Speaking of setting up classrooms, I get a lot of that over the next few weeks.
Tonight I'm helping my mom in her classroom set up some storage carts.
Tomorrow I'm back in helping my next door teacher friend again. I'll have her help me with a bulletin board, too. It's one I've been wanting to change the past couple years, but has never been at the top of my priority list. So it's always gotten cut off the always lengthy back-to-school to-do list.
Then Thursday I might have to go back up to my mom's room to help her move a bunch of stuff from a storage room she's losing into the storage carts we're building tonight.
I'll take a couple days off from classroom setups next week. I have no plans Monday after summer school. I'll probably just come home and work on some trainings. Then Tuesday I'm meeting up with a student from last year and spending the afternoon with him.
Next week on Wednesday I'll spend a little time after summer school working in my room. Summer school gets out around 11:15, and I have a meeting with our superintendent at 12:30. No, I'm not in trouble. Our salaries have been screwed up the past couple years, so they're correcting them. He's meeting individually with everyone who was affected, so it will actually be a positive for me. But I'll have about an hour to work in my room.
Then next Thursday is our last day of summer school, so I'll be able to start pulling everything out and setting up for the real school year. I don't like to do much more than get furniture in place before summer school ends, since the summer school kids will just mess with it. I was supposed to have a haircut that afternoon, but I rescheduled it to this Thursday instead, so I can stay later next week.
Then the week after that, I'll probably end up in my classroom at least a couple days. That's my last full week off. Technically I have another week after that, but I have three days taken up with trainings and meetings already. So I'm just considering that "back to work". I don't officially start back until August 22-24th.
I didn't intend to give you my life plans for the next month, but it honestly helped me straighten everything out.