I didn't watch it, but saw all the news this morning. My thoughts...There was a lot of self-deprecating humour in last night's presentation. It's like they know they've messed up bad, acknowledges it, and are committed to righting the ship. I actually have a ton of confidence that most, if not all, will get built. The degree of value engineering remains to be seen.
I was live chatting on Telegram with another member last night, and we were stoked ... although he HATES the idea of Carsland. When Bestie came home from a concert (seriously who goes to a concert on D23 night?!?), she was 211 messages behind.
And that intro by Patrick was brilliant!
- Villains Land, yes!!!
- Monsters Inc Land, I'll gladly take it, but do we really need more thrill rides at Hollywood Studios, or do we need family friendly rides with high capacity?
- Cars, I'll take it, but I absolutely hate that it's a part of Frontierland. Frontierland is supposed to be themed to the old west. Last I checked, cars were not part of that era.
- Tropical Americas, yes, but I wish they would have built it as a new land and redone Dinoland. The dinosaur theme has such great potential, but it was executed so poorly.
- Nighttime parade, YES!!!!!!! But I hope it's better than their recent track record on nighttime shows.
- Test Track, we already knew this was happening, but it was so needed. TT was super outdated, and 2.0 was never that entertaining.
- New Smuggler's Run scenes, meh.
- Lounges, meh.
- Zootopia show, meh, but A Bug's Life needed replacing.
I've never been to another Disney park or on cruises, so I don't have any opinions on that.