Where in the World Isn't Bob Saget?


Well-Known Member
No interest from me. (Also, as a hunch, I think it's going to confuse a lot of people with their regular brand. Might create a few issues from a customer satisfaction end, when some folks assume they can also get all the traditional McD's items, at one of these "new" CosMc's.) IMO, I don't think that the over 30/under 30 analogy has anything to do with this. 🤷‍♀️
I don't go to McDonald's to begin with but they should have kept the McDonald's name out of it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure this has been going to a while but it's never been so bad where I noticed it before. But walking while reading the phone or texting has got to stop.

Like a person texting walking the street and getting hit by a car. Most likely it will be the drivers fault so people will continue to do it anyway.


Well-Known Member
So far Disney has sent me:

a new trailer for Snow White, Musfasa and Moana 2

Snow White looks horrible. The Queen is far prettier than Snow White.
Musfasa looks like it could go either way....though I hate Disney calling another animated movie 'live action'
Moana 2 looks good. As long as there is no disco crab. I'm good.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure this has been going to a while but it's never been so bad where I noticed it before. But walking while reading the phone or texting has got to stop.

Like a person texting walking the street and getting hit by a car. Most likely it will be the drivers fault so people will continue to do it anyway.
And their headstone will read "BUT I HAD THE RIGHT OF WAY".


Well-Known Member
No interest from me. (Also, as a hunch, I think it's going to confuse a lot of people with their regular brand. Might create a few issues from a customer satisfaction end, when some folks assume they can also get all the traditional McD's items, at one of these "new" CosMc's.) IMO, I don't think that the over 30/under 30 analogy has anything to do with this. 🤷‍♀️
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I did not feel strongly about my opinion. Your analysis may very well be correct.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
And their headstone will read "BUT I HAD THE RIGHT OF WAY".
That’s funny. As a kid, my mom always told me to yield the right of way to a car. Her exact words - “It’s no good being right, if you’re dead”.

Other moms would say “Look both ways before crossing the street”, or “Only cross at the corner”. Not mine.

It’s no good being right, if you’re dead. It actually applies to more than being a pedestrian.


Well-Known Member
That’s funny. As a kid, my mom always told me to yield the right of way to a car. Her exact words - “It’s no good being right, if you’re dead”.

Other moms would say “Look both ways before crossing the street”, or “Only cross at the corner”. Not mine.

It’s no good being right, if you’re dead. It actually applies to more than being a pedestrian.
I've always told my kids you have to be GIVEN right of way. You can't just take it. Never assume a car is going to stop for you just because you have the right of way. The right of way does no good if you are in the hospital or dead. I'd rather give up my right of way than my life.


Premium Member
I'm sure this has been going to a while but it's never been so bad where I noticed it before. But walking while reading the phone or texting has got to stop.

Like a person texting walking the street and getting hit by a car. Most likely it will be the drivers fault so people will continue to do it anyway.
Yesterday, I was driving along a road and I saw a guy walking his two dogs (on leashes), and he was also staring down at his phone while walking. I just KNEW he was going to step off the sidewalk into the street without looking . . . and he did.

I stopped, and he looked up (duh . . . ) and because he stopped short, his dogs were all confused and wrapped themselves around each other -- in a mangled up knot of leashes, etc. :p

He ended up waving me by, as he needed to figure out how to rescue himself and the dogs from the leash knots! :hilarious:


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I was driving along a road and I saw a guy walking his two dogs (on leashes), and he was also staring down at his phone while walking. I just KNEW he was going to step off the sidewalk into the street without looking . . . and he did.

I stopped, and he looked up (duh . . . ) and because he stopped short, his dogs were all confused and wrapped themselves around each other -- in a mangled up knot of leashes, etc. :p

He ended up waving me by, as he needed to figure out how to rescue himself and the dogs from the leash knots! :hilarious:
The last time I had to get my blood drawn, I was biking to the hospital (that's where the lab is) and had several people being idiots that I had to adjust for. There was someone coming from the opposite direction that was in my lane of the bike bath and I had to slam on my brakes and swerve to avoid hitting them....and that was a motorbike, so that would have been nasty. Then some guy walked out into the street without looking, so I had to slam on my brakes again...he apologized and said it was really stupid of him. And then in the last stretch some car pulled out in front of me where I was supposed to have the right-of-way, but I had been looking at him and he hadn't looked at all, so I kind of assumed he wasn't going to stop. I was prepared to stop, and I did...I don't think he ever even noticed I was there as he gave no indication that he had almost run me over. I don't know what it was that day...kept me on my toes, I guess. I kind of always assume other people are stupid, and even if I have the right-of-way, I wait until I see the person look at me and they actually slow down before I go. Too many people are lost in their own little worlds and don't pay as much attention as they should. Add in cell phones and it's just a recipe for disaster.

I'm curious....a BIG problem here right now is fatbikes. Do you have them there or is that just here? Police and EMTs are begging for age restrictions and helmet laws, and even possibly licenses. E-bikes have been popular here for a few years and there was already an increase in the number and severity of accidents because they go faster. But the fat bikes are RIDICULOUS, and it seems that the majority of people riding them are 10-25 year olds, and these young kids are just not equipped to handle them. They don't have the insight or experience to be driving in traffic and they do stupid things. I was riding my bike home from work and this kid was coming from the opposite direction and he was turned all the way around looking at something behind him, and I had to shout to him to watch where he was going because he was drifting into my lane. He mouthed off to me, and as I got past him, what he was looking at was what appeared to be a fatbike accident with I assume friends of his. There was a car stopped, 2 kids about 11 years old standing next to the fatbike, and a woman/girl on the ground. There were enough bystanders already there that I didn't stop because they didn't need more people gawking, so I don't know for sure what happened, but it looked like maybe someone had been pulling out of a parking spot and ran into the woman/girl who was maybe with the boys....there were a couple of fatbikes there in any case. Apparently it's easy to do something to make the fatbikes go faster, which is illegal, but people do it anyway. So now there's a public push for safety regulations to at least keep kids off of them. I was just wondering if that was a problem there, too.


Premium Member
I'm sure this has been going to a while but it's never been so bad where I noticed it before. But walking while reading the phone or texting has got to stop.

Like a person texting walking the street and getting hit by a car. Most likely it will be the drivers fault so people will continue to do it anyway.

I hear you. There is an obligation to stop here as soon as the pedestrian enters the crosswalk (unless against a red light but we have tons of crosswalks where there are no stoplights) so it is not uncommon for idiots to do so without looking.

I was taught to never step into the crosswalk unless you’ve made eye contact with the driver.


Premium Member
The last time I had to get my blood drawn, I was biking to the hospital (that's where the lab is) and had several people being idiots that I had to adjust for. There was someone coming from the opposite direction that was in my lane of the bike bath and I had to slam on my brakes and swerve to avoid hitting them....and that was a motorbike, so that would have been nasty. Then some guy walked out into the street without looking, so I had to slam on my brakes again...he apologized and said it was really stupid of him. And then in the last stretch some car pulled out in front of me where I was supposed to have the right-of-way, but I had been looking at him and he hadn't looked at all, so I kind of assumed he wasn't going to stop. I was prepared to stop, and I did...I don't think he ever even noticed I was there as he gave no indication that he had almost run me over. I don't know what it was that day...kept me on my toes, I guess. I kind of always assume other people are stupid, and even if I have the right-of-way, I wait until I see the person look at me and they actually slow down before I go. Too many people are lost in their own little worlds and don't pay as much attention as they should. Add in cell phones and it's just a recipe for disaster.

I'm curious....a BIG problem here right now is fatbikes. Do you have them there or is that just here? Police and EMTs are begging for age restrictions and helmet laws, and even possibly licenses. E-bikes have been popular here for a few years and there was already an increase in the number and severity of accidents because they go faster. But the fat bikes are RIDICULOUS, and it seems that the majority of people riding them are 10-25 year olds, and these young kids are just not equipped to handle them. They don't have the insight or experience to be driving in traffic and they do stupid things. I was riding my bike home from work and this kid was coming from the opposite direction and he was turned all the way around looking at something behind him, and I had to shout to him to watch where he was going because he was drifting into my lane. He mouthed off to me, and as I got past him, what he was looking at was what appeared to be a fatbike accident with I assume friends of his. There was a car stopped, 2 kids about 11 years old standing next to the fatbike, and a woman/girl on the ground. There were enough bystanders already there that I didn't stop because they didn't need more people gawking, so I don't know for sure what happened, but it looked like maybe someone had been pulling out of a parking spot and ran into the woman/girl who was maybe with the boys....there were a couple of fatbikes there in any case. Apparently it's easy to do something to make the fatbikes go faster, which is illegal, but people do it anyway. So now there's a public push for safety regulations to at least keep kids off of them. I was just wondering if that was a problem there, too.
Guess we all gotta be on our toes around traffic, whether walking, driving or biking.

Haven't noticed any issue with fatbikes around here. I've seen them used on dirt trails in wooded areas, but that's about it. Anyone who wants a faster bike for daily riding or commuting, has bought an E-bike. But even with those, there's not exactly a ton of them around, that I've seen.


Premium Member
Apparently it's easy to do something to make the fatbikes go faster, which is illegal, but people do it anyway. So now there's a public push for safety regulations to at least keep kids off of them. I was just wondering if that was a problem there, too.

We have a problem here with e-scooters and e-bikes getting the speed limitation removed, but the police will occasionally set up roadblocks for them, test the speed and confiscate any that go above the legal limits. Schools start up again in a week, so I anticipate that this sort of exercise will get carried out in the next few weeks.


Premium Member
I was taught to never step into the crosswalk unless you’ve made eye contact with the driver.
The other day, when the man stepped out into the street without looking, he was approximately 15 feet from the actual crosswalk. Apparently, since his head was in his phone, he must have thought he already had reached the crosswalk? :rolleyes:

Also, interesting to note, the city recently installed yellow pulsing lights at this specific crosswalk, because of the heavy traffic in the area. So even with that added safety measure to alert drivers, it still didn't stop the guy from not looking where he was going!


Well-Known Member
I hear you. There is an obligation to stop here as soon as the pedestrian enters the crosswalk (unless against a red light but we have tons of crosswalks where there are no stoplights) so it is not uncommon for idiots to do so without looking.

I was taught to never step into the crosswalk unless you’ve made eye contact with the driver.

As my 91-year-old Pop has always said…
“Having the right-of-way doesn’t make you any less dead.” ;)


Well-Known Member
Guess we all gotta be on our toes around traffic, whether walking, driving or biking.

Haven't noticed any issue with fatbikes around here. I've seen them used on dirt trails in wooded areas, but that's about it. Anyone who wants a faster bike for daily riding or commuting, has bought an E-bike. But even with those, there's not exactly a ton of them around, that I've seen.
I'm guessing it's a larger issue here because this is a biking country. Most people use bikes as their daily transportation and we have bike paths everywhere to make that possible. They really want to incentivise biking rather than driving, so bikes basically have their own roads, and there's bike parking EVERYWHERE. Go to a school, train station, shopping center, any day of the week and there will be hundreds of bikes. So I guess we probably have much more bike traffic in general than most US cities. But the problem here seems to be that it's a very particular demographic that is riding the fatbikes, and it's mostly young people who really should NOT be riding them because they go way too fast and have very poor judgement. For example, I saw two teenage girls, no helmets, zooming by on one that was obviously bypassed with the speed limitations, and the driver was using her phone while she was speeding down the street. Bypassing the speed limits is illegal, biking with a phone in your hand is illegal, and while there are no laws yet, they definitely should have been wearing helmets, ER doctors are seeing MUCH more serious accidents now, and more of them, and it's usually someone under 16 on a fatbike that caused it. But because they are relatively new, there hasn't been time to pass legislation to restrict age or require helmets, etc.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I missed an alert (which is pretty on brand for me, I guess), so here are my thoughts about a couple topics:

- Jealous of the D23 event!

- I am under 30 (though I'm less than a year out from that), and I would not visit a CosMcs. I'm not a Starbucks type of person. I don't drink coffee or anything like that. I don't think expensive drinks are worth it. Also, if I'm going to get breakfast at a fast food place, it's going to be the original McDonalds. That's about the only food that's good there and worth the price.

- I was always taught "look both ways before you cross the street". As a pedestrian, I assume that crossing in a crosswalk that traffic should stop, as long as you've gotten there with enough time for the driver to see. Granted, that doesn't always happen, so you have to wait at the edge of the crosswalk and make sure the car stops before you proceed. If you're not in a crosswalk, you need to wait until all traffic is clear.


Well-Known Member
So I walked in my local Stop and Flop (real name is Stop and Shop) thinking about making something, I haven't bought a stick of butter in forever.

This was almost $8. Didn't get it obviously. It's like Jesus, when did that go up so high. I should have went to Aldi but I go shopping way too early for Aldi.



When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I don't tend to follow all the proposals. Until spades are in ground I'll take it all with a pinch of salt ( main street theatre anyone ?)
There was a lot of self-deprecating humour in last night's presentation. It's like they know they've messed up bad, acknowledges it, and are committed to righting the ship. I actually have a ton of confidence that most, if not all, will get built. The degree of value engineering remains to be seen.

I was live chatting on Telegram with another member last night, and we were stoked ... although he HATES the idea of Carsland. When Bestie came home from a concert (seriously who goes to a concert on D23 night?!?), she was 211 messages behind.

And that intro by Patrick was brilliant!

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