You were fed a line of crap from your "buddy". He might have been telling you about where he went to when on R&R. I'd appreciate it if you would stop spreading misinformation about something you didn't experience. It has been tough enough getting acceptance over the years about those of us that spent a significant chunk of our lives in danger that we couldn't escape without you making it sound like a country club. There sometimes were swimming pools that no one had time to go to, but not everywhere, nightclubs if that's what you wanted to call a NCO club on base where you could go and try and forget where you were via alcohol, a basketball net nailed to a electrical pole could have been called a basketball court, I guess, dining options were the chow hall, (in there you had the option of deciding if you wanted string beans or corn and beef or chicken) C-rations or candy bars at the base commissary. Not exactly gourmet dining. Massage parlors if you went outside the base, where the military goes so follow the worlds oldest profession. Sometimes they made "house calls" and wandered on base where the traded their favors (Including Brand X VD) for a box of Tide detergent. Tennis courts again it was 110 degrees in the shade in S. Vietnam, not exactly ideal climate for tennis, I never saw one of those and if I had anyone using one was probably trying to get a Section 8 discharge (insanity). Compared to being out in the field I'm sure it seemed like staying at a Hilton. Please stop telling me what was there, I was, you were not.