That's the way I feel about how it has happened. The human race has always been easy to con. Some of it is not harmful, like eating carrots, and some of it was and is harmful.
Except for my time in the service, where they forced fitness upon me, I have been overweight (or as the medical people like to say to further shame us into being thin, "morbidly obese") all my life. Not your 600 lb. life overweight, but above what they like to call healthy. I know that it really means that we eat to much and not always healthily about that they are right. At my age it is dangerous to make statements like this but all the people I knew, my age, that have passed away, were slim and trim, some in their 50's, yet I still am alive. Kinda makes one wonder.
I don't believe in being stuck on one thing, like no carbs, unless it helps to control Type II diabetes, is all that healthy. I have a daughter that is strictly no carb isn't thinner (she's not anything other than middle age fluffy) but she is sick all the time has colds every other week and has no energy/stamina. In other words any extreme is not good for anyone. Plus it worries me the amount of cholesterol she takes in daily. That to me is more unhealthy than being a little on the large economy size.
I think that I eat relatively healthy, just probably more then is essential. I like somethings and not others but I have been willing to try most everything once. Even went to a buffet once that had pigs ears available. I tried them mostly to gross out my grandson, but it makes those "magically" over sized, taste like ham, Turkey Legs seem like a gourmet meal.
Everyone is different, every body has a built in regulator that makes it easy to be thin or easy to be overweight. My son in law, or human garbage disposal as I call him, makes me faint just watching him and what he eats. They have three mostly grown kids and he will eat his meal and whatever is left over from the kids plates or anything within reach and he, as my mother used to say, "is so thin you can read the lords prayer through him!" Makes me kinda angry because I love to eat and if I did that I would be making money on one of those 600 lb. life programs.