For anyone so inclined, I'd like to ask for prayers for my friend's daughter. She was assaulted a week or so ago. She went to a karaoke night and some guy kept flirting with her and offering to buy her drinks, which she declined. Then he went to the bathroom and handed her his wallet and told her to order them both drinks, which she did not. When he came back, he accused her of stealing his money, and created a large enough scene to get them both kicked out, which I think was probably his plan and how the employees didn't see through it, I don't know. But when she walked out, two girls who she didn't know, thought something was off and they followed her out. They checked on her and as she was upset, they were about to call her mom, when the guy jumped out from between two vehicles and threw one of the girls down and kicked her and stomped on her. Then he punched my friend's daughter in the face and knocked her out cold. The two girls were able to get between him and my friend's daughter, and he attacked them, knocking them over on top of her, at which point he was pulling their hair and punching them. A bouncer came out and broke it up, called the police and an ambulance. The man was arrested and I guess he did admit to assaulting all three girls. Em was taken to the hospital and I guess she was unconscious almost all the way there. She doesn't remember anything until she woke up in the ambulance. They did a CT scan and didn't find any broken bones, but she had a concussion and a laceration in the inside of her cheek that caused an infection. She has had surgery to repair that. Apparently the two girls were fine other than being shaken up, but I hope they got checked out by a doctor since he was punching and kicking them, too. Poor Em looks like she has a softball stuck in her cheek. There were two guys standing outside who watched the whole thing and did nothing to help. It doesn't even sound like they called the police or anything. Just watched like it was entertainment. Makes me sick. But prayers and/or good thoughts for Em's recovery and to bless those two heroic girls that they are watched over and protected would be appreciated.