Premium Member
I have really got to get myself out to see that. I saw the original Inside Out when it first came out and (I know I'm going to get shot for this) all the way through it my imagination went wild as to how neat that would be to fill in the gap in either the ride or the empty movie theater or both at Imagination with that property. Bright colors, entertaining and informative narrative and could have endless possibilities to fill that pavilion with life again. I don't know how they can keep Figment alive unless they use it as a theme to open the second floor again. Anything is better than the current Imagination display.
Inside Out 2 is pretty good, I think you would enjoy it especially if you liked the first one. I can see your point of imagining how well Inside Out characters could amp of the Imagination pavilion, I think there is a lot of potential in an Inside Out attraction (and not the flyer style one at California Adventure). I wouldn't want to see Figment leave the Imagination pavilion though. I think they should bring back the old Wonders of Life building and do something about the body again using the Inside Out characters.