Some more details about my trip...
I leave next Sunday. On Saturday, I'm at a friend's wedding. So if I don't get back home early enough on Sunday, there's a possibility we might wait and leave on Monday. The plan is to be on the road by 1pm on Sunday.
It's only my parents, brother, SIL, and me this time. No aunts, uncles, or cousins like the past few trips.
My dad and I are driving down and staying at Pop for a couple nights. Then the rest will fly down, and we'll stay at Coronado for a few nights before switching to Riverside for a week. Travel days included, it will be about a two week trip. It'll be about 10 days if you don't count travel days.
We are doing the DHS After Hours again, and we are seeing Drawn to Life, the Cirque du Soleil show at DS. We've never seen it before. We never saw La Nouba either.
My whole family is doing the following dining reservations... Boma breakfast and Biergarten lunch. My dad and I are doing Ale & Compass lunch and Homecomin' lunch, too.
I'm not sure whether I should do a TR or just post in here. I don't want to clog up this thread, but I've also never done a real TR "out there". If anyone has any thoughts or preferences, please let me know!