursin cheese. The veggies were fresh and crisp and there were two varieties of cheese cubes to put on different types of crackers....

Before we knew it, we had consumed enough food to qualify as dinner! :hungry:

Then, armed with our umbrellas (cause we learned our lesson!), we set off on our evening adventure ~ boat to MK, bus to Boardwalk, walk to Ample Hills.

The bus from MK to Boardwalk was direct ~ no sharing with another resort! (Not sure if it is this way all the time, or just for the busy summer season.)

The loss of Seashore Sweets isn't really a loss at all. Ample Hills is beautiful!




Having just had Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake at lunch, it was only fitting to sample Ooey Gooey Butter Cake Ice Cream. The servers are happy to give you a taste of whatever flavor you'd like to try. The Ooey Gooey was rich and smooth, but lacking in a Tuvalu necessity...chocolate! The dark chocolate had caught my eye so I opted for that in my small cup. (Two cup sizes to choose from, small or large.) It wasn't until after I'd gotten my ice cream that I learned that two flavors can fit in a small cup. Next time I'm going for dark chocolate and Ooey Gooey Butter Cake...cause I have a feeling that combination would be out of this world!!


Dark chocolate for me, PB Wins the Cup (vanilla with peanut butter cups) for Woody.

And the chocolate shake of Em's dreams ~


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There is no seating inside Ample Hills Creamery, but there are tables and benches on the Boardwalk. We found an open table right outside the door. It was a beautiful night to enjoy our ice cream al fresco ~ the afternoon storm had caused the temperature to drop and there was a cool breeze blowing. (Perhaps Colin was apologizing for his earlier fury? ;))

Enjoy these stunning sunset shots courtesy of Em ~





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We decided to take advantage of the delightful breeze and stroll over to Epcot.



We leisurely walked through the park enjoying the ambiance.


We continued towards the park exit to catch the monorail. Due to Colin's unpredictability, we did not stay for Illuminations. We have gotten caught in the rain watching Illuminations before and it is NOT FUN!

It was dessert and cordial time in the club lounge when we arrived back at the Poly. Still full from our ice cream treats, we passed on more nonessential calories :p. Em and I did watch Wishes from the lounge ~ it's *almost* as good as watching from the beach.


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When they built Storybook Circus at Fantasyland, I avoided that area due to the hideous crowding. However, I do miss one of my favorite coasters--Goofy's Barnstormer. I know it's considered "tame" and it's the shortest coaster in WDW, but there's just something about it that made me laugh the entire ride each time!

Try hitting the Barnstormer first thing in the morning. Em and I could have ridden it multiple times in a row if we'd wanted to.


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Karma, making you and Em even with regard to strange stranger encounters.:)

OMG you're right...I hadn't thought of that!! :joyfull:

Regarding the incorrect price on the menu, that's really bad, and wouldn't be allowed to continue in other restaurants elsewhere (outside of WDW). :banghead:

Can't get over that they let that menu error linger. I wonder how many people even notice.

My point exactly! I'm sure it is a case of Disney not wanting to be bothered to reprint the menus, probably because most people wouldn't notice. But it's wrong, and even if the price gets adjusted on the bill after a guest complains, it's still wrong.


Premium Member
As we noshed on our first plate of appetizers, we tossed around a few ideas on how we should spend our evening. Em had been craving a chocolate shake, but there was no availability at any of our go-to places for shakes. A little research on Em's phone revealed that the new Ample Hills Creamery on the Boardwalk served shakes. We agreed to give it a try!

But what about dinner? Remember I mentioned the yummy mango salsa? Well, we had to have more...which required more chicken quesadillas. And the spring rolls were quite tasty. As was the pita and hummus. Em can never get enough of the Boursin cheese. The veggies were fresh and crisp and there were two varieties of cheese cubes to put on different types of crackers....

Before we knew it, we had consumed enough food to qualify as dinner! :hungry:

Then, armed with our umbrellas (cause we learned our lesson!), we set off on our evening adventure ~ boat to MK, bus to Boardwalk, walk to Ample Hills.

The bus from MK to Boardwalk was direct ~ no sharing with another resort! (Not sure if it is this way all the time, or just for the busy summer season.)
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The loss of Seashore Sweets isn't really a loss at all. Ample Hills is beautiful!

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Having just had Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake at lunch, it was only fitting to sample Ooey Gooey Butter Cake Ice Cream. The servers are happy to give you a taste of whatever flavor you'd like to try. The Ooey Gooey was rich and smooth, but lacking in a Tuvalu necessity...chocolate! The dark chocolate had caught my eye so I opted for that in my small cup. (Two cup sizes to choose from, small or large.) It wasn't until after I'd gotten my ice cream that I learned that two flavors can fit in a small cup. Next time I'm going for dark chocolate and Ooey Gooey Butter Cake...cause I have a feeling that combination would be out of this world!!

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Dark chocolate for me, PB Wins the Cup (vanilla with peanut butter cups) for Woody.

And the chocolate shake of Em's dreams ~
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I'm glad to hear another good review of Ample Hills. It was on our list to try, but we never made it, next time maybe!


Premium Member
There is no seating inside Ample Hills Creamery, but there are tables and benches on the Boardwalk. We found an open table right outside the door. It was a beautiful night to enjoy our ice cream al fresco ~ the afternoon storm had caused the temperature to drop and there was a cool breeze blowing

Now that is the time to go there when the sun goes down. I also sat outside at one of those little red tables the day I went (back in May--it had only been open a few days then), but it was very hot out with direct sunlight. Ice cream was melting rapidly (thank God I got it in a cup--no cone). Really wished they had built out that shop so that at least some small tables would be available inside, in the air conditioning.

I enjoyed Ample, but wasn't overly thrilled with it either. (Oddly enough, I think that the ice cream shop on Main Street USA is still probably my favorite.) :hungry: And I always find seating just around the corner, in the direction of Tomorrowland.


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Friday, June 10

I want to begin this post to again encourage all you planners ~ it IS possible to completely change your itinerary for the day and score same-day hard-to-get FPs and ADRs. :)

This was supposed to be an Epcot day. I had booked our FPs. For months I had been trying to get a Beaches and Cream ADR for lunch, figuring we could take a mid-day touring break. (Tangierine Cafe was my back-up plan.) I even tried for a Beaches & Cream ADR last night, thinking surely there might be a cancellation now that it was within 24 hours. Nope....nada.

But when I awakened this morning, I was SO HAPPY that I didn't get that Beaches ADR and find ourselves locked into our Epcot plan (because I am not willing to pay a no-show fee for a meal we don't eat.) What was the reason for my happiness?

SUN!! :cool: And a quick glance at the Weather Channel app that revealed a zero percent chance of precipitation until mid-afternoon.


At breakfast we discussed options for the afternoon/evening. We picked a park, got fastpasses and a ressie for dinner (you'll have to keep reading to learn what we did ;).) Then Em and I changed into our swimsuits and headed for the Lava pool. Poor Woody had work to do in the morning but would join us for lunch.

Happy feet lounging by the pool at last!

No in-the-water pics cause we don' have a cool waterproof camera like @Doc Disney! We picked the Lava pool for the morning since the noisy pool party games don't start until afternoon. The pool has a "relaxation shelf" in the deeper end that Em and I enjoy sitting on (though we miss the water that used to flow into the pool in that area.) Pure bliss! :inlove:


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You can sure work up an appetite hanging out at the pool! :p When Woody arrived, we were HUN-GRY. I offered to get our lunch from the Oasis Bar and Grill.


I didn't think food from the Oasis could be delivered to guests at the Lava pool. I was wrong! Oh well, lesson learned for next time.

Em had the grilled chicken avocado wrap and fries. She declared it yummy!

Woody and I had the Kalua pork sliders, one with green cabbage slaw and the other with fries. We both agreed the sliders were a bit dry and could have used some BBQ sauce....the slaw on top of the pork really didn't give the sliders enough moisture.


After eating, the three of us went into the pool (no, we did not wait the recommended 30 minutes! :joyfull:) We stayed in the water until loud music indicated the start of the pool party. Then we packed up our things and moved to the quiet pool.


Happy feet lounging by the Oasis pool!

It was hot and we needed some refreshment. Em had not yet had her favorite tropical libation ~ an Island Sunset. The Tambu Lounge is the only place that serves it. However, the bartender at the Oasis said he used to work in the Tambu Lounge and thought he could recreate one for her. Em said the concoction was good, though not *exactly* an Island Sunset. She didn't drink alone....Woody had a Kona Longboard and I had a Pina Colada. (No pictures, I forgot!)

Shortly thereafter we returned to our room for showers and preparation for the remainder of the day. This surprise greeted us:


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
Perhaps they mixed up their restaurant locations/directions notes prior to going to Sanaa, and thought that they were actually in the location for Cosmic Ray's . . . ? ;) :rolleyes:

As seasoned as I am for Disney I was staying at the Portifino at Uni the first time. We arrived at noon famished and checked into a very nice upgraded suite for a school board convention I was attending (my family tagged along for free room) miserable problems with booking that also afforded me 2 5 day free passes to the parks. The hotel took care of their transgressions many many times over that trip.
White glove service. Something I have seen slip at Disney when they mess up badly.

Anywho, we darted into a QS restaurant at the Portifino and I was beyond overwhelmed by the cost. My costs were covered but my families was not. It was beyond ouch and the food was marginal at best. I was near panic for what the 5 days was going to cost in food. I whipped out my laptop back in the room and regrouped. I quickly found a spot for breakfast at the Portifino that fit my per diem and my family budget. Then found very acceptable prices at the parks and City Walk for nice meals.

I just wasn't prepared for the cost of some of dining at the upscale Portifino venues. This made me quickly realize that many first time guests at Disney do not realize that much research is needed for a successful trip to Disney within their budgets. My friends, long time neighbors came home from Disney after 5 days and it was to be a 2 week trip. Overwhelmed by the cost. They just got back in the truck and came home. I felt so bad for them. They never returned. Many just don't get how expensive Orlando is collectively their first go around. I can't think of any destination I've traveled to that required so much planning and education to travel to that Orlando does.


Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
So unnecessary and frustrating!!

Whatever happened to common sense? Pulling out someone's cash to check for what? Screeners don't rifle through men's wallets. It made me so mad!

I've only filed one complaint in the decades I've traveled to Disney. I think rifling through my cash might have been #2. Retraining seemed to have been in order for that CM.

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