Well said! I find no problem in it either...It's all in fun. Why come off as being bitter and overly critical of something that's a playful part of the whole sport?
Not bitter at all, nor was it sour grapes.
I am happy for the Saints', really I am.
It was the fact that I said something along the lines of "good job Saint's but I still can't stand that Who Dat chant" and I got a whole load of "if you are not from the area you would not understand" and "Who dat embodies the spirit of the team from NO" and "we are like no other team" and "we struggled so hard and overcame so much" blah blah blah.
1) New Orleans is no more and no less special than any other place. Really.
2) The Saint's are a football team. Many never even grew up in NO. Most of them even played for some other team at some time (as with almost all NFL players)
3) I can pretty much be sure that none of the football players were overcomming the flooding, looting, poverty, and loss. Heck, Shockey wasn't even down there, he was up here with the Giants (although I have never personaly met the man, people who have talked with him do say he is a very nice guy)
So thats about it. The Saint's won the Super Bowl. So have many other teams. All have their special stories, there hurdles they have overcome, and their rabid fans. Thats one of the reasons I love football. I realize it's the first one for the Saints, so I am sure that gets everyone's lather up. But the fact that I am not from NO does not mean I 'magicaly' don't get the "who dat". I don't like it - period. If you do, then good for you. But when I make a simple post like
"Good for the Saint's on a hard fought win, but I still find the Who Dat chant annoying"
and I get responses of
"you would not understand as you are not from here, we are proud of who dat" Who Dat Who Dat Who Dat Who Dat Who Dat Who Dat Who Dat Who Dat Who Dat
well, thats about it.
I think I have had enought of the whole who dat discussion. So, good on you Saints. Enjoy it while it lasts.